Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Good lord man. You seriously think a Wild Growth, Wild Growth, landing 0.1 seconds faster is repeatedly going to make or break your 5 man runs?

What? Where the hell has this been said?

I’ve already covered hit rating for kicks, it’s incredible hard not to be hit capped even if you go full pvp gear.

Of course it can, but to the point of kicking someone for not having their temporary crap item enchanted to the max? Adjust to it.

The problem with this argument is that your noticeable difference example is crap. And since you keep harping on about how important it is to have that Wild Growth land precisely on cooldown every single cooldown I’m left believing you don’t have any other examples.

Or you can dps it down before the debuff resolves. Enough dps mitigates the mechanic the same way. There’s still dps checks in these gammas.

Literally not possible unless you mean because of the current gear that people have it is easier. But baseline, the mechanics are the same with higher stats. And the higher stats is the point. You don’t walk into heroics in green quest gear, you don’t walk into raids with blue dungeon gear, you work your way up. Does it mean you have to be insanely decked out to do gamma? No. But it’s absolutely insane there are people in here saying you should be able to go ungemmed and unechanted into a gamma at the baseline ilvl.

It’s still your responsibility to improve your gear and put in your effort to perform. Gearscore is a made up number that means very little, but if you’re being halfhearted about your not putting forth a reasonable effort to perform. Do a little due diligence. It’s that simple.

And also to people that kick purely from gearscore, grow up. If you look at Gearscore as anything other than a generalized idea of total gear value you’re the reason for your own problems.


Except it hasnt been my only example, just the one about haste.

Hit ratting/expertise has been explained, especially in the importance of kicking spell casts, or a tank maintaining aggro

Defence rating for tanks

Even intellect/mp5/spirit has veen explained.

Gems and enchants can fill holes in gear. But you seem to think going into a gamma with no gems and enchants is ok especially at lower ilvls…

And especially for a 5 man having that lower gcd on your healer can be the difference from a death and someone surviving. Especially low geared squishy clsses like mage. I have seen plenty of them either be one shot or near 1 shot when healing on my druid. Usually asking them to keep a mana shield up if its a physical thing killing them (which in most cases it is a charge effect or spear throw) and being able to quickly heal them from 10% up can save them from the next mobs hit or dot, etc that is going to hit them. The mages dont argue about using mana shield if i promise them my innervate and it keeps them alive, but if have no gems in and they are getting 1 shot by mechnics? I will tell them to at least put stamina gems in to survive the mechanics that cannot be avoided. Of course if there are also other issues with the person i very well may vote to kick them.

Gems and enchants fix holes in gear. Lower ilvl geared people need to fix those holes even more so than high ilvl gear and can make or break possible stat checks.

And this i agree with 100%

What are you talking about? Everyone who first walks into a heroic does so without heroic gear. Everyone who first walks into a raid does so with blue dungeon gear - even quest gear. :roll_eyes:


Do you forget what you say half the time? Or do you just like contradicting yourself to make yourself look good to whoever talked last?

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Not that anybody does normal heroics anymore, but yes this is what people did. When’s the last time you see anyone do CoS normal or HoL normal outside of somebody selling boosting services?

What do you think people showed up in Naxx with? Naxx gear before they stepped foot in naxx ever?


That isnt a contradiction… i have the right to vote to kick if i feel the person is not geared enough for their role.

I dont just kick based purely on GS, but if i do feel you are not geared enough, i will vote to kick you.

Incorrect. If you walked into a heroic with GREEN quest gear, you did it wrong. There was a gearing process for heroics just like everything else.

Now vs then is an extremely disingenuous conversation and you know it. Now even worth addressing such a poorly applicable point.

They showed up in pre-raid gear. Optimized from heroics and gemmed and enchanted. You don’t get to just walk into any content unprepared for the content by virtue of existing. This isn’t retail, this is classic. You should make a reasonable effort to be ready for the content, and no just having 210 ilvl is not a reasonable effort.

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Our issue.

The royal we.

Because of how gearing works it’s very possible if not likely you will still have pieces of green quest gear when you get a high enough ilvl for gammas.


The only fight in a heroics that is tight enough for through put to matter is the snake boss in Gundrak.

Every single other fight is a mechanics check that a group in the bare minimum gear can do. Hence why the tiny difference than a few gems and enchants make is irrelevant for the most part in dungeons.

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Then you’re not ready for gamma. This is not a point I will discuss further. Go play retail.

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Yes you are, if you meet the ilvl requirements you are ready, it’s pretty simple really.

Which as I said because of gearing means you can very likely be in a mix of quest greens and 245’s.


You are forgetting not everyone is super geared. So healthpools are generally lower, mana pools on the healer are lower, and the tank getting hit with a spell and an auto attack or two could kill them as well.

You are going at this conversation with the assumption of “everyone is super good geared it will be fine” i am going at it on the oposite side of that. “These people are low geared they need to respect mechabics to have a reasonable chance at success, and that includes interupts, aggro management, gdc useage efficiency, etc”

Here let me help you again.

I am most certainly not assuming a group of 4 people in full BiS carrying one person.

I’m aware this is a “That was then, this is now” argument. But Gamma’s do have a ilvl lockout whether people agree or disagree that it’s too low.

Nothing before had a gear lockout, and I even remember during some guild runs of Naxx we got some actual fresh 80’s along just to fill slots and gear up more guildies. It was Naxx.

But the only way someone could be way below power level for Gamma’s is if they actually cheesed the system and bought gear they can’t actually make use of. Like, if a DK bought cloth and equipped it for GS/Ilvl padding.

Full PvP despite being suboptimal is gonna be 1000x better than showing up in cloth.

But I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen people using actual dead gear to fill the ilvl.

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No that’s not how that works. You are ready when you meet the requirements. This is like saying I can go into gammas wearing spelldamage gear as a warrior as long as I meet the requirements.

Go play retail please.

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I’ll reuse my argument from before. Do you think it’s acceptable for a warrior in full spelldamage gear to run gammas if his ilvl is 210? Because if your answer is yes, I have no reason to consider anything you say valid. And if your answer is no then you recognize that what is on the gear is just as important as the ilvl of the gear. Which implies that the stats matter. And if the stats matter, then you need to be prepared with the appropriate stats for the content you are doing.

This ilvl nonsense is some retail level horsecrap.

There is a distinct difference between doing a guild carry run and expecting people to carry you in LFD.

You can absolutely be below power level for gammas with unoptimized gear that isn’t enchanted or gemmed. Otherwise you wouldn’t need to specify geartype in your argument.

Then you recognize that stats and gearing matters. And there is an expected level of gear to meet performance. And if you’re meeting that performance you can do the content. But if you’re intentionally refusing to gem and enchant reasonable gear pieces because of a personal reason you are just griefing other players for no reason.

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It’s exactly how it works with how gearing works currently and I can be getting gear far above the requirement for queueing gamma from badges.

Please learn how an average works.