Keep Slime Cat in Normal

More like Buying boost requires players to purchase tokens and sell them in the AH

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I mean most of the time normal is easier than LFR so whats the big deal ?


It is 3 raids that have to be done with 1 raid each weak set as fated .

Progress only counts for each raid for the cheevo when the raids are in their fated form .

So no it can not be done in one day .


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.


I’m ok with this too. :smiling_imp:

He’s right after all “it’s way too easy to get”, so lets just bump it up to mythic raid season 4 and leave it to that.

Blizz will keep it normal+ until the last month or so before prepatch and then add in LFR to get people to come back and sub. Then the raiders will cry about how they earned it.

so then it really isn’t about the “sense of accomplishment”. You just think it’s cool to gatekeep.

Raiders already get goodies.


Look, another idiot who doesn’t get it.


Op, doing LFR is not giving the mount for free.

  1. Players have to actually do LFR and complete it with random groups of players, not wipe on it.
  2. Its really sad you seem to think or imply that its handing out to those with disability.
    ^ If this is a common belief by Wow elitists, then I think all other players should seriously reconsider paying for/playing this game.

No one is asking for anything for free. People are asking for the Slime Cat Mount to be available from clearing all 30 bosses in LFR as well as other difficulties. People are asking for this because for months the achievement has said ANY Difficulty. Wow’s own website also lists Raid Finder as one of the raid tiers.


Thinly veiled Boost ad

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As a Mythic raider I think that LFR, especially the last bosses, are much harder than any Normal run I’ve ever done.
Gatekeepers like you are one of the real problems of the game. People who try to prevent others from getting something nice and having fun.


I have the Brutosaur mount as well and I don’t raid above LFR due to my disability with Psoriatic Arthritis. It’s quite similar to Rheumatoid arthritis.

I didn’t boost to get my mount because I play the auction house and can do so at my own pace.

Is it possible that I could join a normal raid group either via a guild or PuG? I’m sure nothing is impossible, however, as a personal decision on my own, I don’t like to use my disability as a clutch for bringing down the groups DPS. I can play the game quite well, but if I’m having a bad flareup in my hands, I won’t be able to bring as much as someone else with the same type of gear.

I’d like to keep my medical issues while I’m in the game as private as possible, that’s just my own personal decision I don’t like to use that as an excuse and I do not feel like having to tell anyone about it, but that’s my prerogative and that’s why I choose to do LFR.

On the same hand, I’m also someone that is OK with there being mounts that are only attainable at higher difficulty levels such as AOTC mounts.

I just feel that this is not one of those mounts the falls under the purview and that Blizzard is really doing a disservice by not allowing it to be accomplished in LFR. That’s a personal opinion, that doesn’t mean I’m 100% right and everyone else is wrong, I just think it’s a big mistake on their part.

It’s also a hill I’m willing to climb a lot further because even their own achievement process so that it could be completed on any difficulty, the wording should be their own undoing in this situation. I also believe it should be available in this difficulty regardless.


I also have arthritis in hands and i don’t even do lfr as i never know when it will flair up . I usually do solo stuff so i can stop if it gets bad . I think leaving out lfr is a jerk move mounts, pets and cosmetic stuff should be available to all.


I agree. It should stay in normal. It should stay in LFR too as the achievement currently in the game doesnt state normal as the only difficulty. It just says complete the fated raids. It doesnt specify a difficulty.

Slime Cat for All. Not just for some.

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Nah, they need to put it as a mythic only thing then LFR players know for sure it is out of reach and the normal-heroic elitists will be crying how unfair the tears would sustain me forever to see them get a taste of their own medicine.


Are you a booster?

i mean… keeping slime cat in normal is basically free

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They can once the restriction is lifted after a few rotations

Some of these people never struggled through the holiday LFRs and it shows.

I literally put in probably 100 hours on LFR N’zoth alone just to get a single kill.


“Y’all got 30 seconds to make up your mind before I pull for another Determination stack.”

Good times.

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