Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

most of the casuals i’ve seen post in this thread are good with lfr level of rewards from WQ. we are not DEMANDING YOUR HEROIC LOOTS. and yes, if you want a challenge or to better yourself wow isn’t the place to do it tbh.

Then I don’t understand why you’re in here whining that people other than your self have different opinions on the matter and actually care whether or not someone is getting rewarded for something they never or will never do.

Until you kill mythic jaina I won’t be taking that at your word.

you haven’t “earned” or “deserved” a single green item let alone your 30498530454 epics. this is just a game. how old are you btw?

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You do know where you’re at right, in a game forum like you said for wow talking about gear. Did you have a stroke?

I never stated that you were. But that’s what’s happening right now. Heroic ilvl is thrown out there immediately when the new raid drops within much easier content. That’s what I’m saying and what I mean that we need to slow down progression

you do realize like half the posts you’ve made in this thread could cause you to eat a temp ban?

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Exactly, that’s why the casual player base is unhappy. they skipped over their progression

To be honest I couldn’t care less, didn’t insult anyone, they insulted themselves after trying to attack me in the first place. My recommendation is if you can’t take someone elses opinion get off the internet entirely and stay in the basement away from people.

I would also like to know which post I made that could get me a ban, obviously you didn’t even read any of it before chiming in.

yes you did insult people. you go read your posts again. and look at ones where S and F are combined into one word. i am not putting that phrase in my posts though because i am not eating a ban for you, or anyone.

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Yeah. And they’re looking for what’s next when really the next thing is Mythic raiding.

i play to have fun and not get stressed. i won’t even raid lfr right now because it’s full of mean people whoa are rude. i still have plenty of fun without raiding.

this is harassment.

again i ask how old you are?

i’m not reporting your personal attacks btw but if someone else decides to flag it. you’re on your own.

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More power to ya, but how you play the game isn’t the only way casual players play in general.

I played to clear difficult content and reap the rewards of doing so. Which is nothing right now.

you’re one of the ones that haven’t been subbed in months but are on the forums all the time, right?

Was until they announced Beta and the requirements to play it. Otherwise, yes. I unsubbed for 4 months and posted on forums.

Yeah if I was in a top 50 guild still and cleared content as it sits right now within a few months of mythic I’d probably be unsubbed if I could unsub. I was selling carries back in wod for the h archimonde moose mount which is fugly btw.
I still have enough sub time for another like year from those carries, and from the gold I still have another decade from that.

Although mythic + in legion I found to be way better than bfa m+, donno if it’s just the crappy dungeons or what. Can’t stand them, barely do one a week. I’d probably log in to do legion m+ as much as possible if we were still there.