Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Yes when you disingenuously conflate two completely different arguments anything looks silly. Weren’t you the one complaining about people misquoting you earlier? Beginning to think you’re as bad of a person as the quotes suggest.

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So go to retail is a legit argument?

And you’ve seen these spellpower gear wearing warriors in your dungeon runs a lot have you?

Dunno, then I probably was misquoted if I did.

I really don’t care what you think.

Yes. If you want ilvl to be the only factor in gearing then retail is where that is at. Classic is not like that.

You have ignored the context. The point was does ilvl matter only or does itemization? Context you intentionally omitted because you’re a habitual liar.

And yet you’re still here.

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Oh so it’s just bad faith, ok. Go figure.

If the requirement to enter Gamma is ilvl 210 then the requirement to enter Gamma is 210. That doesn’t mean that ilvl is the only factor in gearing.

And it’s not even true for retail.

Does it matter? Have you seen these spellpower warriors in your dungeon runs? Yes or no?

Ah yes, cause I don’t buy into the idea that these spellpower warriors are actually a thing that people are doing or even arguing for I’m a habitual liar.


You’re still screeching.

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People certainly treat it like that though.

Wearing Ulduar sets looks worse than wearing random 245 Triumph pieces because GS only cares about ilvl and 245 is better than 225.


Incorrect. Gearing is more nuanced in Classic. Choice in pieces and individual decisions carry more weight, and the margins of error are tighter. That’s why a lot of people like Classic. In retail as long as your ilvl is a certain level it doesn’t generally matter what specific secondary stats you have. They make a difference, but not enough to make or break performance for content. In Classic it can. You are just wrong on this point.

It does matter. I laid out very clearly why. I’m not engaging with lies.

Please respect the CoC. This is bordering on targeted harassment and trolling.

Sure. And I condemn those people too. And have condemned it this entire time. And have been consistent in my points and stance. In fact, I have been incredibly nuanced and fair this entire time. Unlike a lot of people that are merely here to break the rules of the forums and troll.

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Possible, but you’re not going to get away with spellpower gear as a warrior in retail either.

You know, your argument?

Sorry, I’m just too pragmatic to care bout a thought scenario that doesn’t ever happen.

Is what it is I guess.

Ah, the person telling people to quit the game complaining about targeted harassment and trolling, good stuff.

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Two different arguments. But thanks for playing. We’re done.

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How are they different?

Haven’t seen a SP warrior, but have seen a hunter in ele/resto mail, a DK with holy plate, and both had a dash of random caster leather/cloth.

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Go on and kick those then.

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Actually in many cases you will

Retail has “adaptive stats” on almost every peice of gear that isnt class specific. And even those can have adaptive stats.

You evil gatekeeper!


This is the point we have been trying to make. Just because they can queue for gamma doesnt mean they are geared enough for it, because of crap like that that heavily inflates their ilvl but in reality the gear is 90% useless stats (usually only stamina being the useful stat)

Ok put on a bunch of mismatch gear with no set bonus no gems no enchants and prot defense and ap gear on as a holy pally with 3700 gear score and then get mad when you get kicked

Except you’re conflating people artificially inflating their ilvl with people who just don’t waste time/gold gemming or enchanting throw away gear.


Brother :laughing:

Both can be a reason to kick someone, especially if they do both at the same time.

If you are a healer or mana user and are going oom or being 1 shot by the unavoidable mechanics and you have 0 gems in, i will begin considering a kick. Even if you just gem all stamina to help you not get 100-0 from the unavoidable damage thats better than nothing. And if the healer is ooming with 0 gems in thats another red flag.

Again, i dont even check gear until there is a clear problem. I dont do it on zoning in. The most i do on zoning in is glance and the tanks hp pool and the healers mana pool. If i am on my healer i will also glance at dps hp pools to see if i need to keep an extra eye on them, especially mages, because they are super squishy at low ilvls.

You keep trying to paint me as “the bad guy” in this, but i dont even look at actual gear unless something is clearly wrong…

If you want to carry someone being dead weight (example low ilvl mage with no gems that dies every pull from 100-0 because they are to squishy to survive the unavoidabledamage), be my guest, but im not going to do that with rdf. Lower ilvl is fine, being dead weight is not. And if gems could have been the difference, then yes i will kick for no gems. Its not like i am asking for epic gems.

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That’s fine, except then…

There’s no fight in dungeons tuned tight enough that ungemmed 210 gear isn’t enough to easily do if mechanics are being done properly. And inversely much higher ilvl gear perfectly gemmed doesn’t allow you to ignore mechanics.

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There are things that can easily kill low total hp players that isnt an avoidable mechanic.

The most common would be charge effect mobs and bosses.

I never claimed this. But you are not actually arguing against what i claimed, so…

You are arguing to argue at this point.