Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I got stunned in ice first pull the other day while group was sleeping. It happens.

Pretty sure sure this happened then u decided a 5.8k tank sucked

OK, but that’s not every pull.

This guy with mimirons head was standing in ice in every pull to the point of it actually feeling like he was actively seeking them out.

Not what happened at all, but you making assumptions is hardly a new thing.

Maybe he was dropping his debuff. I seek them out to drop the fire debuff often which is a DPS buff

Yes, that’s why he was screeching about dying all the time. That’s what he was doing.

Why are you being an apologist for some fool you don’t know who doesn’t even play in the same region as you being the most obvious swiper in classic while clamoring to kick everyone low… oh I see.

Yeah, it makes perfect sense.

More likely u made this up after to backpedal

Why on earth would a story of a tank dying once stick in my mind at all?

Crap happens, if he got stunned in an ice patch I would’ve thought no more of it, I would’ve slapped on my shield, done what I could to recover, ressed him and moved on.

The plot thickens :thinking:

How? I was joking around with the mage in the run about how for once I felt like switching to my prot spec just to finish the place.

Aw yes ignore that i said their mana pool is fine and they are not going oom.

Ive healed plenty of gammas and mages when low geared (which is what the above is assuming) die very easily to unavoidable mechanics in gammas.

You can dismiss the argument because you dont seem to regularly get pared with dps that go from 100-0 because they have under 14k hp in a gamma. Lol…

Aye, when mages have mana what they want is stamina.

Stop it, please, you’re being utterly stupidly ridiculous with this argument.

Of course I do. And it’s always an error on their part that causes it.


If Stamina is such an issue for mages people wouldn’t be kicking (under their own admittance in this thread) others for wearing PvP gear. It gives Stamina in abundance.

So, if someone is wearing 238 pvp gear is getting kicked, why in god’s name do you think someone gemming their 213 or 200 gear with STAMINA GEMS would make them go “Huh, well they gem their gear so let’s keep them.”


Because these are all hypotheticals and made up arguments. And my point about the gems is not directly related to them kicking people. Getting kicked by idiots can still be a problem, that doesn’t mean you should be lazy with your gear either.

The tank fault for what? Taunt doesn’t stop the charge. And “taunt early” for a randomly used ability that can happen at any given time without warning? This is some straight up nonsense.

Idk i just put blue-qual wotlk gems and call it a day. If i’m broke on an alt i put oranges instead of reds.

I was trying to brainstorm some ideas for the people who don’t even bother putting in any gems, then get kicked

It’s more to not show a “rat mentality” when people inspect your character for 5 seconds. Think of it as kick-proofing your character

Lol just got kicked from a ToC because our tank was weak and I was struggling to carry him, and got kicked for it.

No skin off my back, I can heal any gamma dungeon, just can’t carry everybody, all the time.

The last boss can be a hard fight for the healer to carry with low dps and/or a weak tank.

LMAO you keep on flaming the forums my guy. We will keep vote kicking you first chance we get.

Most people don’t try to do less damage lol. Most people don’t try to drag stuff out. Most people can afford 15 g an hour for flasks lol.

Players who say tbc gems or blue gems aren’t good enough so why put any in at all are a plague. The item socket bonuses are enough incentive to gem them anyways. But we also saw they don’t like to food or flask. They to stupid to realize that every slot that had a gem and every stat they lose our on adds up.

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These are heroic dungeons, not heroic ICC. LOL @ wanting people to flask in a 5 man. :rofl: