Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Lol please, I work 60+ hrs a week making almost 25$ an hr. Have a set raid schedule and clear mythic content on a 2 night schedule without having to put 24/7 into the game as far as time/effort is concerned.

And this thread was dead til you came back to it.

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Shouldn’t you be working mister 60+ hours? You seem to have a lot of extra time on your hands.

If it’s dead, let it die. You have more posts in this thread than anyone else Mr. Hypocrisy .

No. A casual player, no matter how long they play in a week, should definitely not receive loot similar to mythic raiders. If you want good loot you need to do harder content, that’s how it has always worked.


I wish they’d stop invalidating older raid tiers as well.

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What just have it a ffa and have all the old raids like molten core scale up?

What I don’t seem to understand is why would anyone who does not plan on doing Mythic raiding, or high Mythic+ dungeons want gear the same or even close to the gear that you get from doing those.

I mean, eventually the gear will be worthless anyways so unless one wants to do the current harder content, you got to climb the ladder so to speak. As far as going from LFR to Normal, then Heroic, then if one wants to Mythic as far as raiding and as for Mythic+, 1 to 2, then 3 and so on.

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Yeah I don’t understand either, they’d just be clearing the same content slightly faster. If you were stuck in lfr, having 425 gear wouldn’t change that, any group would boot you pretty quick after finding out you can’t play your class.

I dunno. Either give some type of currency from old raids that makes it beneficial to run them, and scale the content up so it’s moderately difficult.

That, or make it impossible to access the new raid without having cleared the old one on whatever difficulty. You want to run BoD heroic? Have to clear Uldir first.

Something like that.

So you are happy people who will wipe your group can get in more easily? Backwards logic there. If I didn’t earn the right to get in to hard content before why should I get in because Blizzard gave me a fast pass?

Because M+ provides a raid-equivalent (or better than raids, frankly) gearing path for the vast majority of the playerbase who were never going to raid past Heroic regardless? Because I end up only a few ilvls below Mythic raid ilvl every tier, mostly due to M+ caches? Raids are blatantly not the only place to get consistent drops of high level gear with M+ in the game, we even get mythic-level azerite gear with M+ risiduum.

I guess you could argue it’s still “raid or die” because raids get more new content, but the OP was talking about gear and rewards so that’s what I responded to.

I spend HOURS every day in this game…and while I may not raid or Myth +…I do everything else there is to do that i possibly can.
Someone who ‘only does WQ? really…well…the only way i can obtain certain things, like titan resid, is to do said WQ and scrap the gear i get from them, at 12 per item i scrap it takes over a week to get 1 piece of gear from the vendor.
Some people enjoy raiding, and that’s great for them, others don’t, and that should be OK too, me having gear, or how I got it has ZERO effect on anyone else’ game play.
That being said, I, as a NON raider, will never get to wear that gear that has ‘that’ name on it, the raiders are the only ones who get to have that gear…right? Ours all have diff names, and you know it came from a WQ. I dont mind that the raiders have special gear, why would you mind if I have WQ gear? lol. makes no sense. Only thing about ‘raiders’ that bugs me…not their gear, or whatever they get out of it, its that they think they are SO MUCH BETTER than anyone else, when in reality…they ain’t all that.
I only do WQ…and have not been able to get my ilvl above where its at right now…so it takes us WAY longer to achieve said gear. And I am in game 7 days a week, most of the time for at least 8 hrs a day.
I am NOT lazy if I spend MORE time doing content then raiders, lol…I have to work that much harder to get what i want/need…raiders just go in to a raid, do it, wait till next week, do it again. WQ doers…do it every single day, some of us all day long, HOW prey-tel does that make us LAZY? HARDER is not always better. (work smarter…not harder)
Raids & myth + give me headaches, and people take them WAY to seriously, act like jerks, so my anxiety goes thru the roof.
I just want enough gear that i don’t take 4 days to kill something in open world, lol…the rest…could not care less what you, or anyone else has. Whatever it takes for you to enjoy the game YOUR WAY is cool w/ me.

Perceived value…is just that…PERCEIVED…


I see them as people that can potentially learn (I don’t pug raids often, so it’s more from a guild recruitment perspective). If your past the gear barrier it’s a matter of just learning the fight mechanics. It’s how I got into organized Mythic raiding.

