Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

What you are saying is that you need 415ilvl gear because it’s Mythic? But my question is why make it that way? Making a content harder doesn’t require gear to be greater? The difference in ilvl400 gear to ilvl415 gear is a pretty big difference in HP and DPS. It makes a difference when your doing dailies, dungeons, etc…

I need 425 ilvl gear to smash the World Quest guy in one hit. So yes I need it just as much as the raiders need it to smash their guy.

You obviously haven’t looked in general discussion and have only looked in this thread, there’s dozens of threads including this one with people that strictly do world quests that believe because they can’t invest the time/effort or either don’t have the skill/exp to clear mythic content that they deserve the rewards from that content.

I’d agree with you here. Sachi doesn’t understand that there is a significant difference with ilvl400 to ilvl415. He/She think Blizzard has adjust these thing to your gear lvl. If they did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

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I have 8 toons and have done every emissary on each guy everyday and only got 3 items above 410 the whole expansion. These people want a game that has 500 players and no money just to spite the 2 million casuals who keep the game from dying.


Gearing is a joke and if you don’t think so you’re delusional. I made an alt in legion which I haven’t in awhile, geared it in 3 weeks of playing it for a couple hrs a day. It outgeared my main and was already out dpsing my main far before that. That was at most a couple hours a day doing lfr/norm/heroic and mythic +.

Later have to leave work. I hope I get 4 more 410 ilvl items on this guy to watch raiders have a stroke while I show them off.


To be honest I already forgot about you and what was said. So yeah sure.

How does an alt outgear a main that does Mythic RAID and Mythic+? If it does, it’s a pretty serious ALT? Your main is doing Mythic Jaina so i’m guessing you should be at least 415+ilvl.

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I agree there is a bit of a difference but all you’re doing is make the only content you’re capable of doing meaningless if it already isn’t at that point.

My main was fully mythic geared in legion, had it’s bis leggos. I made an alt and in a matter of 3 weeks it outgeared my main from lfr/norm/heroic and m+ content without ever stepping foot into a mythic raid.

They are bad on their main.

Lol, you do know some classes are way better than others right? Oh wait your mobs only last a few seconds so I guess you wouldn’t notice.

I’m in this forum a lot. I’ve read lots of those threads, and they’re just like this one. You can’t help yourself from repeating these same delusional claims that all casuals are demanding better-than-mythic gear for 5 minutes of playing then log off. Because none are.

Or maybe you’re referring to a small handful of trolling threads that were there just to trigger you. You’re so easy to trigger, maybe you should work on your reading comprehension?

Or threads started by alts of raiders pretending to be new players or casuals. There’s been a lot of these.

Typical exchange:

Casual: “It would be great for casuals to have some sort of gear progression. Right now there is nothing to work toward for casuals.”

Self-control would go a long way toward cleaning up your forum reputation.


This is not legion, this is BfA. You’re not making sense talking about Mythic Jaina and Legion gear in the same sentence.

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Proud of my purples and can’t wait for more. Never done a dungeon and never will.


legion, bfa what does it matter. i’d bet you all 20 mil of my gold I could do lesser content and do the exact same thing.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t even subbed right now. I didn’t see any achievements raid or dungeons since 2018.

Show them off where? LFR? Wont be any raiders there.

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