Keep the Mage Tower (and its' Druid forms) exclusive

The fact that you used the word should instead of the words have to prove my point and invalidates yours.

So let’s try this another way. Why do they HAVE to, beyond all free will, HAVE to? They don’t so let’s stop being disingenuous to prove your point shall we?

I’m actually not, you are. You are arguing against other people having something just because you have it and think it’s special. I have simply argued soley against your use of the slippery slope garbage and have not at all argued for or against mt skins. One more thing that escaped your notice/understanding it would seem.

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I mean, you’d think that all logic would dictate that, but logic does escape a few when they’re blinded by desire.

Yes. I’ve seen a few suggestions for druids to have a similar feature to hunters being able to tame beasts in the wild where we would imitate/mimic them. Sounds neat!

‘Should’ because I’m considering every wow player, as oppose to you merely thinking of yourself. They should not bring back the mage tower forms, but I’m offering the only possible way it would happen.

It would appear that my points are only ‘invalid’ in your head because it doesn’t agree with your side.

See above. In order to be fair to every player that missed out on other mage tower appearances and every player that missed every limited item in game they should unlock everything. It’s the only way it would be fair, and I have no doubt in my mind that Blizzard would take a decision that is fair to the most number of people.

They don’t simply because they shouldn’t cater to people that missed out acquiring this when it was so widely advertised with more than enough time to acquire it.

I’m arguing for a larger group of people. You and the ones that missed out on getting it did have the opportunity to acquire it. The fact that you didn’t is not our fault nor is it Blizzards.

So what you’re saying is you that you lack self-control? I do sympathize that you’re unable to wrap your head around the arguments presented, friend. Perhaps you shouldn’t waste your time here if all you care about is ‘garbage’.

and im not even a druid main


Yeah Furry bro. Same thing in the other thread. Major :roll_eyes:

For someone who said they wouldn’t reply to this thread in your OP, you sure are replying alot. :thinking:

Anyways, thanks for keeping the MT discussion going. Gives it a higher chance of getting it noticed by Blizzard = )

All of this just goes to prove how clueless you are. We aren’t even arguing the same thing despite my numerous attempts to point this out to you. You are so bent and twisted on hammering your point in that you completely glaze over stuff. Slap those blinders on and muscle forward! Have fun on your crusade dude :v:

I remember getting my werebear skin: spending every night it was open practicing on it, having a harder time because I could never get the right legendaries that could make it a relative cakewalk, and then that final run of clearing it and the experience of it knowing that it really was my greatest highlight as a tank player in WoW. It even motivated me into doing higher-end content that I’d never think about doing before, and others had no problem pushing me toward it because I had that Mage Tower form.

The werebear wasn’t just some cosmetic form; it was a tanking medal of valor. There was no need to flash some AotC achievement or flaunt some number from a third-party website; you could just pop into that form and other players immediately understood that you know what you’re doing as a tank. Even now, it still brings prestige as someone who keeps getting referred to in my guild as “the swolebear”, and while I don’t do hardcore stuff in-game anymore, I still get comments from people telling me to go back to that stuff because they see my druid go into that form and know that at some point, I was good enough to get that form.

It’s that prestige and joy both from overcoming that Mage Tower challenge and from aftereffects that followed it that I think the “bring back werebear” crowd really don’t seem to understand when they keep making their demands. At the same time, I’d shun away from the “keep it exclusive” crowd too because I believe every player deserves to have some source of higher in-game motivation for making themselves individually better so that they can be better for others.

Lastly, I leave two questions to the “bring werebear back crowd”…

  1. If you were in Blizzard and wanted to bring back all the Mage Tower skins (and it would have to be all 36 of them) for some sort of new challenge format, what sort of tangible reward (i.e. actual in-game item) would you offer players who already got the skins they wanted?
  2. Are you so unimaginative that you literally can’t think of better ideas for new forms that you keep going back to something we’ll likely never get again? I assure you, I’m not trying to be offensive with that question, I am just genuinely curious about it.

