Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Oh no, people are doing catch up content in order to get geared! :scream:

Why? It’s not hard to understand that someone gearing a fresh 80 is going to be a lot lower ilvl than someone who’s in BiS. Or that the requirements for gamma is a lot lower than BiS.

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Hey, buyer beware, if you get kicked for it, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Because your opinion goes against blizzards, and therefor is not required at all.

Also, good to know you have zero problem carrying someone in a raid for money and not willing to even entertain the possibility that someone other than you can do content without your highly subjective scenarios.

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This is a massive amount of arrogance on your part. Blizzard does not have an opinion on who is ready for what groups. Blizzard does not put together the groups. That is up to the players. Don’t invoke Blizzard as if they are here to save you. They have a very basic and baseline assessment of when you can unlock the queue. That does not mean you are ready for it.

This is a hilarious statement and proves you have no actual concern about the topic and are just here to argue. Because if you bothered to read ANY amount of this thread you’d know how wrong that is. Yea I don’t have a problem carrying a couple of people in a GDKP. I also have no problem with someone that’s not a rat coming into LFD.

I did my gamma earlier with two other dps that had 4500 gearscore that were doing less than 3k dps while I was doing 9k. I didn’t kick them. But if you’re not able to even do 3k dps perhaps you should consider what the problem is. And you should pull your weight and not expect others to pull it for you.

It’s catchup content for people to get geared, it’s not “please carry me for free” content. I definitely have a problem with people that kick others simply because they are under a certain arbitrary gearscore. Because gearscore means very little.

But if you’re going to sit there and argue that people deserve a spot in content by existing without bothering to make sure they are working for it, then GO PLAY RETAIL. That’s a retail mindset. This is Classic. Where if you’re undergeared and complaining about not being given a chance, but every indication of your gear suggests you don’t deserve one, don’t complain when you get kicked.

It’s this kind of mentality that creates people like the others, they see people like you so often they don’t want to give anyone a chance. It’s not a hard requirement to spend around 100g or even 50g to bump your dps up or your avoidance up to the level you need to do content. That’s what the gold is THERE FOR. That’s the essence of an mmorpg.

Get over it.

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TLDR not worth.

Anyhow, youre wrong

They literally do when it comes to heroic dungeons.

They literally do via the RDF system.

It literally does.

Ah yes wallowing in “I meet the bare minimum required of me, I’m so awesome” vibes going on here.

No, it literally does not.
I have never healed on a priest, I hit 80, respec to disc, queue up for a gamma at ilvl 210. I may meet the requirements to hit that button, but i do not fit the content.

Essentially, the proving grounds addition was a great thing


Actually it does because 210 is more than adequate for gammas.

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Yes but now you are conflating gear with not knowing how to play the class/spec.


Yeah, I get why some players might not want to spec healing while leveling,
but with dual spec and now, rdf, no one should go to 80 without doing some lower level dungeons.

Also, proving grounds was great.

So again, 210 is just fine for gammas and random rogues and grey parse holy paladins plus that random warlock are literally working against blizzards system.

It’s kind of funny they’re complaining about people who meet the requirements for gamma but they’re actually so bad they can’t clear a gamma themselves without a full group that out gears them.

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Those who aren’t insecure don’t care about attempted shaming as a tactic :dracthyr_shrug:

Precisely look at how much some of these people are freaking out that people doing the content that is their next step in their gear progression are you know doing so.

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The only people “freaking out” are the ones making daily posts about not liking that Blizzard leaves group decision-making up to players. People kicking others from groups for whatever reason are just playing the game

Actually in RDF blizzard doesn’t leave group making up to the players, that’s literally the point of RDF.

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They do leave decisions up to the group once it’s formed though. That’s why they can vote to kick, do skips, and plan any strategies they want. RDF works so well because they leave the heavy lifting up to the player base

Yes and if they blizzard wanted they could easily decide that kicking just because you arbitrarily don’t like someone’s gear score is harassment/trolling, they have policed the same kind of thing in BG’s. And no in RDF blizzard very much can control how the dungeons run, for example they broke the Gundrak skip.

More likely we’ll just get the 15 minutes before being able to kick added if it becomes too much of a problem.

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if the noobs spent as much time in self reflection as they do analyzing the elites, they’d get good.