Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

You mean this guy who was carrying the healing done on your Heroic attempts while you were grey parsing?



I m at the treshold in GS. currently 3962 and I m confident I can do betas. I m just thinking that maybe I should make the jump to Gamma immediately cuz it seems easier due to the Gamme buff. I tanked my first Gamma at 3.7 by accident, didnt even notice and was able to keep aggro just fine against 5.5 people but I wouldnt make it a habit cuz I m sitting at 29K health selfbuffed (warrior) so that feels really weak

What substance, and interesting how you came to that conclusion despite admitting to not reading it. Very big of you.

No they don’t. If you would read everything instead of what you want to quote you’d have the full picture. Blizzard doesn’t inspect your gear, they just put into place a very loose baseline of ilvl. That’s not the same thing as determining when people are ready to do content. Hence why the vote to kick feature exists.

No, they facilitate the process. Not the same thing.

Incorrect. And I have given plenty examples of why. Be better than the other trolls. Provide substantive parts of your argument. It’s just rude to give these one liners without elaboration especially with as much detail as I have gone into.

Gemming and enchanting your gear shows a level of understanding, knowledge, and most importantly interest in playing your class/spec. So it’s absolutely related.

It CAN be. It is not inherently so. Hence my nuanced argument of “it depends, stop being lazy with your low ilvl gear”

While I understand your sentiment here, let’s be real and fair. The person initiating the vote to kick and the person voting yes are not the same. It’s much easier to get people to blindly hit yes or no. Making it really simple to get these kicks to go through. Sometimes there are valid reasons and sometimes invalid, and generally it seems most people will go along with a vote to kick for low gearscore if the number is a certain threshold based off no other information.

I initiated a vote to kick on an obvious 700 dps bot, the people hit yes, and then after didn’t seem to understand the reason for the kick even though they hit yes.

This 100%. 110%.

BWAHAHAHA. Imagine having warcraft logs of your obvious lie too. Like, I bet the “This guy is trash” was decided on Marrowgar, where they died in a spike. Likely to their terrible dps.

That paladin was carrying the CRAP out of that group and those attempts. They might have gotten Saurfang down too if they weren’t so low on dps.

I tanked some heroic ICC 5 mans on my DK with a 4200 GS, 30k hp and held threat just fine against a 5800 DK. I also invested in some higher ilvl crafted gear, put gems and enchants in where I could for increased health and avoidance, and made sure I had some consumes on hand for emergencies. It’s literally the bare minimum done when playing this game, but it was well worth it.

When your argument is to sit there and say I’m not even gonna read that proves you are just here to troll. Of course we already knew that. The 5 or so of you trashy players hiding on your alts spamming the forums because you get kicked for being trash deserve every single kick you get.

Except it is, it’s not perfect but Blizzard is making a determination that people are or are not ready for whatever level content.

Obviously some people do not use that in good faith. But then the people kicking when they see someone who is perfectly adequately geared just because it doesn’t meet their arbitrary gear score requirement are also not using the kick feature in good faith.

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If 4 people decide their enjoyment of the dungeon in hindered by 1 person what’s the issue? 4 > 1

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There are people in this thread that talked about buying “cheap” items off the AH so you can get above 210 ilvl/the required GS for their groups or else they will kick. It happens in every single thread about being kicked because they were too low ilvl.

But again, this is very rare because most people and groups I have been in have just ran through the dungeon without issue with 210ilvl +. I only had it once where somebody tried to kick a mage for “too low GS” and they were 4200. It failed and we completed the dungeon.

These posts seem like people who were anti-rdf are making up stories to make it seem like rdf is worse than the manual tool we had before.

To be honest, if ppl was telling smth like it, i believe they 're liar. Because in RDF noone wait for someone to go back AH, buy a gear then return into the dungs.
The point is, if ppl buy gears from AH, at least they look at what they really need. While with 210 ilvl req alone, there 're lot of ppl just use any highest gear they grabbed, then jump into gamma queue. I did see 4.4k ret pal which use any kind of gear (pvp honor gears, even spellpower plate and mail). Another time, a 4.4k Prot Pal did 3 pulls without RF turned on, and using pvp gear, luckily our group is full of plate and hunter dps so i could manage to keep them alive.
My suggest that bz shouldn’t set the low req for gamma just because they should let ppl not skip beta. If they 're fresh 80, they should do some dungs by themself before jump into gamma.
It didn’t mean all of low gs player 're bad.
Just close gap between beta and gamma let ppl to jump in gamma asap

The no gems and no enchants is usually the give away that it was done in bad faith.

Im anti rdf. And i do not view the vote to kick system as an issue. People are 100% inflating the issue. If you read carefully many of the people “the vote kick needs to be fixed” camp will also claim they never got kicked.

Most of them are arguing to argue. Wheb they argue no gems and enchants at all is fine because they will be replacing gear
, you know they are arguing to argue.

Except it’s not, for the purposes of catch up dungeons gems/enchants are minor.

I’ll take the ungemmed/unenchanted guy who does mechanics any day over the 6K GS dude who stands in bad for a dungeon.

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For sure the anti RDF crowd was always a small minority and the people who get whiny and kick when they see a low gear score are also a tiny minority and also largely the same people.

It is ironic that the biggest complaint we’re seeing about RDF is being caused by the anti RDF crowd being toxic.


The plot thickens :o

Except thats not the case.

It isnt the anti rdf complaining about rdf. Its the people who believed rdf would be the second comming of Christ, realizing it wasnt, and complaining more even with rdf in the game.

I didnt want rdf. Im not the one complaining about people having the option to kick people through a democratic vote. Im not the one claiming people should “have to” accept them into their group. You got your rdf and you are still unhappy.

What in the world are you talking about? Them being under 210 would mean they got to 210 in bad faith, not because their gear doesnt have gems or enchants.

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If you have under 210 you cannot queue for gammas to begin with unless you cheesed your gs with wrong class / spec gear, but no gems and enchants is also a bad faith example on putting no effort into thinking about their gear.

Repeating what I said just a few posts ago?

No its not.

Suggesting that people supplement their gear from other sources =/= calling anyone not willing to go into debt for gear a peasant.

You didn’t get kicked from groups before RDF because you never got into them. These threads are just a carry over from the “I can never get a group” complaints from before. It’s also somewhat born from, but not in all cases, people that didn’t get groups before expecting those same elitists to suddenly accept their ungemmed and ungeared low level alt for wellfare gear. This is still classic, it’s still content, and you still should put in a little effort for the game. Want an easy time go to retail.

But see I was able to before my ilvl was 210, and I didn’t have any hidden alt gear in the bank or anything. I was fresh at 80 with some crafted pieces.

There’s been a LOT of claims about how the system works and none of them seem to be 100% accurate on either side of this debate.