Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

This expansion you literally skip lfr/norm/heroic raiding just from world quests/warfronts, so after you get your ilvl to 400+ then you look for a better place to get better rewards, oh look you skipped it all so your last place to get it is mythic raiding. As far as character progress yes this expansion has been garbage in that regard, my main point was you don’t need mythic raid ilvl gear for world quests/warfronts. I don’t care if you get rewards but don’t complain about the system to mythic raiders because blizzard/activision gave you a system that catered to casuals that can log in for 30 minutes get a half a dozen pieces of gear, skip content then expect there to be more gear progression out there if you don’t intend on raiding.

This game started with dungeons/raids in mind, pvp who cares. You basically quested/crafted did dungeons to gear up to the point you could step into molten core etc. Every expansion since has made the game easier and easier, bfa is probably the most casual friendly expansion ever and they over catered to you also, try going months and months without a piece of gear which is probably the reason why they cater to you guys so much because obviously most of you lack the skill or just are lazy to raid or like you said don’t want to raid but then if you don’t want to raid you shouldn’t be receiving or even have a chance at raid quality gear in the first place.
If you don’t want to follow how the system is then stay in your world quests/warfronts and your pet battling.
Also how does posting on a bank toon matter, I don’t want crappy players stalking me, I have nothing nor do I care to prove my self to you as I probably will never run into a player in your bracket let alone play with you lol, well I mean I guess unless you purchase a carry from me but other than that I’d rather not.

Lol participation rewards, that’s a joke. I work 60+ hrs a week, raid 2 days a week 8 hrs. I still clear mythic raid content, if you don’t put in the same amount of time/effort or even have a modicum of skill to do the same then no you shouldn’t be receiving let alone have a chance from titanforging to get anywhere near the same raid quality gear as I do.
Yes this is a game but if you didn’t have rewards for pushing more difficult content there’d be no point in doing so. Also you don’t need a very high ilvl to do world quests/warfronts/pet battling.

Same thing in life, just because your maximum education is a GED and you work hourly doesn’t mean you should get the same amount of pay yearly as the CEO of a company just because you think your time is just as valuable. Yeah you’re really making huge decisions flipping those burgers or using that cash register.

Nothing but warriors posting lol. These threads are getting as bad as human paladin threads lol.

Need to get your eyes checked, I barely scrolled up saw druids hunters/dks and one other warrior.

No jobs existed before BFA/Legion, and everyone with gear were just talented super-hobos.

So tired of the “I can’t work for the high score, I have a job, just give it to me!” mentality.

It’s basically just saying “I’m lazy, cater to me being lazy.”

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We aren’t hobos, we just live in our moms basements.

It’s only going to get worse given the design direction for WoW. The design of the game can dictate what many players do and how they act, imo.

Sad part is that they’ve removed more alternate ways to play than they have added.

I could spend hours just doing profession stuff before WoD. That’s gone.

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I feel after learning how to play the ah professions became obsolete for me although now I can cap them with the pennies out of my pocket even faster.
I could run legion m+ all day every day with the first iteration of m+, after they changed it and nerfed it or w/e they did like 6 months into legion I got bored of it quick. Also the legion dungeons were way more enjoyable than BFA for me at least.

Legion m+ was better for sure . Better class design helped, too. I loved arcane with the shoulders.

Ah well. Fun was detected.

Gotta make m+ an E-sport so all the ten people who watch WoW E-sports can ooh and aah at how seemingly impressive everything Method does is.

Prydaz/sephuz the other crappy two legendaries I got for my first 4, I ran over 1600+ dungeons in the first 6 months of legion. Didn’t get my bis legos til like my 7-9th I can’t remember.

I couldn’t think of anything more boring other than playing BFA, is watching someone play BFA.

When I went to Blizzcon 2018 I actually almost fell asleep in my chair watching the MDI. I have no idea how people find watching PvE to be entertaining.

PVP was fun to watch in MoP, everyone had so many little tricks and niche abilities they could do to catch people off guard, and season 15 was the best 1v1 period in the game’s history. Watch one of Hansol’s MoP fire mage videos, then watch one of his Legion/WoD ones, it isn’t even close.

It’s a joke now, it’s funny to me that they keep trying to push it so hard despite how unsuccessful it is.

Oh god I feel the same way. I got started in Cata and was enjoying it. But what really pushed me was watching the top end players. This game right here was what pushed me to want to be better.

Seeing the plays from 3 Amigos was mind blowing. Everyone playing past their limit and Cdew keeping everyone alive as long as he did had me on the edge of my seat.

I watched Hansol a lot when he played and he was insane with what he could pull off. For me, Brang was the Hunter that I watched whenever he posted videos. But I also watched Tosan cause he had some pretty awesome tricks to get past all the walls when players try to protect healers from Freezing Traps.

The current classes though don’t really allow for people to use their imagination on how they can pull ahead of others PvP wise. It’s just very cut and dry.

Watching Pika and Sativ play in MoP/WoD made me learn a few tricks I didn’t already know about for rogue, much to the dismay of those poor folks the Alliance would leave guarding an objective.

The game was already playable for a casual, it just had a much higher skill ceiling, and it was fun to improve! Look at subtlety, look at the whole mage class, it’s a joke now.