Keep the 120 camera FOV

/vote for keeping. I pla7 on a 43" 4k and it’s soooo much nicer and feels so much more natural at that size having the 120fov. /sad that they detected fun and something nice and removing it. Just add it as a slider in the default game options and let players choose.

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We really are sick and tired of being lied to actiblizz.

Good job promoting your preorders, now we can see it’s just more of the same old same old from the same old folks.

This will help many of the fence sitters finally ‘just say no to preorders’

Currently sitting at 120 as well, did they not implement the hot fix?

It was definitely not at 120 this morning and I played with switching between 90 and 120 with absolutely no change. Then I login later today and it’s sitting back at 120 on its own and zoomed out :slight_smile:

Might be that something broke. However its the same on EU so that makes it a tad more unlikely that both regions “break” at the same time.

Or they actually caved in given the uproar on every front (be it the forums, in game, third party websites, the cc etc etc etc). Or they are afraid of having to justify it further with the same excuses that were called out to be beep back then as well.

Inbefore hotfix gonna appear in some public patch notes tho.

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I’m here to support my cause for the 120 (or larger) FoV.


All of the files are in their API. Not very difficult to do. And its certainly not impossible lol.

I did exactly that, per my post above. Which you didn’t refute. You instead keep talking down to me like I don’t understand the topic.

How am I supposed to take that?

well i honestly don’t know what to tell you other than you don’t understand what field of view does even after being told exactly what it does multiple times.

Believe what you want to believe buddy. Doesn’t change the fact that you clearly can’t grasp a simple concept even after being given basically a definition of exactly what it is and does. Regardless of what you “see” it’s not what it does.

can’t help but laugh at the sheer level of clear ignorance.

Three paragraphs full of insults … and not one rebuttal.

You can keep talking, I’ll just keep feeding out rope… gg

i don’t need to rebuttle when i’ve given you full detailed information in previousl posts. it’s not my fault you don’t understand a simple concept. Good luck to you on your quest for being right buddy, hope you get there soon.

I agree! This is my first ever forum post and it’s because FOV 120 has changed my gameplay and allowed me to stop spinning camera so much. Please do not take it away! Makes zero sense.


Ion will never cave in, he has been on a bender since he became boss to try and make this game exactly how he wants it and nothing else, no compromise. You can see it by how he responds, he has no idea about anything outside of what he does and how he feels about things, never takes other players into consideration.

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Im not sure how recent this is supposed to be but before I took and break in WoD(came vack BFa) i could use console commands to zoom way out.

Since I returned Ive been using the addon Advanced Interface and it allows me to zoon out pretty dang far…

But are you saying they are reducing max camera distance again? Because that would be bad…

Why do you people care if the view was decreased 120 was never the intended viewpoint.

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That is my assumption as well. Hence why I’m not seasoning my broomstick just yet to eat it.

Because people got a taste of it. And they highly prefer it for their respective reasons


Yes its a nice benefit and I guess I get why they are taking it away, but its sort of a mean thing really. If people want a better view of the game, and it can be done without causing game issues, why not do it?

They aren’t. Max camera distance and FoV aren’t the same.

As long as there are competitive aspect to WoW - they should keep the game as uniform as possible for everyone.

I would think a greater FOV would be a huge benefit in PvP.