Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I guarantee I’m older than you. :roll_eyes:

Wouldn’t be proud of that

And a little effort into your gearing with gems and enchants. And while yes, some are a cakewalk, the more people in the group that are on the lower tier of the gear spectrum the harder it becomes. A single person in a 5800+ group with a 4k gearscore isn’t going to create a problem unless it’s the tank, but there’s two things to remember there. First, that’s if you get into a geared group. Second, that those people ARE carrying you whether you want to admit that or not. So I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to remember that their performance is going to be low, and that they should work to minimize that as much as possible.

Some people in this thread feel they just deserve a spot in the LFD by the virtue of being able to queue for it. Which is incorrect regardless of anything else said in this thread.

I agree with this. Also kicking people for severally underperforming, going afk for an extended period of time, not holding threat, getting decimated as a tank by mobs, pulling trash incorrectly that causes a consistent wipe that would have been avoidable.

And those are all things that can apply to GEARED people as well, not just low gearscore players. But if you’re dps is sucking consistently AND you have a 4k gearscore in gammas, gemming and enchanting your gear might be the difference between them feeling it was a fluke vs you being bad and not worth their time to carry. And it might also help bump your performance baseline too.

Yea, but you should still do it because this is classic. If you want to be a welfare carry go play retail. This is a different game with a different style of play and a different mentality around the gameplay. It doesn’t seem like classic is for you. Which is ok, no one is going to force you to play it.


This from the person who bragged he didn’t use flasks in raids because they were so easy while doing the lowest parses in the raid. Do you really want to talk about bad faith examples

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Well I do flask in raid, I also use potion of speed, and I do parse in both retail and in classic. And I agree with his assessment in that instance. Less attacks on the people, and more focus on the merits of the arguments would do us well here.

So why are you playing Wrath, seems like you’d be happier in vanilla classic?

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I can’t play all three? You realize I also have Classic logs out there too right? It’s not as if my priest isn’t still sitting on a Classic server right now.

Right so if you don’t like wrath why are you playing it?

It sounds like you have a lot of nostalgia for vanilla and also like retail.

thats what I m thinking but then not everybody is understanding or willing to put in some effort along with me.

Dont worry your group can enforce that rule.

Sure and if people like you kick too often for frivolous reasons blizzard will just add the 15 minute timer before you can kick.

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I wasnt using potions of speed in naxx 25. I was using flasks.

No suprise you are still spreading false information.


This is also false, but hay you gatta push your narrative right?

We’re talking about heroic dungeons, not heroic ICC. Where the best gear you can get with scourgestones is Trial 25m normal gear. Not much of a welfare carry when the ICC dungeons dropped 232 gear even back in OG. Oh, and you can buy 245 gear with Triumph badges too.

You keep trying to falsely equate me with those who glance and gearscore snd kick before the first trash is even pulled… i don’t. You always try to arrack me as a person because you cant deny the truth behind what i actually say. So you make up strawmen to arrack or you attack me as a person. It gets old.

The same vendor has higher Ilvl gear on it than 245.

Shhh you are telling them a fact. They dont like that.

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Only reason I remember is because my DK is hitting that vendor up today for some sweet upgrades

Again, who are you?

Not my narrative. All this was proved by other people and linked here. I have no idea how to find warcraft logs or to check someone’s parses. But when other people found them and posted them here the evidence was over whelming. /shrug You might be able to fool those who weren’t here back then or missed it but those who were here remember.

It’s that you try to take the BS middle position of you only kick for performance issues but are totally fine kicking for gear complaints even if they aren’t an issue.