Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Literally haven’t complained about that at all. Surefire way to tell someone is losing an argument is when they start making things up. I have been very consistent across my points in this thread.

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/shrug have you or have you not complained that people meeting the 210 requirement to queue for dungeons that only drop 225 gear shouldn’t be there?

Not at all. What I said was that people should have a reasonable level to their gear. If you’re in all 210 ilvl gear, or even some 200s and such, or items that are stronger than all alternatives, then you’re fine.

If you bought some 245 crafted and 264 boes and are still wearing quest greens, no. Optimize.

Because there’s a level of gear you should be and it’s not determined by your ilvl.

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Actually it is determined by your ilvl. Outside of very specific things like procs stats are directly tied to ilvl.

Hence why having a high ilvl piece and a low ilvl piece is typically the same as having two pieces of the same ilvl.

This is actually not how items work in classic. In a general sense yes, higher ilvl items have higher stat allocations. But unlike in retail where the ilvl is the only thing that matters, those stats DO matter. Which is why 232 ulduar tier set is better than 251 icc tier set for shadow on the 2 piece until you get 4 piece set bonus. Because there are sometimes factors to your stats that matter.

Such as how if you have a ton of defense on your good pieces and no avoidance on anything, you’re going to be a terrible tank for doing higher tier content.

ilvl is not a shortcut for gear in classic. Hence go play retail.

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I’ve seen players with 250+ilvl fail that dungeon. That’s what happens when you ignore mechanics.

You realize secondary stats are important in retail as well?

Kind of ironic you don’t seem to understand how either version works.

Buddy the irony of that statement is astounding. We’re done here. Get those grey parses up.

Someone is mad they don’t understand how to gear in wrath classic :stuck_out_tongue:

But the hit rating requirements for interrupts is so incredible low cause the classes that do them already tend to have hit talents.

You can hit the defense required in ilvl 187s with no gems whatsoever. Reminder, it’s 5 man. You don’t need 540.

Has it? Or did you just throw out some random comment about it? Cause it’s still 5 man and you have the option to drink every 20 seconds.

Your one mention of spirit, mp5 or int was this:

That’s not an explanation it’s just… “more stats better” which yes, of course it is, but it’s not going to make or break a WotLK 5 man run.

Are you assuming that people simply get a full set of unenchanted gear in a bag when they ding 80 and go with that?

Or are we being realistic and saying that people have a couple of items that they want to get rid of asap that they don’t put gems in?

Oh good lord, you’re literally saying 5 mans are harder than raids.

Seriously, stop overaggroing on your crappy mage.

How in the everliving hell does haste save a mage from getting 1-shot?

Why is the physical mobs hitting the mage?

All your chaos scenarios are based on people playing badly, nothing to do with gems or enchants whatsoever.

Quacking like the ducks who do though.

Cause lord forbid we actually give people a chance to prove themselves, we must be able to kick the second the dungeon loads for any reason whatsoever, right?

That is the logical conclusion of your arguments after all.

Who in the hell is arguing for this?

Hey now, to be fair, a lot of us showed up to 80 Naxx with raid gear!

Level 70 raid gear, but you know :wink:


For 80 Naxx? We really really didn’t lol.

Good lord yes, this is precisely the same as missing a couple of gems in a piece of gear you’re working to replace. No difference whatsoever.


Good lord, your argument is basically amounting to “have the gear the place drops before stepping into the place, otherwise you don’t deserve the currency grind”.

How quickly it devolves into this for Gamma dungeons. Curious how that worked out.

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What about people who don’t have their optimal pve professions?

Aren’t those people slacking just as much as someone missing a few gems?

Not gonna lie, I would laugh for a full day if I got kicked by some dweeb cause my DK has mining :smiley:

Mail gear is still incredible good for warriors in certain cases cause of agility and armor pen.

The only plate wearer who doesn’t really downgrade their armor class for dps is DK and that’s cause they gain less from agility and more from str than the other plate classes.

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I’ve seen Paletress screw a group of 5.6k geared people, she’s overtuned for her mechanics and if you get a group with no interrupts you’re pretty much toast.


This thread is bursting with straw.

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Sure, it’s a strawman to say that adding retail-esque features like affixes for dungeons inviting people to screech “go to retail” is ironic.


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It’s a strawman because it’s an unrelated argument no one made for you to argue about. That’s what a strawman is. Also doesn’t even work because I was never against LFR coming to the game, so you’re doubly wrong. Because you’re not arguing off substance, you’re just being a reactionary complainer.

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Where was this suggested?

I was simply commenting how you’re screeching “go to retail”.

Ah yes, I can’t argue with the substance of “go to retail” while at the same time suggesting that warriors are running into Gamma dungeons in full spellpower gear.