Keep the 120 camera FOV

If you guys do not know, recently /console cameraset fov 120 became available and it made the game feel a LOT better than it has in years since blizzard capped the camera zoom out.
The reason they’re removing it as per a wowhead article w “The Watcher” is because it provided an unfair advantage to those that use it, over those that do not.
Now I ask you whats the difference between using 120 FOV vs 90 and Addons vs WAs and even keybinds and macros, that provide the same or even a bigger difference between those that know and those that do not know.

Players who are complaining about others using it are the same people who complain about WAs and Addons. They’re just weirdos, disregard them for wanting to control others play styles.
Add it as a slider, if you want 120 FOV you can keep it, I don’t think I can go back to such a cramped view space of 90 FOV, it felt a lot better and made me actually not as sick playing with 90 FOV.

If FOV is such an issue with blizzard games, why am I able to edit it higher than 90 in Overwatch? an actual competitive game where those types of settings offer a clear advantage. It’s world of warcraft, not an exactly mechanically hard ESports game like OW is. Please blizzard, don’t do something like this again. You angered and hurt so many players experiences with the max scroll out years ago, why do you do this again?


Bumping this.
Let us keep 120 fov.


Makes for a better variety of screenshots too.


Fun was detected!


I agree. The game feels much better with 120 FoV. I really hope they change their mind.


I don’t know what this is! Can someone explain for me?

Basically how far away your camera is from your toon. It made some places really stand out and some things easier to see.

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Ooh nifty!


Not anymore it’s getting nerfed XD


Which is stupid. But par for the course for Blizz.


Pretty much =/

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They think players should have to live with pointless inconveniences.


Mobs in Bastion still run straight up in the air to escape you sometimes, and Gnomes still vanish under the floor in parts of Ardenweald, but let’s keep ignoring that in favour of this pointless change.



Please reconsider this change. The camera should never be part of the difficulty of a fight, but in so many fights it does sadly feel that way. Think Dausegne rings etc. This FOV change finally made mechanics feel visible enough without swinging the camera to look for them constantly. Thank you.


YES PLEASE, why on earth would you waste time making your game worse!


Same reason as before. Because they have no idea what they are doing.

It was the same with the old zoom change, it was with the tab targeting change and its now the same case with the FoV change. Because putting it into the interface option is also too much work or what other “genius” reason.

Especially the argument of competition makes no sense in WoW. Next to the top guilds being irrelevant as far as game design is concerned. And as you said addons also being a thing. So based on that logic they would also need to remove every single addon in existence regardless of what it does.


As a poor top down-zoom out or die meele I want the 120. If there was option to zoom out even more than 120 I would pick that too.


Please, PLEASE let a blue see this.

Setting the FOV to 120 was like taking a breath of fresh air I didn’t even know I was holding in - suddenly the game matched how I like to play most of my other games, I wasn’t spinning my camera as much so I wasn’t getting motion sick as much, everything generally felt better and I was actually excited to log in tonight.

This just makes me despair because I hadn’t realised how restricted I’d felt before, and now I know how things could be instead.

Don’t remove the 120 blizz, please.


A blue is already aware of it. Im gonna eat a broom stick if a certain someone actually caves in for once however.


If they cave in and listen for once, and not this malicious cycle of “we’re listening, we’ll take input” then instantly disregard any input people have said during betas, etc, biggest example is azerite not being ready and them being told its not ready, so often with 8 months into the expansion they start to make changes that were brought up during public beta/alpha.

If they actually cave in, and listen. My and many others hope and love for blizzard/WoW devs will start to heal and improve.