Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

If all you do is casual content, what do you need the gear for?

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Every time I see the “casuals don’t deserve purple pixels” claim I feel like a lot of those using it are stuck in their childhood, when people whispered them in awe about the leet gear they displayed on the streets of their capital cities.

Are they going to be playing classic? If so, a lot of them will be in for a rude shock, as not being in the right place and time, and not having the right friends may mean it’s somebody else that’s going to have that hot gear.

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LOL you obviously never played vanilla, gl.

People who do casual content need gear to do that content with. I know that’s a hard concept.


People need to be heroic ilvl geared to do world quests and warfronts?


You get gear from the content you’re doing and it suits the content you’re doing. You don’t need 425s to do a world quest.

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You think I’m stroking my ego by pointing out hypocrisy? Or is this just a jab because you feel offended in some way?

Fwiw I’ve been super casual for most of my 14 years playing. It’s not just raiders that dislike having gear raining out of the sky. Crafting professions say hi.

Please stop being so illogical. You can have gear, but let’s be honest here. Outdoor world content has not been challenging ever since Suramar.

People who actually played vanilla keep telling us that story on the forums. If you haven’t read that story literally hundreds of times you haven’t been paying attention.

And no, I never played vanilla and I will not be playing classic. Those who represent the classic community voice on the forums sound maximally toxic.


I would’ve been bothered by this a few years ago, but now I suppose I’m okay with it. Maintaining a relationship, a social life, and my income takes up too much time to actively raid. Giving the casuals a means of getting stronger gear seems fine, though it should always be kept a bit weaker than non-casual gear.

Getting random gear thrown at you for doing content that was never intended to be repeatable is not gear progression. Ion said in an interview that these were intended to be one and done.

Stop projecting.

No he doesn’t. He just thinks it should take longer for them to get to the gear. Which would be an improvement as i can get more heroic ilvl loot per week right now doing only 4 WQs a day then i get from the raid.

I mean, I can only go off of my own personal experience. This is my Demon Hunter, I play her every day to complete Emissaries and do table missions. I’ve even done some M+ on her. She’s been 120 for at least 6 months and is the second toon I got to 120. She’s also my second-highest geared toon. She’s 398 and her trinkets are garbage:

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This is amazingly silly when the max ilvl in 8.2 is 445 so at best grinding Benthic gear WHICH IS NOT EASY you can get 430 with a big time MAYBE

It is insane to try and simplify 8.2 this way. I encourage you to actually login into the ptr.

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I don’t promote classic as I think it’s going to be a flop but I really do recommend you entitled/spoiled players to go and play it for at minimum 6 months or longer. Then you’ll realize how spoiled/entitled you’re acting. Try going 3+ months without getting a meaningful piece of gear in a raid.

Classic gear was the check but in Retail the check is competency. You LITERALLY AFK in raids during classic for 5 seconds at a time due to threat or mana.

That is not even remotely possible in something like Uu’nat.

Yikes with this community. Literally Blizzard spends most of their resources making raids and dungeons, I guess the hardcore playerbase left a long time ago and all we have left with are people who rather do mind-numbing content and not be challenged.

I bet these are the same people asking for Sekiro to have an easy mode because “I deserve to see the content”. Good lord.

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The problem is I can gear faster on a fresh toon by NOT doing a Heroic Raid, which is suppose to be one of the more difficult forms of group content. Now, its not the hardest thing by any means but for an average player its probably difficult enough.

WQ/Emissaries will gear me faster then a Heroic Raid ever could unless I was EXTREMELY lucky. That seems like a problem from a game pov. Of course, I do not really care because I want my characters geared quickly so I can hop into the end game content I like to do more like higher M+s (above 10) or doing raids/PvP.

Well, maybe if the response on the forum to “reward continuous play” wasn’t “those people don’t need or deserve any gear”…

Everything anyone earns in game is a participation trophy designed to encourage them to continue participating.

They decided that pvp is special and people should not get rewards to encourage them to participate, and look what happened. Participation is now a tiny fraction of what it was during wod.

Heroic content is actually the old normal and mythic is the old heroic difficulty. So basically they added lfr which is a joke, you can literally have 80% of the raid afk and clear it and normal isn’t too far ahead either but you can’t ignore mechanics like lfr.