Characters: Stellur undead priest, SilentX Undead Mage.
Guild: M I N I S T R Y
Characters: Stellur undead priest, SilentX Undead Mage.
Guild: M I N I S T R Y
Volvagia - Undead Mage (vanilla, BC to Dark Temple)
Quikkian - Tauren Shaman (BC Dark Temple+)
Guild: Bellum Aeternus/Bellum Victoria
Also looking for other BA’ers
Ezweb, Fallen, Olgren, Genoobi, Zlaknur, Zymina, (the almighty) Zaud, Empy, Jhardel, Ekochai, Chunkstyle, Bandage, Serothius… so many others… anybody out there?
/gkick Dumber
Pathagorus Undead Priest
Guilds: Fortis and TBM
Looking for old guildmates from the good ol days. I see a few around here already so this is good.
What up fellas
Tauren Druid
Kindread and later Tater Heads
What’s up Path!? Seems like we all need to figure out a sever to roll on
Was this a troll shaman? did he run aq40 pugs
Pathhhhh. JoshP#1615 is my tag. Charne should hit me up too. Will have server locked down by sunday, so i’ll post when i know for sure.
It was troll or orc, but no pugs. It was one of the horde guilds I helped them on Nefarian and then with AQ40 strats. We were from the PNW.
Did you start in cataclysm?
Ah, the only guess I have based on a shaman who did strats is Shiektal who ran a aq40 pug/s
Undead Rogue
Horde Gone Wild/The Monolith
KOLTRAIN! Whats up dude, how have you been? It’s been nearly a decade since I’ve talked to you. You coming back to Classic? I’ve got a bunch of old friends coming back including Envenom, Pullout, Twisted, Aulia, Leviathus, Finion, etc. So far there is 13 of us, we’d love to have you with us We’ve got a discord set up and everything (but it won’t let me post the link here).
Path! whats going on dude, been a long time. How have you been?
My group of friends were planning Whitemane as well
Sup Fortis. Stench (undead rogue) here. Glad to see some pals here. I have a group of pals from EQ P99 and TLPs that we’re gonna hit classic with, anyone looking for guild? I think we’re leaning towards whitemane.
let me know what server you are going to play on add me koltrain#1687
I left right after Cataclysm
Lazer Pew Pew GM
Used to run so many raids with that guild. Wonder if he will return to Classic
Hiya Pathy
Glad to see you’re still playing!