Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

so… how does this address the fact that good players have good gear?

it seems in your example there arent any good players.

It is there group. And if 3+ agree to it it is there group to decide their standards.

A few pieces of Ulduar HM gear, which was 2 tiers ago.

It’s Blizzard’s group if it was formed through RDF, so only their standards matter.

Obv not his entire loot list on the vendor but several pieces higher than 245 and are still being used currently. “2 phases ago” what does this even mean?

which includes “you can be vote kicked for any reason”, but that standard isn’t apparently acceptable to you.

It is a democratically run player group. After the group is formed the reigns are habded to the players in thr group. And by blizzards own rules, they can vote to kick for ANY reason.

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Noone has argued that they technically can.

Like I’ve said if it becomes too much a prevalent problem that people are kicking for frivolous reasons blizzard will just impose the 15 minute kick rule. Which is ultimately worse for everyone since then people can troll for 15 minutes without being kicked.

Good luck with that

And blizzard can change the kick rules, not sure why that confuses you.

They won’t tho :rofl:

Sure, and as a tank it’s 100% something I want to wait on. Until I am crit capped with a decent gear level I’m not tanking gammas because if someone else isn’t performing it could be disaster.

No we’re talking about gammas. If it was just normal heroics I would say it wouldn’t matter. But I’ve been doing gammas on my DK for a while, and I haven’t replaced any of the pieces I enchanted and only two of the ones I gemmed with TBC gems. It’s really not that hard. I’m doing something like 10 gammas to 1 upgrade piece.

The difference between 245 and 232 is pretty significant, only the heroic ICC gear is 232 normal is still 219, you’re trying to act like you’re going to have an entire next tier worth of gear in a day. We’re not talking about people in full 245 (but also you should be gemming and enchanting then too) we’re talking about people in 210 wanting to get 245, which is a full 2 tier skip. That stuff adds up.

So are you doing regular heroics for badges to get that 245 gear? No, you’re doing gammas for it. So this is a non-argument that doesn’t mean anything.

That’s not how that works at all. It’s insane to me how incredibly disingenuous some people are being here to the point of might as well be lying just to grasp at straws that support their view. Because by Blizzard’s own admission they don’t police groups and it’s up to the players in the groups to decide where the line is. Not Blizzard. Even for LFD.

It means they don’t understand that Algalon is 1/2 TOGC tier and not Ulduar tier.

Don’t be so sure :stuck_out_tongue:

They have missed multiple things in the RDF implementation.

Those same tank caps apply in all content not just gammas.

That would require them to pay someone for 5 minutes of work. We both know that isnt likely to happen. “Think of the shareholders” lol

Yes. But also voting to kick for no reason at all or for incredibly bad reasons is also pretty dumb too. And there should definitely be some underlying protections again people that egregiously vote to kick others over and over again and abuse that system. But there is literally nothing in this game that is black and white, everything is nuanced and Blizzard can’t police it all. They can’t even keep the botters out.

Based on that they wouldn’t have added RDF at all :stuck_out_tongue:

They might want to protect the investment they’ve already made by not letting trolls kick at the start of dungeons.

The only place RDF is getting complained about is on this forum. Everyone in game is doing just fine playing by the rules. It’s only forum moaners making a stink over easy to understand rules

I don’t disagree.

Ingame very few people are kicking over gearscore, just like how in game most people were totally fine with RDF in the first place.

It’s more just an amusing discussion seeing people think that 6k GS is required to do a gamma dungeon.

There’s no need. It’d be easier to exploit something made to protect individuals in dungeons than it is to “exploit” a majority in a group

I’ve witnessed tons of vote to kicks in game. It’s just not something people are crying about in the game

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