Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Not even a dps thing lmao, it’s a mechanic thing.

You’re meant to stop dps and wait for the freya buff to restore Sanity if it gets too low. Not zug zug and get mind control’d and die.


If your groups dps is so low you have to stop as a whole its bad. And it risks the healer going insane because that is someone that cannot just stop to regain sanity, especially if he has to keep puming out heals because the tank is also low gs.

You keep looking at it with the mindset of “one person is 210 ilvl ungemmed and unenchanted” i look at it if most of the group is that way.

It is not an acceptable mindset of “it doesnt matter if i am being bad, my group will carry me”

I dont expect everyone to be p3 or p4 bis. But if you are barely able to enter a gamma and you do nothing but equipt your gear. You are actively griefing your group if you put 0 effort into your gear.

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Sometimes it’s not even DPS, it’s the tank doing the mechanic wrong.

You never wanna solo fight the tentacle, you don’t gain the stacks fast enough. You always pull nearby mobs and just kinda keep them there while you fight the tentacle, you get stacks faster and once you hit 100 if for some reason you can’t kill it in time, you stop for 5 seconds and the Freya buff restores Sanity.

It’s purely a mechanic thing.


And if the healer has to do this because dps is to low, someone can easily die.

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If people do mechanics, the dungeons are super easy regardless of GS. With maybe two exceptions, gammas are easier than betas. All this talk about GS blah blah is hyperbole. The minutes that may be added to a run are negligible. It’s not ten minutes, it’s not twenty or a half hour. That much added time only occurs when wipes happen. And wipes happen when players don’t follow mechanics. Wipes happen when a tank pulls too much, or doesn’t pay attention to the healer’s mana. They happen when someone makes a mistake, not because of GS.

This topic is old and tired. Kicking someone because of their GS is doing so for a superficial reason, and it makes zero sense. Performance matters. You think way too much of yourself if you believe you can call a person “lazy” by looking at their gear rather than judging their performance. “In my experience,” is nothing more than stroking your own self importance, claiming you know how a person will play before playing with that person.

That is what grates on the nerves of the community, here - the idea that some people think they’re omnipotent. You don’t know what you don’t know. Get over yourselves.


Find a better one then?

The global cooldown reduction isn’t reliant on breakpoints at all.

OK but again, it’s 5 mans.

Absolutely no one is getting 1 or 2 extra globals every second even at capped haste, much less from 2 +12 haste gems. I don’t think you quite understand why I’m specifically asking you for haste breakpoints here.

It’s 6% hit for 5 mans, 2 high ilvl pvp pieces has you covered or 3 last season ones, never minding talents for hit.

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Just… pause your attacks on it for like 5 secs till your sanity recovers?

You actually came back after that grey parse comment, also being out dps’d by a tank in order to flame more?

No one actually believes a dang thing you say… unless its admitting your actually a pretty bad paladin

Or just outgear it and avoid the annoyance lol

I could hit those things all day on my ret but on my UH DW DK I have to pause at times based on how much the other members of the group does.

It is what it is, it’s entirely a mechanic thing.

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Except when the healer has to stop because the dps is so low he will go insane.

Every 6 seconds. And yes thats how haste breakpoints work

Gems can be used to get that last bit to reach said stat breakpoint. And this haste example is just that, an example. It could be hit ratting, expertise, even spirit/mana regen or intelect for a healer.

Gems and enchants can be that last little bit to go from a bad miss or being just short of finishing a heal cast or having the mana for it, etc.

Did a gamma toc dungeon and the healer we had had no gems and enchants and was going oom before phase 3. Tank wasnt very geared but he also wasnt the problem.

Got a new healer and things went smoothly after that.

If your healer can’t stop for 5 seconds you pulled too much for your group.

No, it really isn’t.

The only reason it’s even called a breakpoint for resto druids is cause of the CD on wild growth. Your GCD for spells is reduced by any amount of haste, no breakpoint tresholds needed ever.

