Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Gamma isn’t Mythic+…

Its not required. Sorry, but its not.

You wouldnt be gemming spirit anyways so no wonder why people you were playing with had so much trouble.

Alright then. You willing to wager 100k gold that it happens? Shouldn’t take me all that long to find one in rdf.

No they did not. Find me one summary where this was the case.

Many guilds used resistance flasks for their early Algalon kills. I don’t know how many gemmed stamina, but resistance flask definitely.

No one ever said it was as hard as heroic or normal icc. Your projecting and using hyperbole because you have no real argument. If you can’t gem and enchant gear. Eat buff food or flask. Why would anyone want to group with you. You can make the game harder taking all your gear off and not training spells and playing solo. Most people try to do their best not be lazy af and get carried and look like a crappy player.

Good lord.

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0 people gemmed stamina as a non-tank for Algalon. Resistance flask is what it is, it’s had a couple of good uses, but 0 people who weren’t tanking gemmed stamina.

edit: especially damned mages who can fireward a ton of damage on that fight, the idea that they’d be gemming stamina is very unique to Redhead.

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We know who the lazy bad ayer who needs to be carried is. That’s why you post from that lowbie alt lol. Think we don’t know better?

Yes you’re correct. Getting one shot by mechanics is not required. I totally forgot I am dealing with reasonable people and not liars.

You’re just wrong. Thanks for playing. You absolutely use either Purified or Glowing in your blue sockets unless the socket bonus is not worth the benefit. (also you need 2 blue gems for your meta so at minimum even with bad socket bonuses on every single item you are still socketing two purples).

Every single caster gems spellpower/spirit as their purple gem. Some casters for some fights will opt for spellpower/stamina such as progression algalon 25m to reduce the possibility for one shots and generally make the fight easier.

And before you come at me with that “I meant full stamina gems” don’t bother. You should have known from the start what I meant and any other argumentation was being disingenuous. Git gud.

I think most of us were arguing against Redheadchilds point but hey, if the shoe fit I guess?


So your evidence of progression Algalon is a single current phase log? You realize that one look at that gear tells me that’s people in ICC gear right? Do you not know what progression is? Is this be intentionally wrong day?

Like I said, they are clearly people that did not do progression Algalon in 25m. Mages and Locks get a benefit from spirit which is why they gem purified in their blue slots, but the benefit is relatively low so some would instead choose to gem stamina once they were on certain progression fights for the added stamina as a buffer against raid damage mechanics.

What is and is not “required” is absolutely subjective to these people, but it’s also kind of subjective to everyone. But there’s absolutely a consensus on requirements for most fights as a baseline. And sometimes health values to meet raid damage mechanic checks are a thing. And to claim otherwise is just a lie.

Not sure why you’d think the word lazy applies to flasks in dungeons. Is it exhausting for you to click on the little bottle in your inventory? :rofl: People make these claims like they’re doing the hardest thing in the world. The only time I’m flasked for a dungeon is if my flask is still up from the previous night’s raid. Everyone is running FOS now, anyway, and what kind of complete crazy person would flask for that?

You are funny, though.

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Yes. Yes it is. Mainly because I’m not going to post thousands of them. But do feel free to post your evidence of all these mages and whatnot with stam gems.

You don’t understand what progression is. You don’t NEED the stamina when you overgear the content by two full phases.

Also check some of the progression logs for the guilds that cleared Algalon early. Some of the warlocks are using stamina instead of spirit on their pants enchant, and there’s a variety of choices in there.

I’m not interested in filtering through thousands of logs though to talk to someone that doesn’t even know what progression means and thinks a phase 4 log of Algalon means anything.

My guy, the argument we’re against here is this one:

That’s the stamina gem argument.

We all know casters use spellpower/spirit gems for their meta, stop pretending we don’t.


You mean like this guy?

Oh wait… maybe this guy?

And so on and so forth. And yes, these are progression logs. Just take the L.

Buddy you’re the only one with an L, posing Phase 4 logs as if they were progression and refusing to accept that. If you continue you’ll just be another perma-ignored troll in this thread to me. My patience for intentionally rude and ignorant trolls is at an end here.

I know.

You should never use glowing in blue sockets. Also in terms of spirit it depends on the class. Warlocks gain the most from spirit, specifically demo which is almost 60% of their spirit gets converted to spell power. But even a Purified Dreadstone is just slightly worse in terms of spell power gained than just a straight spell power gem. Shadow Priests lose on spell power, mages gain crit through molten armor. This is only on +5 spell power socket bonuses as well. Otherwise the stamina isnt going to do much of anything, and the spirit outside of any conversions is borderline useless because its not a true MP5. If you are casting you are gaining nothing in terms of mana regen.

So in terms of a Demo lock they get 22.9 spell power from the gem while a straight spell power gem is 23 and that is if you are good at keeping up with Glyph of Life Tap. Maybe do the math before you start calling people wrong.

Also, these encounters arent new. We arent walking into them blind.

You use spellpower + spirit gems for your meta otherwise you lose out on your most important stat.