Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Sounds to me like you want to be rewarded for logging in vs actually being a decent player.

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Free gear is not an issue, except a large number of players quit because they get all the gear for free and have nothing left to aim for. This is why people say there is nothing to do in this xpac, because the loot is free. At least in previous expacts it took some time. I do not care that everyone has gear, I do care if the people I play with quit because they are bored because they got this free gear.


ilvl 425…

I understand, I know it is not too difficult. I remember in Wrath I was very average only clearing part of ICC on normal, by Pugging. I had some gear but was never out geared ICC. Now I am actually at a deficit dedicating time to Pugging because WQ/Emissaries will save me time to devot to other parts of my life, since PUG raids can be very hit or miss especially for lower geared characters.

That’s not the response. But imo world quest/emissary gear should cut off around lfr ilvl. As you said about pvp, giving heroic raid ilvl gear for basically nothing discourages people wanting to raid. When the drop i get in a heroic raid is worse than the drop i got from doing 4 world quests, that’s a bad feeling.

There’s no ‘sounds like’, that’s what it is.

425 currently but 445 in 8.2

World PvP.


We needed a post like this. I’m in the same situation as yourself. I’ve got several characters geared almost completely through emissaries and light, lower M+. They do NOT gear as quickly as people here seem to think they do.

I have also long said people need to stop being so elitist over pixels. I say this even as a long time raider. Someone who has raided EVERY raid which has EVER been in WoW, including Naxx40 and Sunwell, on level and on gear level, and killed bosses. (And there are only three raids in the game I did not finish on level.) I was one of the people in vanilla fully decked out in amazing BWL gear with other players gazing in jealousy whenever I did something like PUG Strat for fun. I FULLY SUPPORT NON-RAIDERS HAVING ACCESS TO EPIC GEAR AND EPIC GEAR THAT LOOKS GOOD!!

I will never understand this notion people carry around that something someone else has somehow effects the value of what is on their own character. Half the “loot” from raiding anyhow are the stories which come from it, which last far longer than you’ll ever use the actual loot. So I might be the only one, but I am overall happy with the end of the elitism that has come from higher level gear being available to non-raiders. If nothing else, I can gear my own alts faster than I could in vanilla/BC.


Point is its 5ilvls lower and Captain Crunchs still have a problem with it.Its not even heroic base ilvl anymore.

I don’t think that’s as big of a problem with “casuals” as it is with Cutting Edge raiders. My Mage is pretty much capped and I’m still playing, still running at least one key every week even though the gear in my chest is almost certainly going to get scrapped. If I was 415+ and had already cleared M BoD, I too might feel like there was nothing left to do.

And here’s the thing- if Blizzard’s goal is to get more people into higher-end content, they need to have an ilvl high enough to qualify for that content. There has to be some way of giving them decent enough gear to get invited to groups or they won’t be.


From what I watched it will take awhile in obtaining the required amount of tokens needed to purchase gear.


For someone who doesn’t care, you seem to post and complain about other people getting 400 gear alot.


LOL i know right.

I suppose I don’t believe in welfare like many other players but the comment you’re replying to has nothing to do with whether I care about something in the game or not.

“I don’t believe in welfare.” You’re not getting taxed for their gear buddy. It takes weeks of WQs to get to 400, it isn’t a sudden leap and jump.

I’m sorry you’re threatened by people finally gearing 4 months into a raid tier, and people preparing alts for next patch.


Took me 5 months yeah its not welfare more like slowfare lol! About to turn on warmode should be fun i already ganked a few people here and there feels good man peace out nice fellow!


I hear those world quests next patch get brutal.

Obtaining gear is one of the last things about BFA that people can complain about. Gear is literally everywhere and it all has the chance to Warforge, Titanforge, etc. Especially when 8.2 hits - gearing will become trivial, if it hasn’t already.

LOL exactly. What they are doing right now is retaining the most amount of playets ever so lets keep doing it!