Keep Slime Cat in Normal

Remember when Nzoth LFR didn’t check if you had the lego cloak? Peppridge farm remembers.


Speaking of lfr hyjinks I remember in mop there was a boss that would turn everyone into “enemies” for like 10 seconds or so periodically so basically you could attack/hit each other if not careful.

Well anyways at the time I thought it was fun to sling some one shot chaos bolts at under geared people and I did get some pretty deserved angry whispers lol.

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I believe this is blizzards incentive to progress from LFR to Normal. Many casuals would be able to complete LFR, get the mount and stop playing 3 weeks into the season. Requiring atleast Normal raid completion will keep people playing for longer.

LFR isnt an actual difficulty

Change My Mind.


those are the same people who feel accomplished when they can dress themselves in the morning

I can understand why people are upset after assuming the slime cat would be available through LFR, but that was never the case. The wording of the achievement said any difficulty, which LFR isn’t technically a difficulty. If you right click your avatar in game and hover over raid difficulty, you have the options of normal, heroic and mythic. Blizzard could have made that more clear sooner rather than the week leading up to the patch. Like others have said, if this upsets you, tell them by unsubscribing, its the only thing they’ll listen to at this point. On the flip side, there’ll be numerous normal pug groups available throughout the week.

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Spell tome is a permanent reward , Slime Saber is time limited reward, if only it was some sort of evergreen challenge for any player and new players at least

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Remember when Blizzard didn’t care that players would join and purposely take off their cloak to troll groups and refused to do anything about it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

yea, it was very funny

Until you’re 100 hours in just trying to get a single damn kill for the achievement to enter Guide Chat.

thats very funny

Literally does not matter.

They let us believe for 3 months it was in LFR. I’ve posted the pictures in the CC thread if you don’t understand how we were led to believe it.

Hell, it’s still live on the servers. The achievements literally say “ANY” difficulty.

They had three months to tell us. They didn’t.

The ONLY acceptable solution at this point is allow us to get it in LFR.

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LFR isn’t a difficulty. Right click your char and you have 3 raid difficulty options, normal, heroic, and mythic

now stop complaining. If you can’t clear normal there’s no hope for you anyway :skull:

That is incorrect. Anytime LFR has been included in an achievement it has said any difficulty. When its been normal or higher it states on normal mode or higher in the achievement description

Yes it is. There are countless other achievements that state any difficulty and that includes LFR. Get over it.


You know why it says that? Because of the way LFR works. You cant walk up and enter the raid like you do on normal and above as its not designed to work that way. Its meant to be queued hence the npcs with the option to queue. You are trying and failing to make your point

seems like you need to get over the fact the only reason people are complaining is bc they’re too bad to clear normal

If you get a feeling of “accomplishment” from doing LFR…you don’t know what an accomplishment means. Your basically saying participation trophies are an accomplishment. by your statement, in this case “Doing LFR is an accomplishment”. Might as well consider a 3rd place trophy as good as a 1st place trophy then too.

I still remember one of my babysitters being happy when I tied my shoes on my own, as a young kid.

It is a happy memory.

how is someone managing to play for free? even if they are using tokens they either abused garrisons a bunch back in the day or spend a considerable chunk of time farming callings on alts. Either way, no one is getting access to the game for zero cost.