Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

That is just how he is.

Ive delt with his nonsense for over a year.

He will go back and forth just to argue in a circle. Eventually you will admit people can queue for it but you will kick them, then he will claim you are an elitist jerk because you kick people who are geared enough for the content, ig oring the context of it being a spellpower warrior cheesing the system as the basis of the discussion. And then he will argue that because they can queue, they can do it.

Because you havenā€™t explained why itā€™s a problem to queue as long as you meet the requirements.

Itā€™s not that itā€™s technically allowed to queue as long as you meet the 210 requirement itā€™s that that is plenty to be able to do the content and is in fact the ilvl the content is designed for.

No itā€™s not. Iā€™m not going to write a dissertation on this situation, but you need to be pulling at least 3500 dps or have reasonable tank/healer stats for gamma content. And youā€™re not doing that in mismashed cheese ilvl with quest greens unless thereā€™s a significant exception.

I know this because I am in quest greens and even leather ilvl 200 epics are better than the strength plate quest items from Icecrown.

I owe you nothing. You are wrong. Go play retail.

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I have literally never seen this in the 14 years Iā€™ve played WoW. With warriors being able to wear plate, mail, and leather gear with strength, agility, and attack power, there is no reason for a warrior to wear spell power gear unless they were deliberately trolling a group.


Gamma drops 225 gear, going in with 210 is entry level for that drop.

Itā€™s not my fault you donā€™t understand how gearing works and that if you mix higher ilvl with lower ilvl you end up with something in between.

It sounds more like you just want to be carried by over geared players.

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Sounds like you never played Classic from 2019-2021.

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In dungeons, no, most people donā€™t care at all what your gear is as long as you arenā€™t causing a problem.

You seem to have missed my point.

Yea, I didnā€™t say I had a problem if you have ilvl 210 gear. Nice strawman.

This is just trolling. Thereā€™s literally no other explanation.

Again, go play retail. You wonā€™t be in my groups.


You canā€™t queue for gammas if donā€™t have 210 gear?

Not a strawman.

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strangely, warr bis a couple phases ago had intellect mail lmao

Just because you can queue for something by ilvl does not mean you are ready for it.

Go play retail.

I most certainly did, and as a rogue I lost many agility leather pieces to warriors. I never saw them using spell damage gear though.

Except i means exactly that.

If you have 210 ilvl you are ready for gamma.

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Nope. Go play retail.

assuming you didnā€™t cheat

no automated system will be perfect. at the end of the day, the players have free will and will evaluate your gear and performance and decide. the rdf ilvl is the min requirement. doesnā€™t mean itā€™s good enough.

Diamond Flask set was very popular and very powerful.

But they werenā€™t DPSing as that. They would snapshot it and swap back to their normal gear.

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Youā€™re the one complaining about the retail systems shoved into wrath classic.

Sorry but itā€™s simply how things work because H+.

/shrug 210 is more than enough to do gamma. It only drops 225 gear.

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id like to see a pug do toc with 210