Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I’m actually quite happy with RDF :slight_smile: my gameplay has been greatly improved.

And while you might personally not kick people until there’s actually a reason there are people in this thread advocating for kicking just based on a mouse over gear score, and like you many of them were also anti RDF.

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I’m pro-RDF and anti-mooches. We exist

The best way to supplement gear is to start running gammas as soon as you can queue for them.


Oh hey, FTFY

Not really, turns out most people in gammas have better things to do than perform a cavity inspection on everyone’s gear and just want to finish the dungeon.

Which can easily be done with people in 210 gear.


Do you mean mouse over and click a button or two? Saves plenty more time than it takes. You kids really want to make it out like it’s not a 5 second process that saves at least 20% of the time

Except it really doesn’t, the time it takes to inspect, then vote kick, then wait for a replacement in a 5 man is simply not worth the time.

You sure? it takes 15 seconds at most to get a new dps

And there’s no guarantee that you’ll get someone either better geared or just better in terms of not standing in bad stuff.

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Don’t worry, I’ll take the gamble

Alright you got me, it was a bit of an exaggeration BUT 210ilvl is more than enough to do it. Currently, there is no way to gage competency in dungeons which, is required to do them properly at that ilvl. They are a cake walk at that ilvl when you put a little effort into learning mechanics.

If we had some sort of experience/competency tracker/rating other than achievements, that would be the best solution but it’s not and I’m not smart enough to know if something like that would even work.

Kicking someone immediately for too low of gs is not good. Kicking someone because they didn’t unwrapp the tank after they were told to prio the wraps and wiped again, acceptable in my eyes.

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Strange, I’ve never seen a message from Blizzard telling me I need to gem and enchant my gear before queuing for RDF. :thinking:

Just ignore the blatant forum troll.

That’s fine :slight_smile: you are welcome to.

It would be interesting to see the average run times of your dungeons where you rabidly kick people vs other runs.

Literally no one claimed this.

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You guys really want this to be way more dramatic than it is :rofl: I literally click what, 3 times and go on with the dungeon. Nothing personal, nothing aggressive. Just a nice cold, calculated move

No one is mooching unless they are AFK.


Which may or may not increase your completion time by the time it takes to do.

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It’s nice that you care, but I’m fine taking the gamble. Don’t sweat it

anyone notice that its all the tanks that are pissed the most abt anything lol. no heals or dps complain, its always the tanks that gotta get so mad in these runs. hey youre not the one constantly healing the friggin rogue under the ice…over…and over…and rez and rezin lol. most of this stuff is ez, its mechs ppl need to learn.