Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

That’s on you. I did do the sims, in a webpage that is now closed. I have nothing to prove to you. You’re being demented.

That’s not even the point I made. If you haven’t gemmed or enchanted ANY of the gear you have gotten working on gearing at level 80 while doing gammas, then you haven’t put in that bare minimum of effort. And I’m not saying fully decked out. But there are going to be pieces you’re going to have for a while that you can certainly tag on a bit without too much effort or worry.

I can buy all rare gems except for ruby on my server for 4g each. I already have crafted gear from ulduar and togc ready for my DK if I ever get him to 80. I have rare gems ready for those pieces as well as enchants where applicable. I don’t expect everyone to do the same, but I also expect people to do SOMETHING besides putting on clown fiesta gear.

If you’re going to queue into a gamma and you’re at the bare minimum gear level to do so, then I expect you to have made some effort to increase your performance for gammas. They aren’t hard, but they also aren’t easy either. You still have to perform. And if you’re not making the effort to do so, you’re no better than a 6k gearscore player who is afk.

Well it’s kind of on you to prove your claim.

It’s really not. I am not obligated to prove anything to you. I wasn’t even originally responding to you. And you don’t get to dictate what I do with my own time. If you want to have an argument over sims, it’s the wotlk classic sim from github that is easily found on google and the same one Joardee uses. Otherwise you can kindly leap off somewhere.

Anything under 245 will be replaced in short order and is not worth gemming/enchanting in most cases.

You’re wrong about that. I do not agree with you on that point.

Well since you refused to prove it, I picked phase 1 bis from the sim for shadow priest and removed 6 gems and the meta. And that’s better gear than someone just getting into gammas would likely have.

It was only a 400 dps difference, so yeah you are in fact full of it.

  1. I also removed the enchants.
  2. 400 dps is significant for just gems.

bit more cracy way of english

I can guarantee it wasn’t at the beginning of the dungeon.

That is when kicks happen. Stop vomiting lies.

Because it’s not and doesn’t happen from the start.

Not from the start.

I’ve seen that right at the start. Before the first trash mob was even pulled.

Yes from the start

Sometimes they wait until 1 pull but I’d still call that at the start, especially when there wasn’t anything even wrong with the person

It’s not that common, but kicks initiated at the start do happen


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And you can’t do that without a breakpoint, I see.

Your 1 example of breakpoints being useful was literally tailored to fitting x amount of rejuvs into a cycle of wildgrowth.

Which is kinda the problem with the “gem all your gear herpderp” argument.

That’s not a thing you do in 5 mans. It’s a raid thing.

Buffs compound with gems.

Lets say you are a rogue and you gem experience and hit to not miss.

Now lets say you got might and the 20% haste gamma buff from a ranged dps and the melee damage buff. You dont niss, get dodged, etc.

Now lets say you didnt use gems. You get the same buffs, but you miss once and get dodged once. Well you just lost a lot of damage.

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It is one example.

Those same haste breakpoints also reduce the global CD enough for getting off more casts and more casts per minute increases your performance capabilities by a good amount. Haste also effects how fast rejuve can heal because of the glyph, how fast you can cast your casted heals, and your ability to keep lifebloom on a target.

Everything you do is improved by reaching those haste breakpoints.

And gems/enchants can be used to customize gear that is “almost there” to being there. Which can vaslte effect performance.

You think 1 or even 2 extra global CDs every 6 seconds is small? Are you being serious or just intentionally dense?

Edit: as a simple reminder a druid puts lifebloom on a tank, that is 3 global CD instant casts. Being able to do that 1-2 seconds faster can be huge especially for maintaining the lifebloom stacks while having to do other healing.

In a 5 man where it doesn’t matter yes it’s a non issue. There is nothing in 5 mans tuned so tightly, or anywhere close to it, that you have to be perfectly min maxxed like in a heroic raid.


Other than it can be the difference between life or death for other lower total hp players?

Mages as an example are known for gaving ridiculously low hp in their damage focused gear so they are actually taking stamina items just to survive some mechanics instead of being 100-0. So at lower gearscore that extra global very well could be the difference between a dead dps or not. (I actually like seeing 1 or 2 pvp items on low gear mages because otherwise some mechanics litterally just pop them)

Hit and expertise can be the difference between a kick landing and saving a life or not

A tank having enough defence rating or not or having the hit chance to have reliable aggro generation.

It all adds up.

And your earlier example of no gems being just “400 dps” well if everyone in the group does it thats areoynd 1200 dps lost (just using your numbers). And that isnt a small amount for a 5 man.

You want to ignore the value of gems and enchants because you are assuming you will get into a grouo that will carry your laziness.

It won’t, I guess you didn’t read the rest.

Just doing the mechanics is what’s relevant, not trying to parse.


It can.

Some mechanics need to be kicked or result in a death. Some mobs need to be byrsted down at low hp or results in a death. Some aoe damage exceeds the total hp of some classes total stamina in 210 ilvl gear.

You are assuming 1 person is 210. Im assuming the 210 ilvl person can be grouped with other 210 ilvl players. And uf all of them ignored gems and enchants. That is going to be a very hard gamma.

You want to assume the rest of the group will carry them. Thats why you dont see it as an issue.

Or you just get kids who have better gear and can still do mechanics. It’s not mutually exclusive

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There are absolutely gearchecks in gamma dungeons. The one that comes to mind the most to me is Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning, where the tentacles have massive health totals and will mind control players if they don’t kill them fast enough.

It’s not a hard mechanic to get through, but it’s incredibly annoying when damage is low.

There’s definitely a spectrum of opinions in this thread about things, but this one about players just getting to enter the dungeon by virtue of meeting the ilvl with zero other considerations is one I absolutely do not stand behind. You SHOULD 100% be updating your gear where applicable to meet some minimum standards. This ungemmed/unenchanted in every slot crap for gammas is utter garbage. Yes it’s a great place to gear up, it’s also the highest tier of 5 man content. I’m not down for people pre kicking anyone that doesn’t meet an arbitrary gearscore value, but if you’re not putting work into your current gear to enhance your value you’re also just as bad of a player.

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