Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

I’d agree with OP. RAID or DIE is gone long long time ago. Everyone has a life now and would only put up 1hour here and there per day instead of 3-4 hour straight commitment. 8.2 and beyond should reward player more who stretch there hours in the period of a month instead of per week. More points to people who do dailies to buy gears! We all want a piece of the pie too.

That’s actually what the tokens were for back in the day.
Justice/Valor tokens were a way to get ‘similar level raid gear’ by doing non-raiding content. So you could get a bunch of valor points from doing your heroic dungeons, even in queues, and still get upgraded gear.

They removed all of this, and put in LFR.

The massive issue with the current gear system, is that everyone has an opinion about the gearing system from their perspective. I know I have one, but it’s from my perspective and not anyone else’s. That’s why it’s an opinion.

I don’t understand why you would think I would agree that the content you like to do is more important than the content I like to do.

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I feel like this is leading back to how the casual community drives this game which it does but then you expect since there’s a mythic difficulty although you aren’t good enough to do it you deserve the gear from it anyway because you’re the majority of the community.

Also the serious/hardcore aspect to this game is only 10% of the game which is high m+ keys which don’t even give you a decent reward and mythic raid.
Casuals have lfr/norm/heroic, dungeons up to like 10 which seems difficult to most of you but a joke to me.
Pet battling, world quests, warfronts etc. etc. etc.
This game only caters to casuals only, it barely has any hardcore content left and that hardcore content is merely another difficulty on the same content casuals play through.

Did I say that? You’re playing a game that has a progression system when it comes to gear although titanforging throws that out of the window. If you don’t want to do said content for those things then you’re sol, find another game or stay content doing world quests/lfr/norm/heroic content, pet battling/warfronts etc.

The idea that LFR removed all rewards for dedicated casuals from the game until now is clearly untrue.

I’m a level 22 on a Legion account that has several low levels who spam bgs, as well as a great many 110’s. Legion content is still rewarding for those who wish to play it at that level.

Veiled argunite is the perfect example. Relinquished gear is good enough to let you farm Argus comfortably. It forges up often enough so a truly dedicated player can get an ilvl of 205 just by continuing to collect that currency, which can be gotten in multiple ways.

LFR is not a factor.

Looking forward to sub 1 million active BFA players in third quarter 2019 after the resounding ‘success’ of benthic gear, I’m sure the free gear firehose will work for sure this time after many failed attempts.

I am not complaining about the current system, why would I leave the game. But bye since you don’t appear to be happy.

Mythic are just for boasting right. Everyone that does Mythic RAID usually quit the game after the second month! It’s the casual that keeps this game going. Being casual doesn’t mean your not an elite player. You’d just simply don’t want to put up the 3-4 hour to play hardcore anymore because you have a life. Reward the casual and keep the game alive. Let everyone eat the pie and stop being greedy .

I spend 8 hrs a week and were on mythic jaina on a 2 night raiding schedule. You don’t need to spend 3-4 hrs a day to be good at the game and clear end game content. As far as the casual player base being rewarded, you’re over rewarded when it comes to everything in game. It’s an afkfest out there and all you have to do is log in for 5 minutes to get a piece of gear.

I love all 8 of my 400ilvl toons that never even step foot into lfr. It keeps me away from things like you so I can enjoy the game. WoW is not a mmorpg it’s a solo online game with a bunch of people in my way

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Also those hardcore guilds that spend all day to be first to clear mythic are few and far between and I agree not worth the time/effort spent. I’ve been in a few top 50 guilds and we’d be on 24/7 until content was cleared, unrealistic when you work for a living let alone getting burned out.

Lol a solo mmorpg, yep that sums bfa up. I’d like to see you play classic.

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Grats! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done, little one. Keep up the good work!

I been playing since beta 1 and raided MC and BWL on my rogue. So yes I would like to see me play classic also.

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I’m sure, if you think that this is a single player game you probably won’t be if you ever did experience them again.

I am while working on my 9th now. I love free purple stuff. When I lick it I get a hint of grape and salt.

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There is no “casual community”, no casual consensus. Casuals are people with a variety of interests and playstyles. The devs neither listen to casuals nor feel compelled to obey them. Their goal is and should be making the business more successful, not purifying the game of certain undesirables who want to pay to play it.

Where did he say any of this? Why do you guys keep saying this in response to people who said no such thing? Do you think if you say it enough anybody outside of your clique of self-appointed victims will believe it?

What a joke. The content you are claiming is “casual content” was designed to be unrewarding to all players and never intended to be infinitely repeatable by anyone. They designed it for you in response to your complaints that you didn’t want to feel you had to run a heroic dungeon to get some daily reward.

You demanded mythic+ at higher levels of difficulty than casuals could do. You got it. It’s the entire end game, and the majority of players won’t do it because it’s special content for you. It’s designed to fit your needs and desires. That hardly sounds like “catering to casuals” to me.

You should be careful what you ask for, because you may get it.

Your real agenda. “Get out of my game, scrub!”

It also keep raiders off the game because why would i raid when i got a a couple better pieces of gear for doing 4 world quests for the last couple days, then I’ll get in raid this week. The only thing giving gear this good for trivial content will do is kill guild/raid groups.

I never said Vanilla was a solo game. You are just trying to put words in my mouth. I said WoW is and as it stands today it’s a solo lobby game with a bunch of chores to fill your time.

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