This is Hunney btw <3
What server is the old TBM crew going to be playing on?
Character: Flagg/Taig Troll Shadowpriest (god I hope Im getting the name right its been a minute right? and I dont have that first vanilla account)
Guild: Tribe, ViolentSin
Notable Gimmick: Won the ZG raptor as a troll. Feel a little bad about it in hindsight. (Not that bad)
@Cantare Really happy this forum post seems to work. Been a long time. Hyped to play with you.
@Charne It’s awesome to stumble on you again.
Battletag is Taig#1122 if anyone wants to add. I don’t have a server preference. Would love to play with people from the long ago.
I feel bad I can’t remember more. Like I have amnesia but am excited to recognize familiar faces. It is all positive feelings for anyone who might remember me too. If not don’t feel bad. I clearly barely remember my own name.
Character: Pajama (Orc Rogue)
Guild: Kindread/Fortis
I want to see all you guys… Are we going to Whitemane? Ishamael is coming with me and I’ll FB message Villefort as well. Even though I am a school principal now I will make time to make this happen.
The real question now is… To rogue or not to rogue.
JUNDI!!! You better friend me up pajamajam #1394.
What’s up Faelix. I think it is time to bring back the good old days. Where is the crew playing?
Hey Hey. Original Kindread peeps here to bring the noise. I haven’t heard from any of those guys but I am ready for some classic wow.
Good to see you PJ! Some of my team is currently leaning towards rp-pvp grobbulus but were going to discuss that later today we will probably roll on Whitemane, I miss peanut butter jelly time! I talked to Villefort he didn’t seem too interested in playing, he said he wanted to make a post here but can’t remember his pword
update: were rolling on Bleameaux
Hello All,
Characters: Vhorbis(Troll Hunter), Recyklore(Troll Priest)
Guilds: VIolent Sin, Resurrection
Gonna be following Cantare’s suggestion to go to Whitemane. I’m hoping to see a bunch of people from the past reemerge. Horde and Alliance. Cheers all.
Hey Poyum!
Didn’t we level up my priest with your mage and a third(i think it was a hunter that you knew pretty well)
Hey Path!
Totally remember you joining us on a few raids! I hope you’re well!
Darkthul Orc Rogue member of Kindread Guild, V3rmin # 1294 add me Up if you remember me
im sure you remember me PJ
Of course I do Dark! Are you going to be playing classic? If so what server? Orc Rogues 4 life.
Well lets make it happen again i dont even know what servers will be avalable for PVP yet
They are all released. I hear a lot of KT guys are going Whitemane so I think i’ll plan on being there
Whitemane it is then, can we reserve names now?
Hi Faelix
V3rmin # 1294 is how you can find me
You can reserve names tomorrow I believe. What do you plan on playing?
Yep! to Whitemane we go. and whats up everyone!. Hope everyone joins us on whitemane. Looks like its going to be alot of old KT