Kel'Thuzad Horde Reconnections

Hey everyone! Torr and I have gone ahead and created a discord server to hopefully get everyone together to have an awesome central hub to communicate in real time. Also, it will allow people to coordinate servers, etc.

Unfortunately, this thread doesn’t allow links. If you are interested, shoot me a discord message (wormed#1623) or a bnet message (wormed#1202) and I can give you the link.

Or you can simply use this discord code: xt42uBk

Feel free to join! Would love to chat with any and all of you.

Character: Deadlier
Guild: Guild Master for The Losers
Looking for: All my fellow Guildmates

Rolling on Whitemane it appears


Character: Kletus (Troll Rogue) & Vexa (Undead Warlock)
Guild: Fortis, HGW, & Exodus
Looking for: Yend, Shoken, Gifted, Mas, Valrith, Shib and anyone from Fortis

Posted for Vexa since it wont let him post


Kletus!! Another HGW person emerges!

Tell Kletus I miss his viking self.

Character: Augora - Tauren Warrior (tank)
Guild: War Pigs (ZFP), ViolentSin

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What’s up man. I’ve been in touch with Montgomery also. I’m probably going Whitemane Horde unless something changes.

Grimtusk and I tried to find Avarice recently and were unsuccessful. Have you talked to Heazy at all?

Would love to see Mikezilla again too.

Love seeing all these names, see you dudes on whitemane. My guy will be named GBR. (was watchoutbehi)
GBR#11517 is my btag

Nope. Not at all. I’ve texted Concept. He is not interested in Classic whatsoever. Family man now. I also tried to unsuccessfully find Braains at one point too haha but no dice. Hop on the discord server. It grows… slowly. Mainly just Horde though atm.

I know Montgomery said he has had contact with Dozer and Samson so hopefully hear from them soon.

Character: Insomniac, Hellsangel, Heavensangel, Twylights, Littlefang
Guild: Bellum Aeternus/Victoria
Looking for: Anyone from BA/BV!

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WHAT UP KLETUS! good to see ya around buddy.

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Hey. Whitemane server.

HWL kletus?

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Kletus! Hope your going to join us all on Whitemane

Character: Xelaio (Undead Warlock)
Guild: IceClan
Looking for: Any IC or ZFP Peeps. What’s up KT folks, long time!

Character: Drifft (Undead Rogue)
Guild: Shadowpact
Looking for: Any of the old Shadowpact peoples!

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Saved my name on Whitemane today, and went with my classic name:

Drekmar (Orc Shaman)

See you there!

Hey Xel! It’s Kandi from PUMMEL (also nice guild you got there btw). I know Enire and Natorr are both rolling on Whitemane along with Hunney.


Kandhi! Long time no see. Sweet I can’t wait create a toon on Whitemane then. Is PUMMEL going classic as well?