…and two questions for the “keep it exclusive” crowd.

  1. If Blizzard did for some reason decide that they bring back ALL the Mage Tower forms, what sort of challenge would you feel to be adequate in this day and age to make those forms a worthy reward?
  2. Are you so uninspired that you’d waste more energy raining on people’s parades than helping the “bring werebear back” crowd come up with ideas for new forms that we’d be far more likely to see in any likely future? Again, not trying to be offensive, just genuinely curious.
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Since it’s a problem for you I’ve edited the OP to add your name in.

You’re welcome. Blizzard watches all forum posts, I’m sure they’re aware of it.

You appear to be really hung up on ‘slippery slope garbage’ and so intent on proving that point that you miss the forest for the trees.

I’d tell you the same, but you beat me to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

You too, broski. Hope you find more logical fallacies on the interwebz to remedy!

Thank you for your post. Since I fall into this I’ll answer. They would need to have the challenge back in a time capsule to ensure balance, which means everything scaled as if we were in that period of time without any interference from anything post-Legion.

If I’m not mistaken this is essentially what ‘classic’ does? I don’t believe Timewalking achieves this as you do take your items with you, but they scale. If they can balance it accordingly I suppose they could do so through Timewalking.

Again. If they unlock all the Mage Tower appearances and other items.

Using the same logic of the bring it back crowd

I want a crack at earning the coveted White Raptor, the ZG Tiger and the Darkspear Troll toy.

I would much rather have Blizz focus on new, cooler, higher poly forms for all. Bringing back Mage Tower forms opens up a huge can of worms. It’s just not feasible without repercussions that the ‘bring back’ crowd haven’t thought of or choose to ignore.

So this is why I ask what sort of challenge and not “how could the original challenge be redone”. The idea would be to come up with something that would be on par with the difficulty of the Mage Tower challenges and not necessarily a case of cracking open the time capsule.

While I definitely agree on the first sentence, I think the exclusivity of the Mage Tower forms doesn’t necessarily bear the same value as that of much older content like the old ZG stuff made exclusive due to that content being remastered.

This is not only why so many more people are clamoring for the Mage Tower skins to come back far more than any other exclusive content from the game, but also why hammering the “slippery slope” line doesn’t work as well as you seem to think it does. It was something that was there for all 36 specializations–not just Guardian and Feral–meaning that practically everyone could benefit from those being released again via some different form of personal challenges even if they already have a couple of Mage Tower skins already, and Blizzard would probably make a decent profit advertising it as well despite whatever vocal minority of players there would be about it.

Now that’s not to say Blizzard would go back on their promise of keeping it exclusive, but I think it’s important to keep all of that in mind on this matter, especially since…

…you don’t seem to be doing that. This is why I use the word “helping”: to help come up with alternatives that could establish a point of compromise that could actually work in the game rather than just opting for the lazier “no, go away” approach. Who knows, maybe that collective compromise might give Blizzard something to work with.

I’m afraid I can’t really answer that as I don’t feel I’m qualified to come up with something appropriate. I wouldn’t mind this topic being given some thought by more experienced folk like the community managers, etc.

I must say that I feel this is subjective. I do understand that it’s a form, and thus something that a Guardian would spend so much time in. That being said, I covet the ZG Tiger more than anything else in game.

I don’t mean to keep going on about it but do you think it’s fair to bring back just one set of ‘retired’ appearances? I feel like this is a big fu to people that want other retired apperances/items back and also the people that were given to believe the Mage tower appearances were exclusive to those that earned it in that time.

I feel that it invalidates that promise that was made and thus the form loses a large part of it’s appeal.

Again, I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to what alternatives work. I maintain that some things should remain exclusive, it’s okay to have that and it’s okay that not everyone has every form.

That was just a dig at you man. Learn to take a joke!

