Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

So just inept then?

I don’t know why you say “We.” You’ve never done Algalon, so…

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This disqualifies you from all future discussions. Literally every single raider, sim tool, bis spreadsheet, the entirety of wotlk classic says you’re wrong here. Shadowpriests get 50% of their spirit as spellpower, and an additional 10% of all spirit increased. Spirit is one of the best stats until ICC, where we drop twist of faith because dps gear loses spirit and gains crit instead. Not because spirit is bad, but because it’s just not on the gear (and crit is better overall).

Essentailly Purified Dreadstones are 17 spellpower for a priest vs the 23 from runed. So as long as the socket bonus is 6 spellpower or better, matching sockets is better. Because you also get mana regen which is also useful on longer fights with no breaks, so you don’t lose as much dps from dispersion for regen if you have 100% uptime.

Sure it does. You sound salty. Maybe take it up with the guide creator, and if you are dropping Twisted Faith then its only 30% from Glyph of Shadow and its still not worth it.

You literally did not read anything I said and just went straight into more wrong statements. I even did the math for you on the individual gems and you still ignored it. Stay mad and bad. I’ve raided as a shadow priest for almost 20 years. Please don’t come in here trying to tell your betters how to play a class you’ve clearly never touched.

Yes I did. Thanks for playing.

12+5.5=17.5 + 5 (socket bonus) = 22.5 which is less than a straight spell power socket. And the guide says if the socket bonus is +5 which is a damage loss.

Even worse with your new math since you said you drop Twisted Faith which I dont know why you would do that but you do you, thats only 30% conversion.

So thats 12+3.3 = 15.3 +5 (again based on the guide) thats only 20.3. Even a +7 socket bonus isnt worth it according to you saying you drop Twisted Faith

Pssst… its called Twisted Faith, and you arent dropping it.

wrong, my rogue is GS is 5989 and Im a terrible player

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That’s for epic gems, and if you’re socketing epic gems into a 5 socket bonus item it’s a 232 item in which case what does it matter. 245 socket bonuses are 7, and 251 are 9. It’s almost like I said 6 spellpower is the cutoff too.

Yep I did. You chose to ignore it. because you refuse to admit when you’re wrong.

Because you again didn’t listen. You don’t drop twist of faith until you’re near full bis ICC, at which point you go deep discipline for 4% haste and 4% bonus spell damage. Since your entire tier set and all bis items in ICC have 0 spirit on them, it makes little sense to spec for that 20%, but you still keep the glyph. If you knew what you were talking about you’d not have to say this stuff and look like an idiot.

But please by all means lie more. Another person to block in this endless see of people that are wrong and can’t admit it.

Crimson Acolyte Handwraps, 251, blue socket, socket bonus +5 spell power.

Velen’s Circlet of Conquest, 232, meta+blue socket, socket bonus +9 spell power.

No I didnt.

Yes, I did. But you are not dropping Twisted Faith either way.

Havent lied. But thanks for playing. Cant handle other peoples posts then get off the internet. And another person to report for calling other people idiots.

I quoted it. You’re going on ignore now. Have a crappy day.

Though I was already on ignore. Seems like the only person having a crappy day is… well… you.

So much salt coming from you they dont need any more salt mines.

i said good players have good gear.

you said you have good gear and you are bad.

these statements don’t contradict each other.

So as a quick update…

Benediction is still a crap shack

210ilvl is whats required for gammas, no one cares if you dont like that.

People that dont like that, gatekeep through elitism and sniping people who dont fit the “we need carried” portion of their random group of 4 friends.

No, you dont need gems/chants for 5 mans, pick some up for raids.

Naxx was done with blues the very first time it was done. Things dont need 200% optimization to work.


Wrong answer. I posted two from phase 2.

It’s sad that you have to flask for a dungeon. Very sad.

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I have been kicked twice, neither time did I get deserter. Only when I have left on my own.

Ppl have their rights to choose whom they playing with.
So, if you get “vote kick passed” because all 4 in group are with them, you can do nothing. The game allow that to be happened, “no one cares if you don’t like that”, like what you said.
What makes me laugh is, sometime a 4.6k player try to get rid of below 5k joiner, just he forgot to count himself, lol

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But also being lazy and not doing simple things to enhance your position is basically asking to be carried. If you’re a high gearscore and not optimizing for low level content, no one is going to care. But if you’re low item and not optimizing you’re essentially saying you don’t care about the content so why should people give you a shot.

And another one bites the dust. Please do better next time.

Had a 2k gearscore tank in a heroic forge of souls that wasn’t using Death and Decay and couldn’t hold threat. Kicked them.

Also had a 5100 ret paladin try and kick my 4900 DK for “low gearscore” and failed in a gamma toc. Some people are wild.

Sure, i 'd like to see DK then Ret in TOC.
But mostly of time, i myself never agreed to a vote kick that doesn’t have clearly reason

Well he was also blaming everyone else for not interrupting an uninterruptable spell. As a ret paladin. That has an interrupt… (two seeing as he was blood elf)