Keep the Mage Tower (and its' Druid forms) exclusive

I’ve already addressed the 'challenge 'issue. It was difficult for some, not so much for others. Doesn’t matter much because the first point trumps everything else.

This is a cool idea.

you dont have it
i do

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I was secretly hoping they would release Kimbul in some form during BFA after what they did in Legion. Alas, they did nothing = /. Kimbul’s Shrine is in Vol’dun btw!

For boomkin I think the swolebois from Bastion would be awesome, although they would probably have to do new animations for it.

I havn’t got that perk from Torghast yet…sounds cool!

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See I used to share the same mentality. Then I realized something… why am I whining about old content. Give me something new and exciting to work for. Its nice there are tons of collectable stuff to get. There is a HUGE amount in this game. The exclusive stuff is alright. Just give me the option to keep obtaining new exciting stuff so I’m not stuck wishing for one option that is from the past.

But here we are wishing for more options because there is nothing new to work towards.


I hope people like OP can one day achieve meaningful accomplishments in life, and I mean that.

I’ve found that generally people with fulfilled lives want to see others gain, whereas those with little of value desperately hold onto the most worthless things to feel better about themselves.


Thank you. My achievement tab is doing quite nicely with more on the horizon.

Fascinating. Do you typically need a stool or does someone assist you to reach the top of a table?

Just curious, you are punting size after all. :thinking:

The slippery slope started when they allowed players to buy appearances from naxx 40

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Well said. It’s kinda sad…

Ya mon. It’s sad to see people that can’t let this go because they haven’t racked up enough achievement points.

But let ol Voodookin know. I can help ya out.

No. Let people earn them, make the challenges more difficult or something…

Would be better to have something new, mon.

I still don’t understand why people are acting like the forms should come back. How many times did blizzard state they were obtainable for a limited time? If I remember right, they even sent an email reminding us. It’d be one thing if all Legion forms were locked. But it’s only MT forms. Get over it. New forms will come eventually.

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and now that classic is out you can see first hand how pretend elitist that was.

Stop locking cool cosmetics behind fake presigte.

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Hold your breath for me and let me know when that happens…

If they updated the Mage Tower to scale to character level the way they have with the Proving Grounds, and added additional scaling for ilvl to prevent cheesing, I’d be fine with it. That would be in keeping with the solo, instanced challenge with a fun but not gameplay necessary payout.

Anything less than that and its not fair to those that earned it when it was current, just like Gladiator mounts from previous seasons should never be available again.

Right? I just want a glyph to change my travel form to an Echo Isles raptor, Trolls don’t care about Malorne.

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Seriously. There’s a reason this subject comes up more for Druids than other classes. There aren’t hundreds and hundreds of other similar forms to pick from like other classes have with weapons. Or even with mounts. Even if you can’t get a Gladiator mount there are probably 10 other mounts that look 90% identical.

It was stupid to make something that drastic for a class this lacking in customization a limited thing.

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IF they remove the exclusiveness they need to do it for all the other classes as well…
(“but muh its not the same murrrr”)

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I did mage tower with 7 characters 10 specs with my europe account. 2 years ago i moved to usa and i opened another account for us servers. so i don’t have any mage tower appearance now.
Would i be happy if blizzard open mage tower again? yes
would i make a request to blizzard to open mage tower again? no
I don’t care.