Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Bingo lol ! they like looking for fights around here alot i even have my own stalker worried about how i got my gear or what i do ingame its creepy.

i think sometimes people forget this is a game. lol

I’m pretty sure you forgot this was a forum about the game, so if you aren’t here to talk about the topic or the game why not get a discord to talk about stuff non related.

I been ranking up in league of legends lately in silver so far in both modes flex and solo pretty good stuff man!

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mobas are boring af

It’s not that specific individuals can get the gear and I can’t deal with it, it’s that if it’s easily obtainable via other means, it takes away the carrot to do content that pushes you to play better.

If you truly think it doesn’t matter what other people get, then why not just mail everyone mythic quality gear the day every raid launches and call it good? Everyone should just be playing for fun, right?

My self and others have said it before that they probably wouldn’t be playing if that were the case and it doesn’t fix anything by removing gear let alone giving out freely.

Lfr players will still be in lfr even with a full set of 425 gear.

But there’d be no reward/incentive for doing mythic content.

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One piece of 415 will get me almost high enough to skip normal 5 mans. And go straight to heroic for the awesome 355 drops. Seriously not that big of deal.

but you know we’re all 420 head to toe from doing lfr and WQ because we have the ability to win the lottery 20 times all the time. lol

Clearly you do care. That’s why you responded to him.

Would love to have that kind of luck in real life Lotto instead imho!

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To be honest I didn’t know what snowflake actually meant, googled it. It meant basically what I thought it did. As I don’t have my head stuck in social media to learn all the useless crap that’s out there.

And I did use it appropriately

There’s one obvious troll in this thread. You can tell they’re a troll because when people refuse to engage with them, they begin making fun of bits of information in various posts in an obvious attempt to get others to engage with them. Just ignore the troll.

There is no problem with the current rate of casual progression accept that there is entirely too much RNG. I look forward to the new system where I can work toward upgrades while avoiding the hardcore raid scene that I abhor so much.

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There is a problem with the current progression for casuals as you skip most of the progression then complain there isn’t progression and refuse to get into the content for the rewards you want then complain you don’t play enough to bother which makes me think why bother playing in the first place but I guess you need a sub to come onto forums and whine about something.


The game has to be about more than the gear or it’s going to fail, like it’s doing right now. Throwing gear around is a very desperate attempt by blizzard to keep players playing. If they didn’t you’d probably be alone in the game by now.


Then go read the posts because, yes, people have said casuals shouldn’t get or NEED better gear.

Nice one. “I said it for the trolls”

Yeah ok…

Oh the irony

Bit late to the party eh? This thread died awhile ago. Wasn’t any intelligent conversations happening, case and point.

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Unlike you, I was busy on the weekend.

Again, the irony lol

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