Kel'Thuzad Horde Reconnections

Characters: Stellur undead priest, SilentX Undead Mage.

Guild: M I N I S T R Y


Volvagia - Undead Mage (vanilla, BC to Dark Temple)
Quikkian - Tauren Shaman (BC Dark Temple+)

Guild: Bellum Aeternus/Bellum Victoria

Also looking for other BA’ers

Ezweb, Fallen, Olgren, Genoobi, Zlaknur, Zymina, (the almighty) Zaud, Empy, Jhardel, Ekochai, Chunkstyle, Bandage, Serothius… so many others… anybody out there?

/gkick Dumber


Pathagorus Undead Priest
Guilds: Fortis and TBM
Looking for old guildmates from the good ol days. I see a few around here already so this is good.
What up fellas


Tauren Druid
Kindread and later Tater Heads

What’s up Path!? Seems like we all need to figure out a sever to roll on

Was this a troll shaman? did he run aq40 pugs

Pathhhhh. JoshP#1615 is my tag. Charne should hit me up too. Will have server locked down by sunday, so i’ll post when i know for sure.

It was troll or orc, but no pugs. It was one of the horde guilds I helped them on Nefarian and then with AQ40 strats. We were from the PNW.


Did you start in cataclysm?

Ah, the only guess I have based on a shaman who did strats is Shiektal who ran a aq40 pug/s

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Undead Rogue
Horde Gone Wild/The Monolith



KOLTRAIN! Whats up dude, how have you been? It’s been nearly a decade since I’ve talked to you. You coming back to Classic? I’ve got a bunch of old friends coming back including Envenom, Pullout, Twisted, Aulia, Leviathus, Finion, etc. So far there is 13 of us, we’d love to have you with us :slight_smile: We’ve got a discord set up and everything (but it won’t let me post the link here).

Path! whats going on dude, been a long time. How have you been?

My group of friends were planning Whitemane as well

Sup Fortis. Stench (undead rogue) here. Glad to see some pals here. I have a group of pals from EQ P99 and TLPs that we’re gonna hit classic with, anyone looking for guild? I think we’re leaning towards whitemane.

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let me know what server you are going to play on add me koltrain#1687

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I left right after Cataclysm

Lazer Pew Pew GM
Used to run so many raids with that guild. Wonder if he will return to Classic

Hiya Pathy :slight_smile:
Glad to see you’re still playing!

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