Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

A dead warrior does less damage done than one that didnt die in the first 10 seconds from going zug brain.

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I’ll que with an hpal that can heal me thru it

I have shield wall and a bis shield from last phase

Shadows edge will make a fine tank weapon :axe:

Comparable if you had to go into defensive stance to do max dps, but you don’t. So no.

Nope. Threat terrorism is how they got buffed

Looks like I gotta start pulling aggro on a lot of tanks :axe:

It’s not my fault threat is built into a top 3 ability of DMG for me and we have no threat drop.

Tg needs to be un nurfed so we don’t need to use heroic strike in fury anymore.

Yes, cause they had to go into bear form.

Using a high threat ability with high DMG yields just like our heroic strike which is a top DMG ability of ours and usable in zerker stance while we have no threat dump

The only time I’ve booted undergeared players is when they have no idea how their class works I.E. they spam mind sear or blizzard single target, pulling overall 1k dps throughout the gamma.

I had a mage spam arcane explosion and then tell me he was killing all the images and after he got kicked he raged at me in whispers over it.

This is the typical behavior of these leech rats who want handouts and pretend they’re are actually doing something so they can afk and get carried

Yeah, nothing about his story adds up, especially in my experience. I’ve only ever see someone kicked if we’re missing a dps check, anyone can learn mechanics but gear can hold you back.

Too true brotha

Telling someone they can’t AOE down mirrors usually solves that. It takes less than 20 seconds for them to create this macro: /cast [target=mirror image] ice lance

Less time than it takes to kick them and get another player. At any rate, I choose not to run web and mirror dungeons because they’re stupid.

I actually enjoy them as a hunter because i will keep doing my rotation and just send my pet to auto attack them. It is funny getting top damage and top mirror image kills in those dungeons and its enjoyable to have a pet management mechabic in my opinion. Although it isnt as effective as a mage ice lance spamming them its still fun in my opinion.

It is funny when i do a full pug group and people tell me to stop aoeing and kill images, and i just tell them i use my pet for that.

They were too stupid to understand that mirrors or kobolds on northrend beasts are immune to arcane explosion

I’m playing on a dead server. I’m leveling up a scribe and an enchanter just so I can enchant my own gear.

This right here is just some kind of ridiculous lie. No fight in the entire expansion is tuned so tightly that a suboptimal gearset can’t perform and complete the fight while doing all mechanics in a perfect world. But the world isn’t perfect. People make mistakes. And the longer fights go, and the more punishing a mechanic is, the more opportunities for errors and problems and the greater the risk of failure.

If you’re not willing to do the bare minimum to mitigate risk you are just intentionally griefing your groups and putting added strain on them for being selfish.

I just hit 80 last night on my DK. I have some crafted gear with gem slots. I put TBC gems in them. It was 76 strength total from the gems and the socket bonuses. 76 bonus strength at the cost of roughly 6g.

At this point you’re one of two things, either intentionally trolling to keep arguing with people, or refusing to admit that you’re point is wrong and concede that we have a legitimate argument that you’re generally being lazy by not spending the bare minimum to get some gains on gear when lower ilvl and going into harder content.

It’s just that simple.

My 5800 shadow priest has been one shot in gammas in Utgarde Keep because the charge mobs there will sometimes bug auto attack you after the charge and do 30k damage total in essentially one shot.

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If you are wiping in a gamma dungeon it’s not because there’s a few gems/enchants missing.

It’s just that simple.

Got it so a bug that even being massively over geared doesn’t protect you from.


Nobody said that. Stop being lazy. Go back to retail if you want a lazy experience. it’s as simple as that. If you want to be in the groups I am in, you better be doing the bare minimum. I can’t not make you stop being worthless, but considering your log fluctuate wildly between greys and blues it shows me you’re not a consistent player who is likely just coasting through content. And that’s fine if you want to do that and your guild is letting you. But if you’re then going to argue that if you do mechanics you’ll be fine with that same lazy attitude you’re just a liar. Another one bites the dust.

I suggest everyone put you on ignore and report you since all you’ve done this thread is troll and lie.

It is an example. I’ve also survived. And it’s a bug that is part of the game, and will always be one, and is consistent. Again you’re a lying disingenuous troll. It’s the lack of bans on forums for people like you that prevent these forums from being a reasonable place to come and discuss topics.

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Which can happen. And that can suck. And in that case I wouldn’t expect someone to. But that’s not the argument being put forth. It’s mainly a lazy entitled mindset from a few.

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That the best argument you can come up with for why people should massively over gear content is that they might occasionally survive a bug shows how weak your argument actually is.


A bug that is so common it happens every other charge (at least in my experience) and has been in the game since origional wrath.

At this point its part of the design of the content. Just the gamma buff took it from “i can survive it” to “clothies just die”. Sure there is some counterplay to this, example a mage can mana barrier and that will give them a good chance of surviving it. A priest can shield himself and try to predict the charge. On my resto druid i make sure to crit heal myself for a living seed stack (which will trigger between the charge and AA damage) so that can help keep me alive. My hunter has mail armor so it doesnt hit nearly as hard.

Its kind of why i keep saying mages can gem all stamina for all i care, because then they can survive it if they use mana shield as well.