@ Raarsi

As I’ve said before, I would have them create a new challenge with new skins. Players can choose between either the new or the old skins, but not both. It seems like a reasonable compromise to me.

Honestly I think bringing up the Mage Tower skins is the best way to get Blizzard’s attention on this. They are unique skins that people want, and a challenge comes with it. As an aside, I like the idea of Druids getting more regular forms (such as those that we see in the wilds in-game) that are a bit easier to obtain, but also harder ones, like the ones from the Mage Tower.

Instead of bringing back mage tower stuff they said would be unobtainable after they were gone they should make new “mage tower” esque class/spec challenges that give different cool rewards for everyone more akin to the shadowlands.

With that said if they ever bring any sort of “challenge mode” back I just hope they don’t give it the “bfa treatment” they gave to set gear and just made the rewards armor specific regardless of if it fit your class or not

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So was mine. I don’t blame you at all, I’d have pointed that out as well.

Precisely. Something themed from each covenant. As a troll boomie main I feel extremely deprived. We didn’t get anything from the Mage Tower in terms of skins because they gave us weapon skins.

Feral also has Fire cat in addition to Mage Tower. I’d say Boomkin need to first in line to getting new looks.


That’s a lot of words to say I got mine and no one else ever should.


Honestly they should just keep the mage tower locked and exclusive. Give us a new form for shadowlands. A new exclusive that was brought out this expansion that will be the same level of difficulty to obtain.

Would love to see some new models for boomkin as well. But with how many models are in the game currently it should be pretty easy to just paste them in. It being locked to a covenant or what ever would be cool. But I’m good with just giving us a new beast type of form from what ever new beast we discover in the new content. Even if every race or covenant has access to the same one. More exclusive rewards for druids would be interesting. They would be healthy for the game in general. Limited time rewards encourage people to try to earn them. The mentality of I should be able to get it when I didn’t participate in when it was available is pretty silly. There are already enough aspects of wow to go back and accomplish later on in the games life span. It’s ok to have some things that make you feel like you have something for others to be jealous of.

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Imagine being the kind of person whose idea of a good time (or who, in order to take pride in their own accomplishments) is blocking other people from sharing in something cool that you’ve had all to yourself for 3 years.

“Not even other color tints!” lol.

The Mythic armor tints are realistically only obtainable by 1% of the population during current content but become farmable years later. The elite PvP gears are locked to a top standard deviation of players but have slightly less cool variants for the BG heroes.

Difficult to obtain different color variations can easily be added to Torghast TC and the Legion peeps will still be special snowflakes.

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Maybe you should’ve done the mage tower.


Ideally, but people prefer explanations instead of a summary.

This is a must.

No need to imagine it.

Quoting you guys just to demonstrate the opposite sides of this matter.

I see a lot of you in the ‘bring back crowd’ that use terms like ‘special snowflake’ quite a bit. I’m honestly not even sure what this is in aid of because it’s not an insult, if that was the intention.

Is pointing out the obvious something kids do and find amusing? I ask because I’m older and maybe there’s something clever about it that I’m not aware of.

Na druid forms without the mage tower are kinda trash.

You could do them with antorus LFR gear and smash them compared to what they were in Nighthold. The “I did it when it was hard” argument died when they kept them in after that tier.

Stop removing every cool thing for pretend prestige. It doesn’t exist.


Some thoughts- they could give druids a green fire-esque challenge or challenges to unlock certain appearances. The two that come to mind: a claws of shrivallah toggle ( I hated it back in wod, but to each their own) and a feral skin to look like Kimbul (coolest part of Nazmir (intaparenthesis edit: Vol’dun, not Nazmir) , IMO)

For boomkin they could have the Swole Boom model fro Warcraft III reforged!

And for bear, dunno. I ran torghast today and got that perk that makes you 100% larger and gave you trample. For obvious reasons, trample can’t happen, but I was so loving being an enormous bear. Plus I use the chameleon glyph so I got to see all of 'em. A 12-15 feet werebear must be terrifying.