Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Oh nice! Do you hold yourself to the same values in other aspects or is it just WoW?

It’s a game and could care less if you got an ilvl 450 item or went in your basement to eat the rat poison under the stairs. I do not care about you or anyone else and what they have. I like my toon not you or yours.

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That’s a lot of pent up hatred for someone you don’t know. Anything going on that you’d like to talk about?

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So your team is raiding 2 nights a week and you are on Mythic Jaina. You’re telling me you don’t spend more then 3hour in each of those RAID session? My point is everyone don’t have a 3hour straight to do these sort of RAID session anymore. I use to do that but life is more important. I would like to spend 1 hour here and there and enjoy the game but not in a hardcore state.

The 5min to get a piece of gear is saying here are 3rd class junk. They don’t even give you the 2nd class until the very end. It’s stupid and it’s only going to make the community less and less with only Hardcore player playing 2 month in and gone.

Not hate it the truth. Why the hell would I care about someone that I don’t know or never care to know. Why do I care if you click a keyboard for fake items in a game.

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Casual community over the years has been the player base that only ever does pet battling/quests/lfr/norm/heroic content to the majority of players throughout the game.

You obviously haven’t looked in any thread other than here, it was a general consensus on every thread posted complaining they aren’t receiving end game rewards for content that you don’t need skill/experience and a 20 man roster to complete.

End game content for casuals is i my opinion heroic raid and mythic + dungeons, the majority struggle every week to do a single 10, also the rest of the game like achievements/petbattling/arena below 2400 etc.
End game content for players that can invest more time and have the skill/experience and have put in the effort to find a raiding guild is mythic raid and high m+ although very unrewarding.

You care enough to tell me something about eating rat poison.

I do hope that everything starts to get better in your life. Clearly you have some serious issues if you have to come to a forum and tell someone you’ve never even spoken to before something about eating rat poison.

You should seek help, seriously.

Did I say get out of my game lol, firstly it’s not my game it’s everyones. My only meaning is if your end game is lfr/normal raid and you complain there isn’t anything for you do to you’re delusional and if you truly think there isn’t anything else to do then why not move on instead of whining about it or bettering your self so you can do heroic/mythic.

And the decade or more of experience and help from other people couldn’t possibly be a factor in your being able to master mythic raiding and do it on a raid logging basis.

No, you have to pretend to be all bootstrappy, as though anybody who started playing the game recently or has never done raiding should not only be able to start raiding today, they should want to.

There’s your problem. You only play a few hours a week, yet you feel the need to make up lies about people who play a whole lot more than you. And somehow you think this ought to make them respect you.

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Don’t tell people to quit the game if you don’t want to get called on that.

My question is why do you need 415 + ilvl gear to do lfr/norm/heroic raid let alone anything below that. The gear is scaled for the content you’re doing.

I didn’t tell anyone to quit the game, I merely made a point that if you only pet battle and you did all you could in that area of the game then come onto forums because there’s nothing to do then why not move on or do something else.

The whole game is for casual people and only 8% of the game is developed for raiders just to get that extra sub from a few thousand people. WoW was never built for raiders and the games that were are all but dead along with the ones built for pvpers.

Like wow. Just wow. You sound like a broken record.

You couldn’t dream of playing the number of hours it would take a casual to earn and upgrade one piece of gear to that level.

Yeah, you did tell him to quit the game.

And you also listed all the garbage content you wouldn’t dream of ever doing and told us it was “casual content” that should be good enough for us.

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What was WoW built for? And what games are dead that were built specifically for raiders and pvp’ers?

You didn’t read that did you, if the content you’re doing only requires an ilvl of 400, why do you need 415 + gear for that content you clearly don’t need, all it would do is make it meaningless and go slightly faster.

Raiders log in once or twice a week while casuals log in almost everyday. The game has always been 90% casual stuff even in vanilla. Most casuals were raiders at one time but saw that the people running these raids were a bunch of power hungry nothings and quit. The rest of the casuals are ones that like to see the top and hope to get there one day by grinding out the small stuff to have a dream of getting there.

You read constant demands for 415+ gear where absolutely none exist. You are delusional.

People like you make raiders look like entitled children whining that they can’t enjoy their shiny new toy if Joey has a toy too, even though Joey’s toybox is full of hand me downs and stuff from the second hand store.

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Not even slightly true, nice pretend statistic.

Another made up “fact” that you have no idea if it could possibly be true or not.

Speak for yourself, not all “casuals”, as you call it, care for welfare and handouts.

When you grossly exaggerate you lose all credibility.

It’s no where near as easy as you “elitists” make it out to be.

The gears Ilvl from WQ ramps up as you get better gear. It’s not like a fresh 120 can start doing WQ and get 415 drops. Unless they are EXTREMELY lucky with TF

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