Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Nice to see you back!

I mean there are mechanics that can one shot you regardless. Maybe you just donā€™t play gravity bombs on xt come to mind. Without a disc priest shield or iceblock you gonna die unless you are geared very well for that phase. Do you even play? Just because mages donā€™t and never will gem stam doesnā€™t mean one shot mechanics donā€™t exist.

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Flasks are 45g each on my server.

I dunno about you, but if you wanna spend 45g an hour you do you.

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But a token or farm then broke cheap skate.

100 percent. LMAO

Ice blockā€¦

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Oh no, not 20 cents an hour worth of gold. Totally covered with a large surplus by nearly any activity you do in this game.

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Well good thing you never see that.

If youā€™re going to act like youā€™re better than everyone else, at least know what youā€™re talking about.


lmao all the gold buyers outting themselves.

Blizzard loves the whales.


Shadow said theyā€™ve never been kicked. Thereā€™s no reason to believe they have so stop trolling. Iā€™ve never been kicked either and I find this whole attitude ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is expecting people to flask for 5 mans.

If nothing else, all these awesome players who think gammas are as difficult as heroic ICC are pretty funny.


In bfa mythic plus I was expected to flask for 5 mans

Yes it was, you specifically talked about Forgemaster and needing to hit a haste breakpoint on it.

There is no frost giant boss in FoS either, but you are clearly talking about Forgemaster Garfrost in PoS. Permafrost is really the only thing that entire fight that is of any threat to anyone but the fight is bugged.

You talked about this as well, spefically in HoL which would be the Titanium Vanguardsā€¦ those are cleanse mechanics. The charge they do has specific conditions as well and is 100% avoidable.

I will say it again, there is no mechanic in any raid or dungeon that requires ANY dpser to gem stamina. Not to mention each point in stamina gives 10 health. So a single green gem gives 180 health. So how many gems would they have? Lets say an average of 6 since they are gearing up and you can have like 14-17 gem slots at higher ilvls. So that would be 180*6 would be 1080 extra health. So if they only have 14k and getting popped so easily, an extra 1k health isnt going to do much of anything for them and thats if you are going all straight solid gems. Glowing gems only give half of that so you can get some spell power.

The funny thing is, Gamma dungeons were done on the PTR with 200ilvl.


Nobody cares about what you did in BFA and M+. Weā€™re not discussing BFA and M+.


Everyone expects me to be the best while they get to coast lol

Iā€™ve had 2k and 3500 gearscore people in my gamma runs. And I confirmed I was able to queue for gamma before reading a 210 ilvl.

You clearly did not do progression Algalon in 25m.

I have 9 tokens sitting in my bank alts bags because I started spending all my gold buying tokens to pay for game time. Raiding and doing a very small amount of AH trading has left me with a ton of excess gold that Iā€™ll never have any use for.

I think I have around 1,000 badges still leftover that I havenā€™t even bothered converting to gems to sell because whatā€™s the point? Iā€™m far too lazy to even bother.

It does not require stamina gems.

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I have 20k gold and have never bought the wow token or gold.

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5.5, 4.9, and 4.6k GS is undergeared for Gamma?

Yes you absolutely would gem stamina and use a defensive flask for 25m progression algalon on mages and other casters, because anyone under 23k HP raid buffed was at risk of dying to collapsing stars + constellations.

Some casters would gem stamina instead of spirit that got less value from spirit, some would wear pieces higher in stamina, and some would use health/resistance flasks.

Again, you clearly did not do progression 25m algalon.