Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Whats your excuse lol

how about ā€œAquila non capit muscasā€ ?

edit: lol

Get this right,
You can ā€œvote kickā€ anyone, but you canā€™t kick anyone by yourself alone in RDF.

last week 2 of newcomer / returner thanked me for my advice (doing beta before gamma) after seeing they found it hard to settle in gammas
And now they all reach 5k+ gs and doing gamma without any doubt.
What did you do rather than sarscam?
Sarscaming can help ppl to prevent to be kicked in RDF?

Keep on trying buddy talk is cheap post from your main. Stop projecting nowhere did I say anyone got kicked for not flashing. Iā€™m just purely pointing out the trashy type of player you are.

Everyone is a buyer at the start of phasesā€¦ Icc 25 h loot is not going to 3500 gs whales.

So you just gas lighted some people who didnā€™t know better about how gearing actually works.

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nah, they did know gearing. What they missed is how mechanic work in gamma (cuz they skipped beta), or sometime they did nothing wrong they still be punished because of undergear
Problem is BZ throw ppl into gamma by default RDFqueue
Tbh it should be betas > ICC dungs > gammas

Except they werenā€™t 210 ilvl is plenty for gamma.

So you gaslighted them.

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This guy GDKPā€™s lmao


They were somewhere in 215 ilvl - 225 ilvl.
But yeah, ppl in betas 're more easygoing than ppl in gammas.
In betas, they could forgive someone even after 3 death, but in gammas a ā€œvote kickā€ happens much sooner, especially against lower GS ppl

clearly iā€™m not against 210 ilvl ppl in gamma.
Iā€™m against the idea to throw 210 ilvl ppl to gamma by default RDF.
If it werenā€™t, maybe much less dramatic. But who know if it was intentionally set. At least this topic is very hot for Wotlk forum

I personally donā€™t vote to kick anyone unless they are trolling or repeatedly failing mechanics that are detrimental to the party. I have also never initiated a vote to kick. I find gs to be fairly irrelevant as class factors into it a lot too (a lower gs disc could heal more than myself generally in average fights within a range for just one example).

With all that said however I find it a little weird that some are on here saying if you meet an arbitrary number then no other factors matter. That to me is just as ignorant as saying the only thing that matters is gs.

In reality with a few exceptions on each side I think most are just being intentionally stubborn and not meeting in the middle simply for the sake of argument at this point.

They probably wonā€™t do anything because they donā€™t think that thereā€™s a problem with groups being left to their own devices. Sorry if thatā€™s not what you wanna hear

That still doesnā€™t give me a statistic. What do you think the average item level is for players running gammas?

Why do you need a statistic? Because you arenā€™t playing the game?

Based on what Iā€™ve seen over the past couple weeks itā€™s been out, Iā€™d say the average person running it now is is ~230-235 or so (not including the ICC geared people coming for the daily quick). Mid to high 4Ks gear score

I doubt there are many noobs playing this game anymore.

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Youā€™re the one who brought up the ā€œaverage item level.ā€ Just curious what that is.

Honestly I donā€™t look at GS, I only run FOS on the daily, so Iā€™ll take your word for it.

Howā€™s this sound? Or do I need to go and poll it just for you to say the results are tampered?

clearly you are if you tell people to go to beta to gear up further. There is no point in going into beta dungeons. But really there isnt a point in gammas either. They are for the emblems of Frost and that is really it. Do you need scourgestones to gear up? No. You can get T9 4pc without it. T9 245 4pc however you have to do from gamma and I would NEVER tell anyone to go farm out heroics for triumph to then jump into gamma to then farm those out to get triumph AND scourgestones for their T9 4pc.

Alsoā€¦ in case people were forgetting, people were requiring a high ilvl for beta when it was current. 5k gs for that content, I seen it every single day last phase. So these same people are saying they were full of it since they are saying that people lower than 5k gs should be doing beta. They are admitting to just being gatekeepers and that was their goal all along.

These people dont like the RDF came to be and they want everyone to suffer, and in that case they should get a permanent vacation.