Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

And if your average gear is using quest greens you’re griefing. There is enough sources of readily available and easy to access blue and up gear that is better than quest greens unless it’s some randomly very powerful trinket. Don’t be an insane person.

This discussion went from “People that make an effort and perform should not get kicked for a lower gearscore” to “I should be carried at 3500 gearscore with no gems and enchants because I can queue for the dungeon lawl”

You’re as bad as the other wingnuts.

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That’s not griefing it’s using the gearing system as designed. Heroics are explicitly a catchup mechanic.

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We’re not talking about heroics, we are talking about gamma. And gamma is a catchup mechanic from a specific point. It’s not a catchup mechanic from nothing.

Again, you don’t have to run alpha and beta throughout the entire gearing process, but if you’re not getting rep gear, crafted gear, normal dungeon and heroic dungeon drops and optimizing you absolutely are griefing.

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I’ll stand by you do not need enchants for dungeons. Gems are cheap enough that it’s usually very whatever because 12 strength gem is like 3g at most. And I’d be happy if someone went that that, but I will never force someone to pay 100g for a 16 strength gem, that’s a +4 strength for 97 more gold. And that’s even more annoying if it’s temporary gear that you’re working to replace, like PvP gear.

However, enchants are a thing much like gems, do I expect everyone to have berserking? No. I’m not gonna drop 400g or more on a weapon I’m working to replace. Do I expect others to drop 400g on a weapon they’ll replace? No.

Powerful Stats on my server (which is +10 to all stats, like Strength, Agility, Stamina, Spirit, Intellect) it’s currently going for over 300g. Maybe when you get your piece of T10 gear consider it, but again if it’s temporary gear that’s not gonna make or break a gamma dungeon. But again, I’m an engineer I have the “enchants” I can do on my own, the haste gloves, the rocket boots. But I’m not dropping a berserking on 232 weapons that I’m grinding Scourgestones to replace.

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Yes I’m talking about Gamma too, that’s how the gearing system works. Once you can queue for it you are supposed to, not doing so is in fact stupid as you are missing out on the new whatever the gamma currency is.

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Enchants are also exceedingly cheap. it’s not like I am saying you must spend 500g on an enchant for something. But you have profession enchants, such as rocket boots. The pants enchants for tailoring costs a 2gold reagent, and there’s a lot of options too. And you should certainly have access to easy mats from leveling up either from selling items or collecting boes. I got something like 60+ dust, and 10 greater essences just from green boes. Enchant bracer striking was only 75 silver. So easy.

It’s like you all can’t be honest about the situation for one second. I say you should get some gems and enchants within reason, and your response is “But I’m not spending 400g for a weapon enchant”

No one said to do that. Literally not what I said. So please strawman harder.

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Nope. That’s not how wotlk classic works. That’s how retail works. Go play retail.

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It actually is exactly how wrath classic works :slight_smile: it’s not how wrath worked back in the day.

If you don’t like it blame blizzard for adding H+ dungeons and changing us to a 2 currency system like retail.

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Nope, that’s not how wotlk classic works. That’s how retail works. Go play retail. I don’t think most people deserve to be kicked, but starting to think that you specifically do.

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I never said you say this, but I’ve seen this argument shot around before. People say you need enchants, and when people say they have enchants they move goalposts and say “I meant good enchants, nobody cares if get the budget garbage.” Which kind of leads back into “Alright if you don’t care about the budget garbage why even bother then.” which is why some people don’t bother. Because for some people, it’s the best, or nothing. No in between.

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Except it is how wrath classic works :slight_smile:

Do you really just not understand how averages work? And what gear you can get from badges?

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But it’s not an argument I made. I made the argument very explicitly multiple times. And you are quoting and replying to ME. That matters.

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Nope not how it works. There is a minimum gear requirement for performance regardless of ilvl. ilvl means nothing by itself. You must meet that requirement. If you don’t meet that requirement regardless of ilvl you don’t belong in that content.

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I like to quote replies because I honestly don’t know why the actual reply button on these forums break half the time. They don’t actually reply to the person and it gives you a system message saying it error’d. So I mostly just use the quote function as a form of replying, as I do here.

And I hopped in game to look, sure enough Striking for bracers is only 7 gold on my server, definetly cheap. 38 Attack Power for 7 gold is a nice little budget enchant, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if someone complained and looked at it and said “lmao bro can’t afford Greater Assault” but it’s like, 150g for 12 more attack power, maybe when I decide to raid 25 man ICC but these are just dungeons lmao. Isn’t something better than nothing? Some people really do only deal in absolutes.

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Thats what you seem to be implying when you are arguing for a cloth spellpower warrior being perfectly viable to queue into gamma dungeons.

For reference you said this

Which you were replying to this

You are ok with a warrior having 90% of his stats be wasted stats and be in a gamma group to be hard carried by rdf pugs “because he can”.

A guild or friend carry is one thing, but if i see that. That is a kick with no chance to “prove” his worth.

Yep and you can meet that requirement while still wearing some quest greens :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s fine to think that, that’s not an argument I made. You should be more specific in your replies, otherwise it comes off as you are just talking to no one in the conversation.

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Nope. That’s retail. Go play retail.

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Then why can I do it in wrath classic :stuck_out_tongue:

You are not ready for the content. Again I will refer to the above. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you are supposed to do it.

Or are you going to be the same as the people you argued against earlier? Seems like the logic only works when it supports your points then?

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