Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I have yet to see someone make this argument. The argument is dont kick right off the bat, let them actually play some. If people can be replaced so quickly what is the problem with getting started and then seeing how someone performs?

Whenever I tank, the first pull will tell me how the dungeon goes, if I am charging one enemy, and people start attacking something else I drop group asap. Ill get a deserter debuff, but I rather do that than deal with impatient retail tourists.

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If this is true then a few 210 coming in shouldn’t even be noticeable. You’re just kicking to be toxic.

Yes but why does it surprise you that the average person running it is in that level of gear? Gamma drops gear that has been out for a long time and is lower than that.

Of course someone gearing up a character will be lower than an established 80. How do you not understand that?

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Get this right,
If someone 're struggling to settle in gammas, go to betas should be easier and quicker way to catch up. See, the title of the topic saying it. They 're blocked their way to gear up in gamma.
In the same time of getting kicked, waiting for debuff, etc they could go into beta do a several dungs, know the mechanic and gear up to 4.6-4.7k quite fast.
It 's only take within 3hs from 4.1k to that point, and then they could continue gamma again without issues. What could be wrong to spare 3hs, when your target of 4 pc T9 cost how many times, even without blocked by some random gatekeepers?
I didn’t say any if they 're doing it properly in gamma. If they all don’t have issue with it, so this topic shouldn’t exist.

Gasp! Suggesting people put a little time into preparing for gammas?! You monster! Lol.

Well no the best catch up is to spam regular heroics for triumph badges until you can queue for gamma. Then do gamma.

If you meet the ilvl to queue for gamma you can do them with no problems and you are an idiot not to. By not doing them you are missing your second daily heroic which gives 3 frost and missing out on defiler stones.

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Please get this right,
If someone 're struggling to settle in gammas, go to betas should be easier and quicker way to catch up. See, the title of the topic saying it.
If your opinion 's not relative with it, so why 're we talking about it in this topic?

If you’re struggling to “settle” in gammas it’s not a gear issue. Just stop standing in bad, something which doing alphas or betas won’t change.

But yes the topic is people trolling and kicking people for fun, which sure having an arbitrary gear number might change. Of course then you have to factor in opportunity cost of the occasions you get kicked vs what you are missing by not just doing gammas.

Gamma is easier than Alpha or Beta. There is no reason to not do Gammas as soon as your ilvl is high enough.

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my opinion 's gamma req should be 225 ilvl, and drop 232 ilvl gears, which really a catch up to go into ToGC and ICC
That also why i said bz throw ppl into gamma queue by default, that ppl skipped beta by no intention

That’s fine, but the req is ilvl 210 and they drop 225 gear.

In my opinion H+ shouldn’t exist at all.

you didnt read clearly, once i told you its easier just because you 're at higher gear level when starting gamma.
Grab a group of 220 ilvl, go once in gamma and once in beta, you could understand the different (just skip some gamma dungs that undoable)

Any time I see an overly whiney entitled bad geared alt in gamma I’m going to vote to kick with the reason of “Shadows forum alt”


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100% false…
took a 6kgs HPal, with Kingslayer title, to 10m ICC last night and this dude was UTTER garbage… GS means absolutely nothing about a players capabilities


Then its their gameplay.

Its actually not.

You have absolutely no idea how long it would take especially the random nature of RDF paired with the random nature of gear drops.

Its wasting time.


Dont tell me to read the thread when you yourself didnt read it. Basing stuff on the title of a topic alone is the wrong thing to do and you are no better than the bigoted people kicking for an arbitrary number based on some addon that doesnt tell you much of anything.

Thats already there, its called 210 ilvl. You cant enter without having it. And this doesnt mean someone getting high ilvl from ICC dungeons to boost up their ilvl and either having it in their bags or banks.

It’s so weird how they assume that everyone who gets to ilvl 210 somehow did so in bad faith.

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Okay you win, i lose.
I always lose while keep talking with someone who don’t care what others talking about, even don’t care what himself talking about, just only care to prove he’s right and the others 're wrong.
Don’t reply me, thank you.

I dont know what you are talking about. Kind of hard to care when you cant understand someone in the first place.

It’s called projection.

Weird just got out of first gamma on an alt after barely breaking 210 ilvl, yes some of it ungemmed and unenchanted, and the there were no issues.

Turns out the people claiming you have to be in ICC BiS to do gammas were in fact lying.