Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

You obviously didn’t have a strong case to being with so I’m not even surprised you’re stepping out, probably freaking out because you can’t consider another persons opinion.

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are you even reading my posts? i’ve said multiple times i don’t give a crap about 400 loot. look at my armory. look at what date i hit 120 vs how many 400s i have. and notice that i have 385 still equipped from before the warfront switched over to give 400 from 385. ivus loot too. that’s how much i care about gear.

Obviously you care more than you’re saying because you would’ve left already.

you’re the one trolling for hours on a low level alt trying to tell people what they “deserve” or “don’t deserve” on a video game forum. lol


You said it, “video game forum”. Why are you here then in this specific thread, to talk about the weather?

Anyone else feel like he’s digging an even deeper hole cause he knows he’s in the wrong for assuming what other people should enjoy about the game in the first place.

it’s weird to me because wow wouldn’t even be in my top 50 things i use to determine my worth. it’s not that serious to me. i don’t care if you get a 50 ilevel advantage over me the entire game assuming i’m still able to progress at my own pace.

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I’m literally visualizing him digging atm.

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not a him, bro. but thanks.

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There are no grills on the internet, it’s a proven fact.

Okay but. That doesn’t really address what I’m saying

lol, hahaha - i love it. Guess mythic raiders would have to still put up with idiots.

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i’ll tell you this. if you care about “earning” something pick up more hours at your job. this is a leisure activity that blizz makes for little old ladies to do WQ. i don’t feel i’ve “earned” or “deserved” anything in this game. though i have busted my butt to get a raise or promotion. if blizz wants to give 1000 ilevel loot from WQ i don’t give a flying. if i feel like doing the WQ for it i will. if i don’t, i won’t. worry about yourself.


until i see a main i’ll assume he’s like that guy on my servers trade chat that says he’s a millionaire. a ton of hot air tbh.


Obviously you didn’t bother to look at the thread and only got a consensus off the last few posts before joining in.

do you see what server i’m on? do you know what an rp server is? do you think i have 5039658998345739845 mythic guilds recruiting on this tiny server? but somehow my money is of less value than yours?

You’re paying for the same content that I’m, if you’re too lazy to put in the time/effort to better your self to get into the same content, no I don’t believe you deserve the same rewards as I do. Even raiding 2 days a week for 8 hrs I can clear all of the current content even if I’m not the first I don’t really care.

Mediocre players expecting to be rewarded with the best gear in the game for killing boars for 6 months, just to keep killing some boars.

How about no.

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try actually reading my posts. multiple times ive said i don’t give a crap about 400 gear and that even if i was FIFTY FRICKING ILEVELS BEHIND YOU i wouldn’t care as long as i could progress on my own pace. try reading the thread instead of just repeating yourself over and over again in different ways.


I actually have been. And by that logic any game that’s hard or feels like work should mean I stop playing it and go pick up more hours at work. That’s a silly stance that I hope you’re not trying to make.

Sorry Dark Souls. I have to hate you now