Keep Slime Cat in Normal

No, it requires them to purchase a token from Blizzard and then sell it for gold.

That is why boosting has been so controversial.


This is trolling. 100% bait.


Wow if Normal is so easy sounds like we should just let people get it through an easy mode like LFR, too. Thanks for making the case for us, great job :+1:


You mean requires players to swipe a card.

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Thats on them. I farm my own gold. Players can make 1,200 gold just by logging on and doing mission tables. Players can even do that from their mobile devices.

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Isn’t this what you’re doing?


No, that’s elitist.

Ok, so you don’t care about players with disabilities? Definition of ableism.

Or they can quit.


I’m sure some people feel accomplished with being able to tie their shoelaces together.

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Oh, there’s a player movement demanding that it should be removed from normal? I’m okay with having it limited to completion of the mythic season 4 achievement, .1% top mythic+, AND (not or) gladiator.

Get to work, sweetie.


I really don’t understand why people dislike doing normal raiding and meeting up with new people. There are raiding communities out there that cater to all kinds of people, very chill and relax ones. If you don’t have the time to do Normal raiding, then I have sympathy for you, I really do. I really want the hippo mount but I can’t commit the time and effort to PVP so I accept that I will never get it.

People meet with new people in the game all the time. Why should you be the one to decide who those people are permitted to have as friends?


I say make the achievements for LFR and Mythic only. That will lead to some quality forum meltdowns.


keep it in normal

its a mount not worth getting anyway it doesnt look like what we were led to believe a giant mr bigglesworth.

its just a reskinned monk class mount

Going to have to agree with you on this. It sounds ideal.


That’s a very mature and logical response to have. I’m not sure why people feel entitled to rewards that they’ve haven’t

Excuse you but what? If that’s the case why not get those friends of yours and do normal raiding…

i think it might be a difficulty thing. Some of these raids are intimidating to players that haven’t ever stepped foot into a raid, probably because of what they’ve heard. they’re def a step up in difficulty this xpac

i still think normal will be easier than people think - but i can see how someone that’s never done more than world quests or LFR might be a little anxious. :nerd_face:

Actually the slime cat should have been for completing all of the fated world bosses.


I still don’t know what this mount is, I just think it’s hilarious that this section of the forums is having such a meltdown over it, LOL.

My level 10 added another level 10 to her friends list. It took about 10 minutes to do, because apparently bnet is all buggy at adding friends now.

They’re not going to start raiding together. Seriously, what’s wrong with you that you need to micromanage every player’s gameplay?