Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Remember what I said about grossly over exaggerating and credibility?

Gear very 5 minutes?

I mean, sure if we do only the gear WQ, then yes technically we can get gear every 5-10 mins, depending on travel times, but 99% of the time it’s vendor trash.

you do know some of us have disabilities or are elderly and these people pay just as much money as you do and want to feel a sense of progression in the game.

Yes you also missed what I said earlier about them catering too much to the casual player base. You guys basically skip over the different stages due to the quanity and how easy it is to acquire things.

if you do mythic and are above 420 why do you care that someone got a piece of 400 azerite from an emissary?

Hey don’t start going there I had a paraplegic guy that kept up with us in end game raiding in cata, he had to literally use a straw to play and move his character and he was 10x better than the majority of the community that complains about not being spoiled enough for doing lfr/norm/heroic, let alone world quests.

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Nope I didn’t miss it.

Tbh he wasn’t super great on moving out of fire. But hey most people think that’s a haste buff so they probably wouldn’t notice/care.

also you say you have gladiator and are a mythic raider who is killing jaina but you post on a level 13 character. why not post on your main? i am. though i am not saying i’m special. but i do post on my main.

The point of my posts are to try and provide a perspective on a certain side of the argument that I agree with. I do my best to avoid being snarky even though I post that way at times. Especially when it’s a conversation rather than a heated debate.

For me I’ve been the casual and in past expansions have become a more seasoned player. Not great but at least downing Mythic bosses and getting Elite sets and tabards from PvP.

There’s a ridiculous amount of work when trying to raid Mythic with a mentality to clear each boss and get CE. I almost went insane wiping+500 times on M Argus. And for me, it broke when 385 pants dropped in my hands with better stats than the ones I got from M raiding.

It’s even worse for Heroic and Normal raid might as well not be there. I can do Warfronts, Invasions, AOO if it’s up and be Heroic raid ilvl when in fact all of the things I listed are tons easier than getting with a bunch of strangers and wiping 100+ times on one boss.

That’s the point I’m trying to put out. I can make myself go insane by attempting to do harder content, or I can just do much easier content and possibly get to the same result.

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You mentioned your gold twice in this thread. You posted the following earlier in this thread, go find it yourself if you need a link.

“legion, bfa what does it matter. i’d bet you all 20 mil of my gold I could do lesser content and do the exact same thing.”

You are most definitely conducting yourself as an elitist would, and you are being properly called out for it. Who the hell cares what gear anyone else has or how they got it. With so many people paying actual money for gear and progression in the hardest content, earning it by working with a group the hard way means very little outside of personal satisfaction.

I did the raid scene for years after launch and now play casually. I am by no means a bad player, but I have zero tolerance for elitists and raiding guild drama and popularity games.

I’ve done some pugs to get through the story content because hey, RPG and I actually enjoy the story. Had a blast when all of us noobs got some bad RNG and I managed to stay alive long enough for everyone else to run back and take the boss down. THAT was fun and I didn’t get a single damned piece of gear I could use out of it. What I got was a lot of thankful fellow players and a group that joked with each other for the rest of the run. I had fun.

And yeah, I’ll take whatever gear they’ll let my casual self grind for and if I get a chance for higher level stuff, awesome. I do consider raiding from time to time, but then I remember the nightmare of dealing with raiders’ egos and do a hard pass again.

Ultimately, everything will progress as the developers intent it to, and people will get gear in whatever manner they can, and your complaints will fall on deaf ears. Or at best, the ears of people who don’t care about your complaints.

Nah I’m not interested in having stalkers

The problem is when people make it an “us vs them” situation. Which is precisely what this is.

It’s very hard to maintain a sense of progression when the game drowns you in gear up to roughly heroic level, for very little effort, before throwing up a sudden wall before you.

Casual progression is good. However, it is not good when when rewards fall from the sky like rain and you run out of carrots to chase after a couple weeks of even casual play.


unless you’re posting on a separate account someone who cares enough will be able to see every toon on your account. i’m not one of those people. but if someone wanted to they could post your main in this thread. i doubt you have two separate accounts to keep people from “stalking” you.

Exactly what I mean.

GL, most if not all the character/account tracking websites died.

i have like 13 level 120s. 2 warlocks, 2 shaman, 2 paladins, dk, rogue, dh, warrior, hunter, druid, monk.

when i hit a wall with one toon i finish leveling one and start on gearing another.

my two highest ilevel toons are both 386. this and my hunter. my hunter did more warfronts than this guy and has some 400 gear.

we make our own fun.

and tbh i don’t care what ilevel my gear is as long as i’m progressing. most of my toons are still progressing on the 370-375 level and don’t see the 395 WQ anyway.

Fair enough.

And I’m not trying to say that mythics are easy, I’m sure they’re hard as heck, but it irks me when I see people complaining about casuals getting gear. We need some kind of reward for our time played.

Although, I can agree it shouldn’t be on par with mythic gear. Some of these guys in here think we shouldn’t get any progressive gear at all. I’d be ok with LFR type gear, but if that’s what we had, they’d be complaining about that too.

they do complain about it all the time even before tf was a thing. they think it shouldn’t reward gear better than HEROIC dungeons because it’s a story mode and something something baddies something something carried. it all became a blur at some point with them saying the same crap repeatedly in different ways.

Most raiders don’t do this. Most raiders end up farming AP and world quests for hours, and then do mythic plus and then raid a few days every single week. Perhaps there is some merit in letting casuals get gear but not to a normal difficulty iLvl loot. There has to be limits.