And even if I did pug, it’s easy enough to identify who’s screwing up and removing them, especially if it’s in a common role like DPS.

You can bribe your way into a Starcraft tournament, skipping the skill check, but it doesn’t mean you will get 1st place.

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Sounds like a net idea tbh, I mean yeah old content is only worth running for mog but then I don’t think it’d work very well as they’d have to tweak/tune a bunch of things as it currently sits, obviously you wouldn’t be allowed to get the tier from them etc. as it would make the azerite system completely useless otherwise.

Are you referring to the Badge of Justice / Honor Gear?
That was actually not a super-bad system. The gear was same ILevel as most of the things you got from the raid, but missed a lot of the bonus procs and such. So while it still improved your character, a player with proc gear was still considered ‘better geared’.

As far as the Welfare Gear of today’s game, you cannot compare it really. The fact that you can get a similar Item Level by running Mythic+ is stupid.

A Mythic+ is nothing like the raid, takes 5 people instead of the 40 LFR and 10-25 normal/heroic.

Peaks are going to be:
M0 - 400
M10 - 430
Mythic Raid - 445

If I had the option of doing a Mythic Raid vs. Mythic 10 Dungeon … and get almost the exact same level of gear, I would choose the dungeon for simplicity and time.

That’s what the Mythic Raiders do.

Hmmmmm. I do not think the raid or die has hurt the game so much as BLizz’ 10,000 other issues.

  1. Keep marketing out of the devs hair. Period.
  2. Fix the classes/specs and then leave them alone, give us an ability and a talent at cap but quite reinventing them. It was old after wraith and it is getting unbearable now.
  3. Professions. That should work with what you are suggesting. Rich, meaty professions.
  4. Quit wasting resources on Pokemon and mission tables. They are irrelevant to the game. If your game needs filler like this then obviously you are doing something wrong.
  5. More content/bigger map and less reliance on the hope that people will stay logged to do 10 other specs…not everyone wants to have ten different toons or is so mindless as to be able to do the same quests 10 times over on 10 different toons.
  6. Eradicate pathfinder. Slow people down with having to get food or gas for the mounts they use…a little old fashioned RPG goes a long way.
  7. Bring back gear vendors for PVP and get rid of the idiotic “everyone is the same” gearing. I wanna tweak my spec for every different battle and right now I cannot. Boring.
  8. Wintergrasp. Have raids tied into winning BGs again.
  9. Less reliance on 1 click group finder raiding. This has beaten up the game more than any single feature. It hurt trade chat, it hurt guilds and those are 2 big ticket MMORPG things. You wanna keep it in then fine, but the best loot should go to people willing to do raids outside the group finders.
  10. Eliminate CRZ. Bring back server identity. For years when I met a wow player the first question was always what server are you on…like clockwork. This is no longer the case.
  11. Less cut scenes and cinematics. I make models, rig them, make skins and animate them, it is a lot of work to do. Half as many is fine and with the saved dev time give us more map with content. A cinematic is watched and then done but a another quest chain is your bread and butter.

You can’t even comprehend how others might have different ideas of what feels like making character progress to them. You lockstep want everybody to mythic raid or get zero rewards, but yet you post on a bank toon.

What’s up with you and Mythic raiding? You know there are 2 other difficulties right?


That’s pretty far from the truth, all things considered.

Raiding is a once per lock out activity. You have 8 chances for the week in EP. Even if you kill a boss, you still may not end up with loot.

WQ refresh every 8 hours and dungeons can be spammed ad infinitum.

Compared to Raiders that routinely wipe on bosses for entire sessions and walk away without a kill, let alone loot. How, with a straight face, you can go around saying “gearing without raiding” like WQ, Emissaries, Dungeons, and Warfronts have a significant larger time investment is just beyond me.

It’s blatantly false from every angle.

I noticed a while back that I went up about +100 ilvl in two evenings.
Gear was dropping from the sky.
Tried it a couple days ago and after half a dozen runs I ended up with a single drop that was just barely slightly better than what I had.

If thats the new norm it seems like Blizzard is at it again with the one extreme or the other.
Its as if they cant find ANY reasonable middle ground on anything with this game.

The more time i play the more rewards i should get, content shouldnt matter. Its a game.

My time is valuable.