Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

That’s not what I said though.

This thread is literally proof of the opposite.

I thought we were talking cheap gems, not the full +20 epic haste gem?

And how often does fitting an extra rejuv into a wildgrowth rotation matter in a 5 man?

Quick Sun Crystal

Item Level 70

+12 Haste Rating

2 gems and you hit your haste threshold.

Assuming you have aome dungeon gear you would have 2 gem slots, even if essentially none of it has haste except rhat one peice, you can reach the soft haste threshold.

When there is aoe damage? It also means fitting in a swiftmend faster to save a life, etc. It has a substantial effect.

Bro, please don’t say the goggles are good. They’re ilvl 200…

Oh yeah, the haste threshold in a very specific instance where you have a certain spec and get randomly grouped with a shaman who drops the spellhaste totem and a ret/boomkin.

Sure, at that point you can do an extra rejuv for every wildgrowth. I’m still struggling to see where this is a requirement or even very useful for 5 mans.

Yeah sure, so you can fit 4 rejuvs and a swiftmend in every 15 secs and the rest of the time you’re … overwriting your own rejuvs I guess. Cause this seems reasonable for 5 man content.

Do you expect people to gem and enchant leveling gear? Because that’s basically what anything under 245ilvl is. The only “effort” I care about in a dungeon is that you are performing the role you signed up as and are not AFK.

Ok, now factor in no gems or enchants but with the Gamma buffs.

To some degree yes you should be.

To hit a stat threshold as i mentioned above.

Or you know, spot healing what is needed?

Hmmm who would have though!

This is intellectually dishonest at best. The gems and enchants also scale off the gamma buffs. They are not a one or the other benefit.

We’re uncrittable from talents. It literally does nothing for us (outside of thorim).

PvP gear is still a very viable way to gear a bear just from the HP/Armor/AP/Agi it brings.
It’s not optimal, but it’s workable, especially for dungeons.

Our P4 bis even has some of the high end pvp stuff as alternative options.

That’s mobs 4 levels above you. You will not see it at level cap.

This thread is full of lies and things that never happened. This is simply just another anti-RDF thread. People say things to fulfil their agenda(s) that do not even take place. They try to provoke emotions and you fell for it (or are possibly one of them). I have not had a single bad experience with RDF. From the time I started (in PVP gear just a few weeks ago) until now where my poopy pally is now at 5.5 GS.

I’ve definetly seen my fair share of kicks with reason being “low gs” I always voted no until they caused wipes or play like actual spaghetti but I don’t think it’s as common as the thread makes it out to look, but it certainly does exist.

Edit: interestingly an observation I made whenever those kicks initiates faerlina players were in the party. Not all the time, but quite a bit.


My point is the buffs make up for any missing gems or enchants that someone in the group might have. Enough to clear the dungeon. Would gems, enchants, and buffs be better? Sure, but the buffs alone are good enough. This isn’t M+ on Retail where you have to clear before the timer runs out.

Same with Benediction on Alliance side.

Or you can just do sims. If I have done sims and you are not doing sims, why should I bother with this further? I’ve closed the sim for a while now. Sim it to determine if you think it’s worth it to gem and enchant gear. No other argumentation to be had here.

Getting to 80 is not at all related to the gearing for dungeons. And your gearing does not stop and just acquiring the gear.

You’re being ridiculous for no reason.

They are also available at level 72, have a meta gem slot and at least for melee can be self activated. I’ve been wearing mine on my DK for a while now and he’s not even 80.

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You already did the sims, you can either post the link or we simply have to assume you are lying.

And claiming that someone who got to level 80 then got enough gear to queue somehow didn’t put any effort in just because they didn’t put a few gems in which won’t really matter is pretty asinine.

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Do what? First no I don’t think people need to be gemmed or enchanting most leveling gear (sans the engineering helm if they have it at level 72) because the rate at which you are gaining new gear versus the requirement to do that level of content is different.

but sub ilvl 245 gear is absolutely not the same as “leveling gear” in any shape or form.

Why would adding buffs change anything? It would only serve to widen the gap. The more raid buffs added to someone comparing between gems/enchants and not gems/enchants the larger the divide in favor of optimized gear. I have to assume you’re refering to the party based benefits of each gamma from the ring and mechanics btw, and not the enemy buffs which wouldn’t even make sense.