Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

And you have failed to realize something very important this entire time you have been arguing with me.

I do give them a chance. I dont kick purely for gs before the first trash mob is even pulled. I start in investigating gear only after there is a clear issue. And if you are underperforming but you have gems and enchants i might give tips, rotation suggestions, mechanics advise, etc. If its clear you put 0 effort into your gear though, why should i bother with advise if you have refused to do the most obvious part of self improvement of putting some basic gems and enchants in?

Probably. I play a healer so I know I would have just kept them up.

Is it a guarantee the higher gs person is better or wont die? No. But the odds are a whole lot better. Sorry you might not like it but this is just how it be. Plus, its not like i can single handled do it and I dont ever vote for it right off the jump. But once it becomes evident this dude isnt working I will start voting yes when OTHER people start the vote.

The problem is that you’re siding with the folks who kick based on gearscore and nothing else and do nothing but muddy the water with irrelevancies like “just buy gems in Thrallmar”.

Cause that’s what you always do.

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So you’re willing to give some obvious swiper the chance, and then some, but someone who might have a genuine interest in the game, yeah, just yeet him.

That is not what they said or implied in their comment at all.

Edit: I should say that is not all they said or what they implied at all.

I know the context is fairly high up in the thread, but he was quite literally saying he’d yeet 4.8k gs players and now he’s willing to give this 5.8k player the chance by outhealing it.

That’s the tanks fault for not taunting early

This says it all lol u think every high gs person is a swiper.

Ever heard of loot council

No, but when a 5.8k gs “tank” stands in ice in UK and mounts his mimiron head at the end of it it kinda gives the game away.

The icepatches have been a thing since Alpha.


Ive said they can because thats how the system is set up… i didnt say it was nice, right, or anything like that. I understand that everyone has different standards. Some people have absolutely to high of a standard expectation in rdf. Others have far to low. Basic gems and enchants for rdf isnt an unreasonable ask. Thats what you have been arguing with me about for the last 200+ posts. Gems and enchants.

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We understand this and are calling it out for being stupid.

You’re arguing against that.

Yes, indeed, cause it’s largely irrelevant.

Muddying the waters if you will.

I’m relatively certain I’ve told you more than once how irrelevant this point is.

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And yet in many instances it isnt irrelevant.

You look at it as irrelevant because you are looking purely at the gains of strength agility or spell power gains from them as a dps for someone already well geared with plenty of secondary stats.

Im looking at it as if the person has very low total stats and is undergeared and how they will typically need a stat like hit ratting, raw stamina to survive mechanics, mana regen/total mana to not go oom, or needing more avoidance to survive as the tank without needing a 5k+ healer to bomb them with heals 25/7. I look at it from the viewpoint of “what would i want to see if i was just entering gammas after having just hit 210 ilvl and i end up with a group of ithers who are just geared enough to staet gamma as well”.

Sure i dont expect full bis gems and enchants, but i do expect some effort into it to round out their gear for missing stats, reaching hit cap, getting expertise, increasing total mana pool or hp pool, and avoidance.

Lets say you are a mage dps. You are hit capped, good mana pool for a gamma, oom isnt an issue. You have 8 gem slots not used putting these in

Solid Chalcedony

Item Level 70
+18 Stamina

Results in 1,440 more hp. Which can easily be the difference of alive or dead to many unavoidable mechanics.

And this would cost maybe 20-30g on most healthy realms/factions. And if those are not an option because you have no friends and the AH is dead

Solid Azure Moonstone (9 stamina, for 720 hp for 8) is vendor bought for 1g per. Yes it is limited supply but if gems are so hard to get for cheap, this becomes an option as well as the other gems this vendor sells.

You’ve absolutely lost your mind with this argument.


Is he suggesting mages stack stamina?


I could agree with the mage gemming cheap intellect gems, but stamina? :rofl:

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Literally, yes.

When your head is stuck so far into the argument that backing down is simply not an option.

Also feels like some sort of projection of a mage alt but who am I to say. I don’t see mages die more than others unless they screw up majorly.

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Yeah, it’s usually melee dying from Gamma mechanics, not ranged unless they are too far away to break web wraps.

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I think I have a solution:

Groups decide how to manage their own runs

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Have you considered he got stunned in ice?

Love how you’re a know it all but you don’t think very deep do you

On every pull? That’s not even possible. There aren’t mobs that stun on every pull.
