Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Yeah you were past your 1 hr scheduled playtime for the week I understand.

I can’t believe I’m even bothering to back and forth with you.

Every response to your trolling makes me stupider.


I’m not trolling, just giving you the socialization you direly need apparently by commenting in a dead and forgotten thread until it popped up in notifications from like a week ago.

I mean I don’t mind everyone needs to get out and socialize every now and then.

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Umm a week? We were just bantering on this thread on Saturday lol.

Nice try though

Look at the right side of your screen, it was made june 3rd. So yeah a week ago.

To pvp with if thats ok with you.

You don’t need gear to pvp, technically any decent glad player will go into arena with their gear they leveled up with or buy the 340 sinister gear then gear up in pvp. I’ve seen many pvpers that don’t gear outside of pvp and are fully geared in the current seasons gear.

There are quite a few that actually refuse to do anything outside of pvp.

Quiet, you need gear to pvp with…fact.


And I’m explaining any good player doesn’t bother to gear outside of arena, literally look at any glad that rolls and alt. All they do is bgs every now and then and grind arena in crap gear.

I’m not saying it’s a great system for gearing in pvp but you saying you need gear outside of pvp is wrong.

Not everyones a Gladiator. But its great they dont need gear.

Well then grind your 1800-2100 bracket for gear, same deal. Not like having glad/mythic gear will be enough to get you past your inability to play your class to be as good as those that are glad. Same thing goes for pve, just because you gave an lfr player a 425 set of gear doesn’t mean they’ll be able to do heroic let alone mythic without knowing how to play well and know mechanics.

Im not biting into your pvpers dont need gear argument. If you say its the way, then lets just leave it at that.

I didn’t say they didn’t need gear? I just said you don’t need to cross gear between pvp/pve, like those examples I gave.

Ok, thats fine. Its just your post said ‘you dont need gear to pvp’ right at the start.

Nah I was referring to the topic about gear being thrown out at people in general, maybe I misspoke or worded it so it wasn’t exactly clear.

But what my point was is that most hardcore pvpers I find strictly do arena for gear, they never step outside of it to do wq/warfronts/dungeons/raids etc. even if there’s an advantage at farming higher ilvl gear from spamming m+ or the like.

Yeah, and we (you and I) were back and forth just this weekend. So yeah, it’s not dead moron.

Ironically, you are the one with the most posts in this thread, thus keeping this “dead” thread alive.

And with that, good day to you. I have to go to work.

Speaking of which, you should probably be getting ready for school. I hear Junior High is killer nowadays.


Must’ve gotten picked on in junior high that’s why you’re bring it up, have fun flipping those burgers, hope you don’t get carpel tunnel.

I may see you later down at wendys I feel like a burger.

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Literally a millisecond search.

HOT, hell I may just make my own burger. They tend to not do a very good job when they’re getting paid 8$ an hr.

Your arrogance is stupefying.

Although, you are wrong in your assumptions about my career, I find your complete lack of respect for people that have to actually work for a living disgusting.

Although I’m not really surprised, given the posts you made this whole thread.