Characters: Drekmar Orc Shaman; Ramkerd UD Warlock
Guild: Fortis/Collapse
LF: Anyone really, KT Horde in the good old days was the best. Crazy seeing the names and old guilds here i recognize.
Character: Torr, Tauren Warrior
Guilds: Horde Gone Wild / Collapse / Ministry
Claim to Fame: I wielded a Spinal Reaper for far too long because I was convinced that 20 rage proc made it worth it.
LF: The old school KT Horde crew, whoever’s willing to do anything. I’ve got Minerva (Undead Rogue) coming back too, as a warrior, plus another buddy who was really a TBC baby. We’re definitely rolling Horde on a PvP server, but beyond that anything goes.
Character’s: Leatherapron, Fleshgrafter
Guild: The BrewMasters
LF: Koltrain, Zeppo, Lttlfury, Lttlkitten, anyone else from the old TBM days
Feric, Undead Rogue
member of Cloak and Dagger
mostly kept to myself and pvp’d and i literally talk to devinebovine every day cause I know him IRL…but seeing if anyone might remember me
Character: Darkhunter, Undead Mage
Guilds: The Monolith
LF: Anyone from the old Mono days. Probably rolling a healer with Phats on a pvp server
Feel free to hit me up. Battle tag is cb4l#1796
Character: Hygeio; UD Priest
Guild: Fortis
Looking for: Heyyyyyyyyyy. I’m not looking for anyone in specific but a few of us old school Fortis will be playing classic!
Charne!! Good to see you! It’s me Waffen! Was in Tribes for a few years raiding MC and BWL!
Deiita, tell burnout I miss our showdowns in felwood. Orange hammer vs orange hammer, shaman vs paladin. <3
Unertan, Forsaken Prot Warrior, Main Tank for < The Losers> in Vanilla.
Faelix, Undead Warrior - Kindread, Order of the Ebon Hand(previous)
Wanting to reconnect a procced untamed blade to the face of a gold farmer.
Really though I want to see any of the people who’s path crossed mine, Socom(Villefort), Kyrandia, Beefydinner, Boki(I’m still jumping to Jamiroquai), Amoramor, Exizon, Montgomery, Dystopia, Iggy, any of the old Kindread core. Sorry I can’t remember more right now. I’d also like to see Ekliptis spamming trade chat again, and a Brocksamson assassination squad failing to gank him at Kargath lol.
Making a guild on a PvP server (probobly Bleameaux) with Pureblue(Shaman extraordinaire) and other RL friends. Anyone reading this is invited to join!
Discord: Faelix#0001
Bnet: Faelix#11926
Flesh, old boy what up? Koltrain here
Fhoenix - Tauren Druid - Healer and rapscallion from The Tater Heads
Kaitara - Undead Mage - Water maker from The Tater Heads
Hygeio! Let me know what server you end up on
Name: Aztek - Troll Mage
Guild(s): Bellum Aeternus/Bellum Victoria & N G T (briefly)
Looking for anyone from the Bellum guilds.
Character: LastCaress Hunter
Guild: Kindread
Looking for: Wolven, NecroChoad, Proudhoof and anyone else!
I’ll probably be playing PvE low-key at first due to time constraints.
Name: Zirin - Undead Priest
Guilds: Caledon > Ministry
I’m looking to meet up with anyone I used to play with. My plans right now are to roll classic on a PvP server, ideally PST but I’m coordinating with a few people.
Character: Aizia - Troll Warlock
Guild: Kindread
Character: Keiga, resto druid
Guild: M I N I S T R Y
Darkhunter and I are rolling Horde on Whitemane, spread the word!
awesome. i remember the name. was resto during the ol’ raiding days.