For some reason it’s not letting me add you on Discord under that tag. I’m FleshGrafter#3902, you should add me and i’ll get you in our Discord. It’s looking like we’re going to be rolling Whitemane most likely, seems like all the old KT Horde are going that way.
Tam, is that you? I haven’t talked to you in a REALLY long time, how have you been? It’s looking like the old TBMers that we’ve been able to get to come back are probably rolling on Whitemane with the rest of the old KT Horde. You should add me on Discord, I’m FleshGrafter#3902. We’d love to have you on board with us
Dang. It’s the Packeteer. You and Dioz should do a 1v1 dota helmet fest.
Anyone starting any sort of organized guild on Whitemane at launch we can bunch into?
Character: Varik Undead Warrior / Vinlar Undead Warlock
Guild: Kindread
Seeing a lot of familiar names. Might have to check out classic.
Long time no see brother!
Name: Wormed - Undead Rogue
Guild: Horde Gone Wild
Info: looking to connect with anyone from back then! Seems hard to find some of the release players from back when HGW competed against Pacifist for server firsts!
Dyno!!! Whoa man! Where are you rolling??? I’ve been in contact with Montgomery and Torr. Seems like people are rolling Whitemane.
My discord is wormed#1623
Cortez - Mage
Possibly my favorite memories from those days were praying for the shoulder pads each Sulf fight and you re-telling the Disco/Peep/Jolom love story over vent.
What up Thul?
Cencil - Undead Rogue -
Hey everybody.
Super excited to see a ton of names I recognize. I’ll also be rolling on the Whitemane server, and it looks like a ton of classic KT peeps are as well.
Not sure what I’ll be rolling yet, but I’ll be playing Horde and keepin’ an eye out for everyone.
I remember so many of these peeps, looking forward to hanging out with you all again, like Cantare, Taig, Path, Minch, Waffen, etc etc.
Add me on Bnet, I posted my tag up up above QTPie
Someone boot up a Discord server for oldschool KT players to hang out in!
Anyone have contact info for Anger, Warfare, Xenocryst, Villefort, Brocksamson, Brendozer, Taros, or Avarice?
Definitely remember many of the Fortis gents as well.
I think a lot of us were immature kids. Hmm, can’t say I totally remember a “Hey.” But I also recall Fortis and HGW having a pretty tumultuous relationship. Haha.
I was also in Bellum aeternus for a while, Meldrath, Undead warlock. Even though I wasn’t in the “raiding side of the guild” I still raided a bunch. Juzmomma, You, I remember chunky and Genoobi Olgren… Zaud and his sexy voice! What server are you boys headed too?
TTH is still around! We went alli on KT for a few years and missed playing horde so we went to Mal’Ganis.
We have a good amount that are gonna roll classic
Would be awesome for some of the names you listed there to come back. To be honest, I’m not sure if Xena or Taros would ever forgive us for the demise of Horde Gone Wild, though.
Haha! Those were the best times ever.
Woah. This thread makes my head spin.
Hi everyone!