Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Has anyone in here said anything about casuals not getting gear? I haven’t read most of this thread, but I’m pretty sure most people just think that effort should equal reward. No one wants people to not feel like they’re progressing in this game, but the thing is that everyone should feel like they’re progressing, not just casuals.

The poster above had the best point, I think, in that catchup mechanics should be in place a little better for casuals/non-raiders to get gear from a raiding tier a little easier as soon as a new one comes out. I don’t know who would disagree with that.

A few people have said that and I don’t understand their thinking, but they do seem to just want to troll on here and extend the already exhausted conversation/topic.

in WOTLK you could buy normal level loot and TIER from a vendor from doing heroics. and do i need to remind you of the loot pinata that was MgT? this game has given out gear freely almost as long as it’s existed. if you really expect the rest of us to be 340 for the rest of the expansion when we’re playing all the time it’s not us that is being ridiculous.

I’m fine with it over a period of time. I disagree with several forms of content instantly giving Heroic ilvl when a raid drops that’s much easier than going into said raid.

I just want gear progression to slow down

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If you only did lfr and that was the only content you ever did, yes I expect you to stay at that gear ilvl. If you have no motivation or don’t want to put in the effort/time that everyone else above you has then yes.

If you work for 8$ an hr and you hate your job, you have no motivation to do better but do dishes all day. I don’t think you should get paid more just for sticking around, obviously minimum wage changes but not very often.

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Then people are giving too much weight to troll posts.

I also feel that the way Blizzard has handled professions has done a disservice to the more casual crowd. Why can’t professions be a way for players who don’t have chunks of time available to grind and chip away at creating equal level gear as some of the more difficult content? That seems reasonable to me.

my alliance shaman got a 400 weapon from killing some horde at a fp. he won’t replace that until i decide to pick him back up in the next tier. i was so irritated because his shield was still blue or something and i’d rather have had the shield. but it’s a crap shoot what you get. so it’s not always good stuff. and a lot of people get the same slots over and over.

That could be worse, if you have a ton of gold like my self I could just leap frog over everyone in a matter of days without doing the content.

Did I mention I like to make gold and I have a lot of it.

was for those lurking trolls out there

it’s the same reason that professions no longer give stat benefits. raiders whined because they felt “forced” to drop their engi with 7094385034985435 recipes for bs and jc because it was “BiS” and like most things bad that happen in this game, it’s raiders fault. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, not every piece. And it’s probably not productive to have an in-depth conversation about this in this thread, but it seems like professions could/should be reworked in a way to keep players relevant who don’t have the ability to raid after a suitable grind and time-sink.

I miss that engineering was really desirable but expensive to level. Now anyone can have a mailbox/repair/gliders. the only thing engineering has now is rocketboots and maybe some of the other tinkers.

I think the ideal system would just be how it was in vanilla/classic. Gear mattered and it was difficult to acquire because of the competition you had in a 40 man raid and whether or not it dropped the item you wanted. Went months without seeing pieces whether or not I needed them.

World quests are fine in my opinion but lets be honest they’re just dailies ike they’ve had over the years to keep people playing.

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even WoD professions were better than bfa ones. i still use my garrison to make bags every few days. for my alts, and to sell. i can’t tell you the last time i made a current tier piece of gear to use or sell.

Yeah I tbh don’t think crafted gear should be more than a minor boost while doing dungeons to gear up to fill in those slots you didn’t get through said dungeons.

But as far as the gold making part of it I couldn’t really say. I don’t farm/grind anything, I merely snipe stuff on the ah people mispost and flip stuff that people posted for cheaper than what you can actually get for items. I used to do pretty stacking and sold stuff for the warfronts. But that’s my only involvement in gold making.

I know inscription/herb/engineer/blacksmithing made a killing at the beginning of the expansion with their crafted gear and still makes a decent amount according to players that are better at it than I’m. Although it’s nothing compared to a fathoms deck going for 500k back at the start of bfa, with the materials for crafting going way down they’re still making a decent profit for the time/effort put into it.

I don’t think I agree with you completely here on blaming raiders for a lot of problems, or want to do that.

I do think that Blizzard has failed the playerbase as a whole by making professions the way they are now though, but unfortunately the more casual players don’t have a way to compensate for that the way raiders can. Professions and gear crafting from it are a great way for players to invest in their characters and to add a sense of gear progression for people who aren’t really comfortable with more difficult content. Letting this gear be sold also adds to a casual player’s feeling of involvement with the raiding community.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t think the best gear should be available to all still. Of course the most difficult content on a multiplayer online game should hold the highest rewards, but I don’t see why crafting can’t be a way to supplement casual players and up-and-comers with the gear to get into those groups.

That’s just it, gearing is a joke as it is with the mere volumes of gear available. Most people in here are complaining about gear progression when they skipped all of it and are expecting to get gear equivalent to raiding gear which they don’t want to do. If you don’t want to do it then don’t expect raiding equivalent gear.

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I feel as though it would’ve been fixed if you weren’t handed a piece of gear every time you logged in, wouldn’t have spoiled the entire player base into thinking that was and should be the norm.

Yeah, you’re right. The way gear is handed out now kinda ruins the weight of it all. There’s no real investment or sense of progression.