Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

As far as that other thread goes, ilvl scaled up and so did the mob/instance scaling. So giving everyone a 415 weapon is nothing, it is basically an lfr normal version and a welfare epic catch up mechanic.

i’m hyped dude but i’ve been trying to stay away from the ptr. its cool though right? lol

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Right, but like I said, I used to raid, but all my friends and guildies quit. I don’t have time to raid anymore, so that just means that I shouldn’t get decent rewards?

He’s not asking for all the best gear right now, but he’s saying that we should get it at a slower pace. If a raider can get geared in 3 weeks (Just an example) than people who don’t raid and do “casual” content should be able to get just as geared, but maybe it takes 2 months to do. That way it takes twice, if not three times as long.

But, we’ll all get there eventually. The raider will just do it quicker.

he said earlier that we should all be in 340 gear if we don’t want to raid, so i don’t expect him to agree with you.

Old system was far more favorable to casuals

It doesn’t take a ton of time/effort to acquire higher gear. I just feel like you guys are lazy and want free handouts. My guild raids 2nights for 8 hrs a week, so 4hrs each night. We never extend, we never do anything outside of raid but that is manageable even with a full time job, hell I work 60+ hrs a week and still have time for it.
But as far as the rest goes, if you don’t want to research guilds and find one that’s a right fit for you to push content then obviously you’re going to be limited to pugging which in it self is inefficient unless you’re getting carried and I doubt many people would want to carry someone so yeah. So yeah if you don’t want to put in the same effort or more which the amount of effort I put into this game is minimal at best, No I don’t think you should be reaping the same reward.

I also feel the casual community is overly spoiled/entitled when it comes to anything in game, you’re basically handed free everything for little to no effort/time spent.
If you want better things, put in more effort.
Blizzard ruined the progression system in this game and you basically skip over content.

It’s not the best, but by the gods it shouldn’t be the baseline.

early cata pre-lfr was my favorite. i got to buy my two piece plus other great pieces from running dungeons that i thought were fun. :slight_smile:

how does it effect you that zeus is 400 ilevel? did him getting that ilevel delete your gear or something?

Very cool feels like a expansion in a expansion thats the only way i can explain it lol.

that’s awesome my man. i can’t wait! also i’ll be here with you on the forums fighting the good fight. :stuck_out_tongue:

heroic gear is not the best this is what these people are crying about here give me a break lol.

You mean telling people your opinion without taking in consideration of there’s, I don’t see the fight there but ok.

400 gear is apparently super srs bsnss, zeus.

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I see it all the time with people, mythic + players that never stepped into a raid having better gear than mythic raiders. Just because it didn’t happen to you and you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen with the titanforging system rewarding super high ilvl gear to those that don’t do the equivalent content.
And no i’m not talking about 400 ilvl gear, I see people in mythic raid lvl gear from doing lfr/norm/heroic/wqs.

do you have an armory link handy by any chance?

Heck back in legion I had ran over 1600 m+ dungeons in the first 6 months of the expansion. The only upgrades I ever got througout mythic nighthold was trinkets and tier. It’s too easy to acquire gear anymore equivalent or better than the current raid tier through other means.
Had some world quest gear this expansion titanforge up if not past heroic content etc.

You seem to think I care about your opinion anymore, You obviously don’t care about anyone else’s and I don’t feel the need to justify my self to someone I probably won’t be in the same skill bracket with any time soon.

i was talking to zeus which is why i said zeus and quoted him.

Look again, you didn’t