Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

You know, gear was stupidly easy to get when WoW was at it’s peak, right? WotLK had plenty of welfare gear and pulled top levels of subs. Then blizz tried to kill the welfare gear in Cata by limiting access to JP/VP and getting rid of it all together come MoP. That’s when welfare gear became a thing of the past and you were stuck using rep gated welfares or overpriced crafted/BoE crap. They tried to reintroduce the welfare gear with weekly world bosses and WQs, but it’s not the same. You’re still timegated and have no real control over your gear gain rates as a non raider, like how you did in WotLK.


Are you angry that you don’t get to feel special because of your gear level?


My rogue here has done like 3 raids and got zero gear. I have not stepped into one Mythic at all and I’m iLevel 391from Emissaries, quests ,etc. I’m very casual I guess you could say. I play alone and prefer it like that. Its not that I’m anti-social, its just due to the fact that majority of PUGS are too toxic.

I haven’t found a guild that would cater to my likes. Most require that you raid/Mythic at certain times and certain days. My schedule doesn’t allow for that. I can’t play WOW 12 hours per day.

But, I believe that ALL raiders and Mythic folks should have a WAY better iLevel than I. They deserve that.


I’m not angry. I don’t get angry due to video games. I surely wouldn’t get angry at a horrible player who collects welfare. Anger and video games don’t ever mix for me.

I would have to disagree about the cutting edge. My mythic friends are around, its the casual/heroic people who used to play for gear who are gone. Mythic players have always had top gear in a few weeks even in past xpacs.



Dam your right im horrible for ganking these allaince players just trying to level up i might have to turn warmode off just maybe :frowning: ill only gank my own level players from now on its only fair allaince lives matter!

Well, I’m not Cutting Edge but I also don’t raid for gear. I raid because I like doing it with my guild. Gear is always temporary. But people who are like that are going to be like that no matter how they handle gearing.

I mean, WoW had it’s biggest recorded loss during WoD when we had very few sources of high item level gear besides raiding.

Yeah it’s almost like people move on or something and a few stay said every game ever made after they get old.

What?? What where’s your proof of this.

A player who plays alot, who does wqs that any player in the game could do vs a player who raids puts in time and effort to do mechanics right. The raider should always have better gear by a mile. Raids have lockouts while wqs do not. Raids require preparation, teamwork, and skill while doing wqs well are pretty much are meant for alt welfare, lets be honest.

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From Blizzard’s own subscription numbers. WoD lost about 3 million players in one quarter. They stopped reporting numbers after more losses in the next quarter.

Blizzard is proof. You are welcome to go look up the old sub numbers that used to get released. I’m sure you’re capable enough to handle this.

I’m sure they lost players but is it as bad as this expansion is my question. We’re also only a few months in.

And that’s how it works. The person chugging along and doing world quests will virtually always have a lower average item level compared to some hard charger who’s blowing through high keystones and/or doing Mythic raids.

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I would still say that WoD is worse than BfA. BfA just looks bad since it’s following after Legion.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, like usual, but you do whatever it is that makes you happy. I guess?

Coming from someone who does Mythic raiding, I could give a rats behind about how people gear up.

If you got 415 from doing WQ, Warfronts, and LFR, it doesn’t affect me at all, it just further opens up the pool of potential people who already meet the gear check requirements that my guild can recruit from. If you suck and don’t want to improve then we send you on your way, gear doesn’t matter.


Ok, but this new system is undermining the primary rewards system in the game which is a bad design. Whether or not you or I or anyone enjoys more loot, getting the prize at the start is going to hurt the player base. Wow has always had rewards for doing content, taking that away is going to hurt a large part of the player base.

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