Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

So once again both a bug(one which not even being super geared protects you from) and also not something general to all of gamma just one super specific instance. I also mentioned one super specific encounter, the snake boss in Gundrak, that actually does require some amount of min maxxing.

None of which changes that for virtually all of gamma as long as you can meet the minimum ilvl it’s fine.

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99% of the problems in Gamma are due to not following mechanics.

Are people really defending not gemming their gear? That’s like WoW 101. There are precut gems from a vendor in thrallmar for like 2 gold, and probably cheaper WOTLK cut green gems on the AH.

Career forum warriors are always good for a laugh

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Good lord lol.

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No they are trolling, and since Blizz moderation doesn’t ban trolls threads derail into nonsensical arguments like this which is why people just don’t come to the forums anymore.

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/shrug meanwhile there’s people actively advocating trolling in game by kicking people who don’t meet their arbitrary and excessively high gear standards for a simple 5 man.

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Its better than nothing lol.

That isnt trolling. Thats democracy at work. Requires at least 3 people to vote yes for the kick to go through. And this is the flaw of a purely democratic system. The mobs rule can be wrong from to many stuck up, ignorant, or intentionally toxic people compounded with sheepple who wont think for themselves and just follow the guidance of those they listen to.

2 gold for 4 strength gems.

You could gem up your entire equipment and gain the equivalent of a strength scroll giving you +25 strength.

One 2 silver scroll vs spending like 20 gold on the world’s worst gems.

Let’s also not pretend you wouldn’t get memed on for using those TBC gems in the first place, it’s like I feel having the slots be empty would be less bad because you could make the excuse you just got the new piece of gear forgot to gem it. As opposed to going out of your way to get the worst thing possible


So you just explained how trolling is possible in a democratic system and the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

That doesn’t mean it’s not trolling. And since some of these people are also stating they join as a group specifically to troll it’s not even really democratic.

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If a group of 4 people made a premade and got the last random guy hostage and went “Eh, we don’t want this dungeon. Time to open up netflix, just kick us bud.”

But because they’re a 4 man premade the random trying to kick will never succeed that’s not trolling? Just “Democracy”

In what world is that not trolling?

OMG! What exactly do you think low level TBC gems will amount to at level 80? That’s not even worth the trip out to HFP.

Hey, the deserter buff is worth different things to different people

Be honest, you would absolutely kick someone if they were using TBC gems at level 80.


Just solo queue for Oculus, anyone that stays there deserves it.

Just talk to one of your guild JCs.

I throw green gems at anyone in my guild that wants them. Your 65 just got an item with a slot? You’re getting a gem in trade and then 12 in the mail. Gets me more space on the bank alt!

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How dare you suggest something so sacrilegious to their chosen playstyle!


These gems, sold in 2 places in Shattrath as well as Hellfire starting jeweler are your argument now.

My guy, it’s our side going “give people a chance” here.

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Kicking people from dungeons exclusively for low gearscore is wrong.

You’re not the arbiter of other players, and if you want to speed run make a group. LFD is meant for you to get random people, not random people that you like to have around.

Elitism gets to be a bit ridiculous in this game and the gatekeeping is outrageous.

Not bothering to gem and enchant any of your gear is being lazy, even welfare gems and enchants on SOMETHING is better than nothing.

If you want to be given a chance, you also need to show that you’re worth that chance.

Apparently you can queue for gamma even earlier than 210 because according to my addon my ilvl was 190 not 210 when the queue system unlocked.

If you want people to stop treating you like you’re an anchor getting carried in gammas better stop acting like it.

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I’d actually consider this to simply be a lazy retail copy/paste since the original RDF certainly didn’t consider the gear in your bank but this one does.

That should definitely change.

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