Similarly, shadow priest breakpoints are based on “how many mind flays can I fit into the cooldown of mind blast”.

They’re not breakpoints in the sense that you mean it whatsoever.

They are actually.

But you dont respect rhe imortance of fitting more abilities inside of a CD based ability.

Lets say we end up with a pull. I cast lifebloomX3 on the tank. I want to refrsh that lifebloom. Having enough haste to cast an extra spell or 2 before i need to refresh that lifebloom can be very important, even in 5 mans for mana efficiency on the lifebloom healing as well as the overall healing rejuve does to the group (effected by haste) the cast time of regrowth/norish etc.

Gems and enchants can be used to round off stats that are a little lower than what would be ideal to fix holes in gear.

Arguably gemming is even more important when gear is regularly rotating to help keep important stats from getting to low.

Because they’re 5 mans and doing a 5 rejuv wildgrowth combo in a 5 man simply isn’t a thing you do.

Similarly, there’s too many rapid mechanics going on for a flay flay blast rotation to be repeatable throughout the encounters in 5 mans.

Your GCD is lowered linearly for spells with haste.

Without your ever so important breakpoint where you do 5 rejuvs into Wild Growth, you do 5 rejuvs into Wild Growth that’s delayed by 0.1 seconds or whereever your haste is at.

Without your ever so important breakpoint where you do 2 flays into mindblast, you do 2 flays into a mindblast that’s delayed by 0.1 seconds or whereever your haste is at.

Sneezing has a bigger impact than any of this. Are you gonna kick someone for sneezing?

Depends on the mechanics

For hos gauntlet boss its very effective.
Also toc last boss.
Also the frost gaint boss in fos.
The list goes on, quite a few figuts eitu constant tick damage, even in 5 mans. Sure you dont need every cast between wild growth to be rejuv, but it sure helps being able to do that, even in 5 mans. It also is very helpful for maintaining lifebloom on the tank. It makes regrowth/nourish casts a lot smoother between wild growths, etc.

But its ok, you just keep ignoring the value of gems and enchants i guess. All i know is if i am in a gamma that is struggling, i will look at gear and performance and if a low performer did nothing to maintain their gear, they will be kicked. If effort is reflected in said gear, i may just keep going with them, depending on many factors.

Only time I been kicked was when a premade of 4 people queued up without a healer even though one of THEM clicked the button. This made the group have 1 tank, 4 damage. Guess who they were going to kick? The 5th person that filled, not their idiot that clicked the heal button. This stuck me with a 30m debuff even though no mobs were engaged yet. They sat there at the door waiting for the vote kick to open up, then used it. I sent in a report for this abuse but I doubt anything will come of it. Blizzard seems more concerned with censoring people from the forum than policing the game itself.

It’s a retail level 10 sockpuppet with 10,000+ posts. Should be an auto block.

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So not bosses that last long enough for a .1 delay on your Wild Growth to matter?

I’m not ignoring the value of gems and enchants at all, but I’m also not delusional enough to think that someone tossing 2 +12 haste gems in their ilvl 200 temporary blue chest is suddenly going to make them a god at healing.

Cause it’s stupid. That’s on the player, not his bloody cheap gems.

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Depends on the groups hp. And it isnt always a rejuv, sometimes fitting an extra regrowth, lifebloom or norish in between wild growths is what is needed. But you are under the assumption the group is geared and can go 10+ seconds without a heal. Haste is a very important stat for a rdruid sure its value depends on many factors, but it can be the difference between a death and someone living. Or as a dps, a missed kick can cause a death. Or a tank without enough avoidance/defence rating can easily cause his death, or a loss of aggro can cause others deaths.

There is an expression “the devil is in the details”. Gemming and enchanting your gear can make the difference, especially at lower gear levels.

I have never claimed this. I have clained that gems/enchants can have a noticeable difference. That difference can make or break an attempt especially if the pwrson is already low gs.