Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

no reasonable person would complain about that.

The problem we have now is the reward structure is so out of whack with the content. trivial content rewards gear equal to heroic raiding, close to mythic with wf/tf, and that’s just ridicluous.

people are outgearing normal/heroic raids by doing quests, emmisaries and warfronts.

I absolutely agree that everyone needs character progression. but I adamantly disagree that everyone should receive the same gear for completing wildly different content.


explain to me how it’s not epeen feeling hurt that you think i shouldn’t get 400 azerite for completing a warfront? i don’t actually care about it. most people don’t raid mythic. why do you care about way lower ilevel gear going to people who aren’t your friends or even in your life at all?

That’s been said plenty times already, you should be rewarded gear for the content you’re doing. Lets say I’m a normal or heroic raider only, but all you need to do is warfronts/world quests/lfr to get the same loot. Why bother doing that heroic raid if you basically don’t get a reward for doing it in the first place?

btw we tried to double down on “raid or die” in WoD when you couldn’t even get recolored tier from lfr because radiers wanted to feels special. you saw how that went.

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As someone that’s more casual now, I think that just destroys all value of gear in this game. If that’s the road you want to go down, then all gear should just be cosmetic and we should all just be playing Barbie dress-up.

I like seeing people with better gear than me, and better titles, and better mounts. Sometimes it motivates me, sometimes it makes me feel like this game is more alive. Some people even do it for the epeen - why does that matter?

People who do more than me deserve to get more than me.

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i raided part of uldir with my guild before i became GM i drastically outgeared my other raiders and i still raided even though we had trouble with normal mother. do you know why i did it without even the chance at upgrades? because i love my guild and it was fun. this is a game. it’s not about gear. if it’s not fun there’s no point paying your sub.

Let’s all agree, all the content in this game is to build your character up so you have the possibility of raiding. That is the end game and has always been of this game, Yes some peoples end game ends with lfr but lets not lie that raiding is the main goal in this game when it comes to gear.

I’m not saying people don’t just enjoy one aspect to it like pet battling or world quests, but lets be real you don’t gear up just to do world quests.

So you’re saying what you enjoy about this game is the only thing I should care for also?

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gear has never had any value. it’s only people who want it to be “haves” vs “have nots” that think there is. the point is to kill bosses. if it were up to me all gear WOULD be cosmetic and people would do raids and stuff for cosmetic things and titles/pets/mounts. we’d really see how many people raided because they enjoyed it vs people who raid only to lord their gear over others.

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There still would be a gap in how skilled players are, instead of ilvl they’d complain about not getting in groups because they’re obviously garbage or can’t put in the time/effort to better themselves. It doesn’t matter if were talking about gear/cosmetics or anything, if there’s a reward and if you deserve that reward is the topic here.

Who are you to tell others how to have their fun? If having better gear than other people is how they have fun, why does that matter? If you care so little about gear it should have no effect.

If you took gear away right this second, players stuck in lfr would still be in lfr.

Not related to your question but do you think killing a Heroic boss or even doing Heroic raiding the same as doing a Warfront?

this entire thread is that one guy calling everyone else baddies because of WQ gear and you’re upset with me because i said get rid of gear and level the playing field? explain that one to me, buddy.

I already said I hadn’t read most of this thread, so I don’t even know what you’re talking about in terms of “that one guy” because I haven’t seen that since I got in.

That doesn’t do anything to level the playing field, were talking about whether or not you deserve the loot you received and if you put in the same amount of time/effort as everyone else for said loot. There still would be a reward to compare to others.

The player that’s stuck in lfr will still be in lfr, he’ll probably end up having to pay for a run to run a mythic raid for the cosmetics you’re talking about.

You wouldn’t have to put up with idiots ?

this toon is my oldest 120. look at my gear. i have like 3 400 ilevel pieces. and i’ve been 120 since like the first or second week. one of them i got this morning because i randomly decided to kill ivus. i don’t CARE about heroic ilevel loot. i took a lot of my toons out of purgatory when they upped the WQ to lfr levels. i was happy with that. my other main is a DID warlock and i think he’s 373. he even has blues on.

That’s debatable with your side of the convo.

“deserve” whoa you’re taking this game way more seriously than i do. have a nice night dude.